Showing posts with label Utterly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Utterly. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2018

Arie Luyendyk and Lauren Burnham: Utterly Destroyed for April Fool"s Pregnancy Joke!

Note to Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham:

There are appropriate April Fool’s Day jokes to make regarding pregnancy…

… and there are inappropriate April Fool’s Day jokes to make regarding pregnancy.

Next time, ask The Hollywood Gossip for advice, okay?

On Sunday, the most controversial Bachelor-based couple of all-time stepped in scalding hot water when it joked that Burnham was expecting.

It wasn’t just a mere, passing joke, either.

It can replete with an alleged baby bump photo and everything.

“Secrets finally out, we have a bunny in the oven! @laurenburnham91,” Arie wrote on Twitter alongside an image of a female, presumed to be his fiancee, clutching what looked like a baby bump.

See for yourself here:

Not even two hours later, however, Arie let followers in on his unoriginal joke.

APRIL FOOLS, he quickly Tweeted, barely even giving the prank time to go viral.

But it went viral enough, apparently, because plenty of Internet users found it incredibly offensive and insensitive — and they let Arie and Lauren have it online.

Big time.

“You both are disgusting,” wrote one individual, adding:

“As someone who struggles with fertility and would love nothing more than to have a baby this is so offensive.”

That was the basic theme of all the backlash; how Arie and Lauren turned a serious personal issue for millions of women into a source of parody.

“Come on. be better than that,” another person wrote, explaining herself thusly:

“it’s not a joke for many struggling families to get pregnant, it’s extremely expensive and it’s heartbreaking. I wish nothing but the best for Arie and Lauren but this is not funny, it’s cruel.”

Here’s a look at a few similar opinions shared on social media about this topic:

Arie, of course, is no stranger to receiving hate over the Internet.

He selected a different woman from Lauren on the finale of The Bachelor this season, only to them dump her in the most dramatic fashion possible and then propose to Lauren a night after said finale aired.

It was bonkers!

And while some may think the reaction to their April Fool’s Day prank was a bit over-the-top, it’s understandable why so many people have simply had it with this couple.

They’d be best served to just remain silent for awhile.

Instead, they are in our face at all times with televised marriage talk and very bad jokes.

Nor do Arie and Lauren appear to be feel guilty about this distasteful Tweet, either.

Seemingly in response to the backlash, backlash, Arie shared the above photo of a recipe on his Instagram story and wrote;

“Sorry if you were offended, but we really are making a Dutch Baby.”

That’s just painfully insincere and even more painfully unfunny.

We wonder now how fans will react when Lauren really does get pregnant, a development she expects to happen at some point with her lame fiance.

“We’re both very excited about marriage and starting a family,” Burnham previously told People Magazine.

“If we get lucky, maybe we’d have twins!” Arie said in this same interview.

And if we get lucky, maybe we’ll never hear from Luyendyk again.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Eminem Utterly Destroys Donald Trump in This Rap

Eminem has a few things he would like to say to Donald Trump.

At last night’s BET Hip Hop Awards, the rapper made a surprise appearance in a pre-taped freestyle cypher that made it clear he"s been paying VERY close attention to the Trump administration.

And he has a few critiques.

For instance:

“We better give Obama props ’cause what we got in office now is a kamikaze that’ll probably cause a nuclear holocaust," Eminem says in reference to Trump"s insane responses to North Korea of late.

What about the fact that Trump hired known white supremacist Steve Bannon as a strategist?

And that he basically defended neo-Nazis after their protest in Charlottesville this summer?

“From his endorsement of Bannon, support for the Klansmen, tiki torches in hand/For the soldier that’s black and comes home from Iraq and is still told to go back to Africa."

Of late, meanwhile, Trump has been attempting to please his base by slamming athletes who do not stand for the national anthem.

And Eminem has thoughts on this ridiculousness as well.

“Now, if you’re a black athlete, you’re a spoiled little brat for/Trying to use your platform or your stature to try to give those a voice who don’t have one…

"He gets an enormous reaction when he attacks the NFL, so we focus on that/Instead of talking Puerto Rico or gun reform for Nevada/All these horrible tragedies and he’s bored and would rather cause a Twitterstorm with the Packers.”

Practically out of breath, Eminem pauses to say the following:

“This is for Colin/Ball up a fist."

At one point, Eminem also calls out his own fan base.

And any fan of mine who"s a supporter of his/I’m drawing in the sand a line/You"re either for or against/And if you can"t decide who you like more and you"re split/On who you should stand beside/I’ll do it for you with this.

He then raises a middle finger to the camera.

