Showing posts with label Julian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Julian. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Obama Cabinet Member Julian Castro Says T.I. Should Leave Melania Out of Trump Beef

There are better ways to voice your displeasure for President Trump than by dragging the First Lady through the mud, and T.I. has gone waaaay too far … so says former Barack Obama cabinet member Julian Castro.  We got the former…


Friday, June 8, 2018

Julian Edelman Apologizes for PED Test, "I Don"t Know What Happened"

New England Patriots WR Julian Edelman is breaking his silence about his positive PED test … saying, “I am very sorry.” “I don’t know what happened,” Edelman said in a statement. “I’ve taken many, many tests obviously over the course of my career,…


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Pamela Anderson Says Trump Should Pardon Julian Assange

Pamela Anderson says she might pull a Kim Kardashian and ask President Trump to pardon WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.  We got Pam Wednesday in NYC shortly before the Prez granted clemency to several prisoners. So, with Pam being a…


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Pamela Anderson Reaches Out to Kanye West to Help Julian Assange

Pamela Anderson’s throwing a Hail Mary to Kanye West to help her friend, Julian Assange — who she claims is being tortured. The former “Baywatch” star penned a letter, which TMZ obtained, to the rapper asking what he thinks about the WikiLeaks…


Friday, May 19, 2017

Julian Edelman Grants Make-A-Wish, Madden Showdown at Pats HQ! (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Imagine getting a personal tour of Patriots headquarters with Julian Edelman — capped off with a Madden showdown in the STADIUM VIP CLUB! That’s exactly what happened to 3 awesome kids on Thursday, by way of the Make-A-Wish Foundation … and it…


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Julian Edelman & Adriana Lima Party Together After Met Gala (PHOTO)

Another comeback for Julian Edelman?  Just a few months after calling it quits, the Patriots WR and supermodel Adriana Lima reconnected in NYC Monday night to party together after the Met Gala … but it’s not exactly a reconciliation. The two…


Monday, May 1, 2017

Julian Edelman Gave Super Bowl Catch Gloves to Guy Fieri"s Son (VIDEO)

After Julian Edelman made that INSANE catch at Super Bowl 51, he gave the gloves he was wearing to someone very special … Guy Fieri’s son!! Turns out, Julian and Guy are pretty good friends — and after that insane comeback, the Patriots star…


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Adriana Lima Wanted Kids with Julian Edelman ... NFL Star Declined

It’s not often people turn down a chance to knock up a supermodel … but NFL star Julian Edelman told Adriana Lima he’s not ready for more kids and that was one of the main reasons they split. Multiple sources connected to both sides tell us ……


Paula Patton Nanny 911 Call -- Julian Freaked Out Over Visit With Dad (AUDIO)

Paula Patton’s nanny told a 911 dispatcher her son was a wreck every time a visit with Robin Thicke loomed. Cops were called as 6-year-old Julian sat in his mother’s car at a Malibu park, unwilling to take the visit with his dad who was waiting…


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Pamela Anderson & Julian Assange: Dating?!

There are unexpected couples, and then there’s whatever the hell this is.

According to The New York Post Baywatch-star-turned-PETA-psychopath Pamela Anderson is dating Wikileaks founder and international fugitive Julian Assange.

You may remember Assange for his role in stealing the keys to America and handing them to Vladimir Putin.

The relationship is reportedly in its early stages, and not surprisingly, it’s met with a few roadblocks, not the least of which is the fact that Assange has spent the past four years holed up in the UK’s Ecuadorian embassy to avoid imprisonment.

Despite the fact that several nations hope to expedite Assange due to alleged sex crimes and cyber terrorism, Pam is reportedly smitten.

“She seems to be wearing sexier outfits every time she visits,” one anonymous source says about Pam’s visits.

One might think that the fact that Assange has spent nearly half a decade on the run from rape charges would be enough to deter Pam, but apparently not.

In recent months, Assange has been in the news as a result of his alleged role in the hackings of the DNC and top Hillary Clinton aide John Podesta, and the widespread belief that he worked with Vladimir Putin to manipulate the results of US presidential election.

Curiously, Anderson has her own ties to Russia and Putin.

According to the Post, Pam “visited the Kremlin to discuss Russia’s wildlife conservation” back in 2015.

Of course, Putin’s idea of wildlife conservation is making one of those big furry hat out of the scalps of his enemies instarad, but apparently Pam isn’t picky these days.

Despite allegations of Putin meddling in U.S. politics, Pam visited Russia again in December of 2016 and stated that she’d like to become a citizen.

“Putin, like most red-blooded males, is a fan,” a Kremlin spokesperson says about the relationship between Pam and Putin.

Okay, then.

Some might say it’s a bit hypocritical that Pam’s been outspoken in her moral objections to pornography and any diet that isn’t strictly vegan but has no problem consorting with war criminals and brutal dictators …

… and those people would be absolutely right.

