Thursday, October 19, 2017

Ember Roloff Visits the Farm, Hangs with Cousin, Is Living the Life

We’re very happy to see that Ember Roloff isn’t letting recent criticism of her outfit get her down.

Quite the opposite, in fact, as the five-week old appears in a new trio of social media photos that makes it clear she’s simply having a tremendous time these days.

Parents Jeremy and Audrey Roloff just took their daughter to their family’s farm for the first time, posting a couple photos from the adventure on Instagram and Facebook.

“We’re showing Ember around the farm. I don’t think she’s paying attention though…” the proud father wrote as a funny caption to the image down below, while Audrey got a tad more profound in her caption.

“October is my favorite color,” Audrey penned to open a lengthy message she attached to the picture above.

The Little People, Big World star went on to explain what she means:

“It’s always been such a beautiful, exciting, nostalgic, time of the year for Jer and I – it’s when I said “I love you” for the first time, it meant I got to see Jer every weekend when we were long distance, and we have so many sweet memories working in the pumpkin patch together.

“It always amazes me how the farm comes alive during pumpkin season, and it’s so fun to meet people who come out from all over the world!

“I’ve been missing working in the pumpkin patch this year, but I can’t wait for Ember to experience all the joys of pumpkin season next year!

“For now, we are just popping in every now and then to say hi.”

We’re just glad Audrey is out and about with her little one.

We know she’s been struggling a bit as a new mother, which is totally understandable.

It can take a long time to adjust to parenthood, and that’s without even considering the unfortunate health concern of Audrey’s; she’s been diagnosed with mastitis, which means it hurts (A LOT) when she breastfeeds.

When you then think about how little sleep she must be getting, it’s a miracle she’s even up and around, able to take a stroll through the farm.

Fortunately, Audrey has a supportive husband at home and Ember has a precious fellow baby in the family with whom she can snuggle:

“The cousins are getting along just fine…” Jeremy captioned this Facebook photo of Ember and Jackson, the latter of whom was born to Tori and Zach Roloff in May.

This is the second time we’ve cooed and smiled over a snapshot of the youngest Roloffs.

All members of this popular family will be featured on new episodes of Little People, Big World, which are expected to air prior to the calendar flipping to 2018.

But TLC is yet to announce a premiere date.

We’ll let fans know as soon as this happens.
