Showing posts with label Photographs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photographs. Show all posts

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Robin Thicke Photographs April Love Geary Breastfeeding Baby

April Love Geary is clearly in love … yeah, probably with her baby daddy Robin Thicke, but clearly with her baby Mia Love Thicke. Robin took the pic of mother breastfeeding baby, and April proudly posted it with the caption, “MOM pic by baby…


Monday, November 20, 2017

Amy Roloff Photographs Grandbabies, DOESN"T Get Hate!

The Roloff grandbabies are too cute for words, so we’re always happy to see photos of Jackson and Ember Jean!

But if you’re worried because Audrey Roloff says that she’ll Instagram less, remember that there are other Roloffs with cameras at the ready.

Proud grandmother Amy Roloff snapped the photo that you’ll see below. And it’s so cute that fans momentarily forgot to send her unwarranted hate!

Now, this photo was snapped by Tori Roloff a few weeks ago.

In this picture, we see Jackson and Ember Jean, side-by-side on a baby blanket. They both look so cute and so sweet.

Ember Jean is sporting a baby bonnet (which automatically makes us think of The Handmaid’s Tale, which is funny but it’s normal headgear for young babies and we don’t think that it’s a series that Audrey Roloff would enjoy).

Jackson is a little older. He doesn’t have a bonnet and he’s looking right at his grown-up loved ones.

You know, we’ve been thinking about this — Jackson’s six months old, now. Half a year is a normal age for babies to start excitedly saying words — starting with “mama” and “dada.”

But it won’t be too long now before Jackson starts really talking.

Developmentally, Ember Jean is going to be a few months behind him. In the long-run, the two cousins will be peers, just a few months apart.

As babies, though, just a few months of development can make a world of difference.

Anyway, are you ready to see the photo that Amy Roloff snapped?


Amy’s caption was precious, too:

“I could spend all day everyday with my two grandkids Jackson and Ember. Love when I get to hang out with them. They’re growing up so fast already. I’m so thankful!”

The Roloff family matriarch earned some immediate praise when she shared this picture on Instagram:

“How adorable these two little cousins are !!! I’m sure they will be the best of friends forever..”

Well, they’ll be growing up together.

“Awee this is too cute! Go enjoy your grandbabies.”

We’re sure that she did just that.

“Beautiful blessings.”

To be clear, we think that this commenter was referring to the babies as blessings, not, like, blessing Amy Roloff.

“Oh my… they are growing so fast. They’re two cute. Congratulations to the families. Enjoy your thanksgiving blessings.”

Commenters also discussed the likenesses of the youngest Roloffs:

“Both these babies look just like their mommies!”

We can see that.

Commenters also noted that both babies looked like their respective fathers.

(We should note that one potential troublemaker commented that baby Jackson looks like his uncle Jeremy, which honestly we don’t really see. But maybe it was just an innocuous comment)

Another noted that both little cousins have the “Roloff ear,” which isn’t something that we’d have noticed. But sure.

Perhaps the best thing about that cute photo of Jackson and Ember Jean, second only to the babies themselves, was that Amy Roloff shared it … and, for a brief moment in time, people forgot to send her hateful messages.

Amy Roloff is a charitable woman who loves her family and absolutely adores her grandbabies.

Unfairly, though, she gets hate. She has a boyfriend — and they’re so close that fans wonder if Amy Roloff will remarry. She has a life and friends beyond her family.

Maybe some fans resent that.

Still, even the “fans” who don’t think that Amy Roloff can do anything right — for whatever reason — seemed at a loss to find criticisms when she shared that precious photo.

And that’s great — positive feedback means that they’re encouraging more baby pictures in the future.

We’ll need more photos and social media posts until Little People, Big World comes back with its new season in March or earlier in 2018.

And quite frankly … we’ll still want photos then.