Seriously, WTF are you thinking, Pam?


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Robin Thicke Shut Down in Court Over Visitation with Son Julian

Robin Thicke’s lawyers went to court Wednesday to continue his battle over child custody, and got shut down by the judge. Robin is currently limited to 3 visits a week with 6-year-old Julian … Thursday, Friday and Saturday for a few hours each…


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Julian Edelman Says Catch Was "70% Luck" ... Wasn"t Sure It Would Count! (VIDEO)

Julian Edelman says his Super Bowl miracle catch was more luck than skill — and admits he wasn’t even sure it was gonna count when the ref blew the whistle!!! The New England Pats WR appeared on “The Tonight Show” with his coach, Bill…


Julian Edelman Says Catch Was "70% Luck" ... Wasn"t Sure It Would Count! (VIDEO)

Julian Edelman says his Super Bowl miracle catch was more luck than skill — and admits he wasn’t even sure it was gonna count when the ref blew the whistle!!! The New England Pats WR appeared on “The Tonight Show” with his coach, Bill…


Monday, February 6, 2017

Julian Edelman Catch: Greatest in Super Bowl History?

New England Patriots receiver Julian Edelman made a catch for the ages to help propel his team to an epic win in Super Bowl LI last night.

How epic and unlikely was this once-in-a-lifetime grab?

It was … well, a once-in-a-lifetime kind of reception.

Edelman’s catch was the highlight of New England’s 91-yard game-tying drive, part of a record-setting Super Bowl comeback Sunday.

It was every bit amazing as what the New York Giants" David Tyree did nine years earlier to help upset the then-undefeated Patriots.

Whereas Tyree pinned an Eli Manning pass on his own helmet as he crashed to the turf, Edelman did something even more improbable.

He somehow got his hands pinned up against, and under, a Tom Brady pass that had bounced off Atlanta cornerback Robert Alford.

The ball hit Alford"s hands, knee, and shin before nearly falling to the ground, incomplete. Somehow, some way, Edelman reeled it in.

“I knew I caught it,” Edelman said. “I felt like I had it."

"I didn’t know if maybe a piece of the ball was touching. I don’t know what the dang rule is. Nobody knows what the rule is for a catch."

"I was like, ‘I’m pretty sure I caught it."”

Video review upheld that verdict, and gave the Patriots a 23-yard reception and the ball in Atlanta territory with 2:03 left in regulation.

The Patriots, who trailed 28-3 in the third quarter, scored the last five times they had the football, including that drive and in overtime,

After Edelman"s catch, the tying touchdown and James White’s game-winning 2-yard run to cap a 75-yard drive in overtime felt anticlimactic.

Not really, but Julian was the highlight.

Speaking of which, one has to wonder if he celebrated with a different kind of climax afterward!

Edelman, nicknamed "Mini-Tron," was the subject of social media fodder two years ago when he hooked up on Tinder after the Super Bowl.

Not this year … that we know of.

Check out his incredible catch one more time below and see how it compares to Malcolm Butler"s interception from two Super Bowls ago:

Julian edelman catch greatest in super bowl history

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Julian Edelman -- First Pic with Baby Daughter ... "Welcome to the Fam" (PHOTO)

File Under: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!! Here’s New England Patriots wide receiver Julian Edelman holding his brand new baby daughter Lily — the first time he’s gone public about the kid. 


Monday, July 25, 2016

Julian Edelman and Adriana Lima: Dating!

We now know that Tom Brady will definitely miss the first four weeks of the 2016 NFL season due to his Deflategate suspension.

And while most folks in the New England Patriots organization are still grieving over the fact that they’ll be missing one of their team’s two key ingredients (Bill Belichick’s sleeveless hoodies have not been banned by the league … yet.), wide receiver Julian Edelman seems to be loving life these days.

Of course, that could have little to do with his hopes for the Patriots’ season and everything to do with the fact that he’s banging a Victoria’s Secret model.

Yes, according to TMZ Edelman and Adriana Lima are dating.

It’s great news for him, because, well … Adriana Lima looks like this:

But it’s not great news for Pats fans, as no one can be bothered to worry about catching footballs when they’re regularly having sex with Adriana Lima. It’s not possible.

Sure, Brady’s been married to a supermodel for years, but he was grown in a lab using shards of Joe Theismann’s fibula.

The guy’s thought about nothing but football his entire life.

With Edelman, we’re dealing with an actual human being.

If he can get over the fact Lima may have banged Justin Bieber, this could turn into a serious relationship, while may mean the end of his career. 

Of course, on the bright side, this could also mean an end to Edelman’s random Tinder hookups and embarrassing post-coital selfies posted by over-zealous fangirls.

We feel like Rob Gronkowski already has the task of sexing the entire population of Massachusetts well in hand, ya know?