Showing posts with label Grants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grants. Show all posts

Monday, May 14, 2018

Queen Elizabeth II FINALLY Grants Prince Harry Permission to Marry Meghan Markle!

We’re less than one week away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and sources say the giddy couple is feverishly attending to all the last-minute details.

The royal invitations have been sent out; Meghan’s been fitted for her dress; the town crier is warming up his vocal cords so that he can scream in the faces of unsuspecting peasants who are already receiving real-time updates on their phones.

And of course, Queen Elizabeth II has granted Harry and Meghan permission to get married.

Pretty important step, that last one, which is why some folks find it strange that it seems the Queen just got around to granting her royal consent over the weekend.

On Sunday, Buckingham Palace posted an image of the “Instrument of Consent” – a hand-written document that records “Her Majesty The Queen’s consent to the Marriage of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle.”

Again, it’s nice that they made it all fancy and official, but it’s a little weird that they waited until one week before the freakin’ wedding to have QE2 sign on the dotted line.

Instrument of Consent

We hate to get all morbid, but as a rule of thumb, if you need a 92-year-old to sign something, it’s best to take care of that ASAP and not wait until the very last second.

That’s the thing with 92-year-olds – you never know when it’ll be their very last second.

Anyway, the fancy drawings in the margins aren’t just the doodles of some bored royal scribe.

Apparently, it’s part of Prince Harry’s Label, which is one of the many official things he was assigned at birth.

But in case you were all set to get pissed off about the lack of ‘Merica representation on a document that you never heard of until just now – fear not.

Meghan’s homeland is reflected on the Instrument of Consent, as well.

The right side of the document is reportedly decorated with a rose – the official flower of the United States – and two golden poppies – the official flower of Meghan’s home state of California.

Yes, apparently the US has an official flower.

Obviously, we would’ve preferred a screaming bald eagle clutching an AR-15 in one talon and the severed head of Osama Bin Laden in the other, but you take what you can get. 

Here’s hoping Meg will represent her country by open-carrying during the ceremony.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Karrueche Tran Reveals She Was Beaten By Chris Brown; Judge Grants Restraining Order

It’s been over two years since Karrueche Tran broke up with Chris Brown, but it seems that the notoriously volatile singer has made it impossible for the 29-year-old to move on with her life.

Tran revealed in court this week that Brown stalked and threatened her for months following their breakup.

TMZ reports that her testimony helped convince a judge to grant a five-year restraining order barring Brown from contacting her or being in the same location.

Tran also revealed in court that Brown was violent with her on more than one occasion during their relationship.

She told the judge that after their breakup, Brown repeatedly threatened her with violence and demanded that she return jewelry and other gifts he had given her.

When she refused, Tran says, Brown became increasingly aggressive.

“I’m not being nice to you no more, if I see you out in public again and I’m there I will make you hate me even more, don’t be anywhere I’m out in public, I’m going to ban you from all events,” he texted her at one point.

Brown allegedly issued threats via social media, sometimes in response to photos of Karrueche in the presence of male friends.

“I can get my money back and I’m tired of playing games,” he reportedly wrote on one of her accounts.

“Bitch I will beat the s–t out of you,” he commented at one point, later threatening, “I promise you I will make your life hell.”

Tran says he recently wrote “Imma kill blood” under a photo of her and actor Michael B. Jordan.

Brown was not in court today and was reportedly barred from listening to the proceedings over the phone.

His lawyer, however, mercilessly grilled Tran, accusing her of “taunting” Brown by claiming that she’d sold the jewelry he gave her.

The attprney also implied that Tran was lying about being mistreated by Brown, pointing out that she has never filed a criminal complaint against the singer.

The judge wasn’t having it and granted Tran’s request for legal protection.

Tran and Brown broke up after she learned that he had a child from a previous relationship with Nia Guzman that he had kept a secret for several years.

It was not the first time the couple called it quits.

Tran had broken up with Brown on several prior occasions, most notably when he shared an explicit photo of her on social media without her knowledge or consent.

Brown, of course, has a well known history of abusing women.

In 2009, he was arrested for violently assaulting then-girlfriend Rihanna

Tran says she feared a similar fate throughout much of her relationship with Brown and worried that Brown would make good on various threats of violence after they broke up.

The singer has yet to speak publicly on today’s ruling.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

April The Giraffe Grants Make-A-Wish For 10-Year-Old Boy (PHOTOS)

April the Giraffe just granted a very special wish to a 10-year-old boy who had watched her for months with the rest of the world.  Alex, who has a life-threatening seizure disorder, and his family traveled from Ohio to the Animal Adventure…


Friday, May 19, 2017

Julian Edelman Grants Make-A-Wish, Madden Showdown at Pats HQ! (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Imagine getting a personal tour of Patriots headquarters with Julian Edelman — capped off with a Madden showdown in the STADIUM VIP CLUB! That’s exactly what happened to 3 awesome kids on Thursday, by way of the Make-A-Wish Foundation … and it…


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

U.S. Women"s Soccer Team Grants Make-A-Wish ... 9-Year-Old Leads Team Cheer! (VIDEO + PHOTO)

There was a new sheriff in town at the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team practice — a 9-year-old girl named Ashlyn who kicked off practice this week by breaking the team huddle!  Ashlyn is the team’s V.I.P. guest for their big game at the SheBelieves…