Is Eminem the first celebrity to attack Donald Trump? God no.

But he doesn"t speak out often, so his words carry an impact.

Moreover, he has a MASSIVE online following: the rapper"s official Facebook page has more than 90 million Likes and his personal Twitter account has 21.3 million followers.

Watch his full takedown of Trump below and then prepare for the President to respond on Twitter in 3… 2… 1…

Eminem utterly destroys donald trump in this freestyle rap

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Kim Kardashian Looked Utterly Ridiculous for Halloween

Can you guess what Kim Kardashian dressed up as a few years ago? 


Kim Kardashian dressed up as desperation, ass-kissing, and awkwardness all in one costume. 

Kim’s Momager, Kris Jenner, shared the throwback pic on her Instagram page, and captioned it:

“That Halloween when @kimkardashian was #annawintour, #northwest was @andreltalley #andreleontalley, @joycebonelli was @therealgracecoddington, and #zeplin was @karllagerfeld #favorite #flashback #halloween #love.”  

Jenner needs to get the memo that yes, there is a thing known as too much hashtagging.  

The snap was a bit older – though North West wasn’t too young, so it mustn’t have been too far into the past – but as you know, Kim’s long had an obsession with Anna Wintour and Vogue at large. 


Oh, girl, we can’t. 

We can’t, ever. 

In recent Kim news, it was reported that Kardashian is leaving Los Angeles, which could be a song, so maybe Robin Thicke can come on in and pilfer the idea. 

Come, Thicke, come. 

A source revealed that Kim’s fed up with Hollywood, and is considering a big move to Orange County. 

Without her ring, of course, so that’ll at least lessen the packing load. 

The insider revealed, “

“She’s been complaining that L.A. is full of ‘crazies’ and the only way she’ll be able to keep her family safe is to leave the city and keep a low profile.”

“Her friends who live there boast about the safety and low crime rates, and the shopping is incredible.”

Yes, let’s buy more stuff so we can be robbed again. 

It’s like she’s trying to walk around with a big, old target on her back. 

Get some sense, girl. 

And while you’re at it, why not convince your family to get their heads out of Anna Wintour’s poor ass? 

All that cohabitating and kissing of her bottom’s got to chafe, you know? 

And between them and the perpetual stick that’s up there, it’s got to be a rough ride for poor Anna Wintour. 

Wonder who she’s gonna be for Halloween. 

Psych – Anna Wintour would never be anybody but Anna Wintour for anything, but especially something as déclassé as Halloween. 

Thought you knew, sheesh. 


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Dog Reunites with Owner After 2 Years, Goes Utterly Insane

Anyone with a dog knows how crazy these animals can get when their owners return after just a few hours away. 

We"re talking barks… jumps… sprints… and the strong desire for some belly rubs.

So you can only imagine how a dog would react if it hadn"t seen its owner for two years, right?

Actually, you don"t need to react. You can just watch the video below.

According to the video’s YouTube description, the owner is named Jose and he lives in Wisconsin.

The dog is named Chaos.

Man and best friend were brought together after Jose went through a divorce, lost his house and eventually had to sleep in his car.

But then a friend of Jose"s actually took Chaos and refused to give him back, even after Jose got his life back together and got back on his feet.

“Chaos helped me through so much in my life, I took him everywhere with me!” Jose says. “I didn’t think I would ever see my dog again."

But then a Winnebago County Services staff member was hanging out at home in South Beloit when she found a dog in the driveway.

She called an Animal Services Officer… the dog was taken to a local shelter… and it was discovered that it was wearing a collar with a 2014 National Identification Number.

One phone call later and Jose was driving as quickly as he could to the shelter.

This is the video that was taken of him and Chaos reuniting there for the first time in years.

It takes Chaos a moment to realize that the man really his is first owner… but then once he does? LOOK OUT!!!!!!!

Man reunites with stolen bff after 2 years dog goes utterly insa

Friday, October 9, 2015

Woman Gets Denied McNuggets, Goes Utterly INSANE

Look, we all love Chicken McNuggets.

We aren"t sure from which part of the chicken they come; and we know they will likely result in endless trips to the bathroom within an hour after consuming them,

But whatever. They"re delicious. We may go purchase some as soon as we finish writing this.

That said… the woman in this video goes a tad overboard upon being told McDonald"s does not serve this delicacy at 10:30 a.m.

She yells. She screams. She curses. She gets out of her car, tries to climb through the drive-thru window and then she hurls something from her vehicle that shatters the glass before driving away.

Like we said: a tad overboard. See for yourself.

Drive thru patron gets denied mcnuggets goes utterly insane