Showing posts with label Burnham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burnham. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham: Baby on the Way!

Months ago on The Bachelor, Arie Luyendyk Jr. asked Lauren Burnham to accept his final rose. (Well, sort of.)

Now, Arie Luyendyk Jr. has asked Lauren Burnham to accept something else:

His DNA! In the form of a life growing inside of Burnham’s womb!

That’s right, folks, Arie and Lauren are expecting a child together!

The reality stars confirmed this blessed piece of news themselves to Us Weekly, with Lauren telling the tabloid for its latest issue:

“I kind of had a feeling that I might be pregnant. So my friend insisted on bringing a pregnancy test over.

“Arie came out with the test in his hand and tears in his eyes. He was like, ‘You’re pregnant!’”

This is both very exciting for Arie and Lauren and also very surprising: few couples that meet and fall in love on The Bachelor remain together, let alone procreate together.

But perhaps drama is somehow the key to happiness.

Jason Mesnick and Molly Mesnick had a baby and are very happily married to this day… after the latter dumped the woman he chose on his season’s finale and asked Molly out on the After the Rose special.

Similarly, Luyendyk Jr. and Burnham were at the center of a controversial story line on Season 20.

After Arie proposed to Becca Kufrin on his finale, he visited her several weeks later and – in front of an ABC cameraman – broke up with her in favor of Burnham.

The pair got engaged on the After the Final Rose special in March of 2016 and are set to exchange vows in January of 2019 in Hawaii.

“I’ve made some bad decisions but the best decision was running back to you,” Arie told Lauren during the proposal, adding:

“I can’t imagine a life without you. … I truly believe you are my soulmate. I’m ready to face this life with you and all that comes with it. The good, and the bad. I love you so much.”

Very sweet words, no doubt.

They were just clouded a bit at the time by the fact that Arie had only recently proposed to Becca before doing the same with Lauren.

(Becca, of course, went on to become The Bachelorette and is currently engaged herself, waiting to have a baby. So everyone has ended up happy here!)

Said Burnham ths summer during a visit to The View, in regard to an eventual marriage:

“We’re just really happy with each other, and we vibe well together. We’re best friends, so we’re just ready for that next step.”

Speaking to Us Weekly, meanwhile, Arie confirmed that he and Lauren weren’t really thinking of starting a family just yet. But these things happen sometimes.

“We weren’t trying, but we are so excited. It’s going to be a whole new chapter in our lives,” he said.

And the guy is clearly in love.

This is what he wrote on Instagram last week, as a caption to a photo of himself and Lauren:

I can’t sleep… the house is quiet, you’re next to me. I can hear your soft breath and I wonder what you’re dreaming about.

I closed my eyes tonight and our future played like a beautiful romance with flashes of our wedding, travels, our children and a house full of friends, family and love.

I woke up and you were wrapped in my arms, our pups on the floor next to us.

Now I lay awake wanting to fast forward our lives but in the same breath push pause and not let these eyes close for too long because this is what true love feels like.


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Lauren Burnham: Jenna Cooper is NOT a Cheater!!

Last month, the Bachelor in Paradise finale was marred by a cheating scandal. Jenna Cooper and Jordan Kimball won … and then all hell broke loose.

Alleged texts say that Jenna was cheating, but she swears that she’s a victim of fraud — and says she can prove it.

Now, she’s being defended by none other than Bachelor Winner Lauren Burnham.

So, remember how Bekah Martinez told the world that most of the women from The Bachelor had still kept in touch?

Well, several women from Arie’s season, including Lauren Burnham, Jaqueline Turmbull, and Sienne Flemming, got together for a slumber party.

(Yes, these women had all dated Arie, yes, Lauren is his fiancee, and yes, Arie was apparently also there)

One of Arie’s exes who was present was Jenna Cooper, who was eliminated in week 6 of the season.

These women are friends, so the gathering makes sense — except to fans who think that Jenna is some sort of snake in the grass.

Jenna Cooper on IG stories party time

A fan commented on Instagram, writing: “Anyone else think it’s so shady that they’re all hanging out with Jenna?”

The comment concludes: “after she proved how terrible of a human she is?”

If you’re wondering wait, when did she “prove” she’s terrible? … you are not alone.

“No spewing hate here, love,” Lauren Burnham replied to the fan’s comment.

“There are two sides to every story,” Lauren reminds the commenter.

“And,” Lauren says. “The only evidence I know of backs the fact that Jenna did not do what she’s being accused of.”

Lauren Burnham Defends Jenna Cooper on IG

“What’s the evidence?” a curious fan demands to know.

Lauren clearly has a healthy set of boundaries (for a Bachelor star, anyway), because she doesn’t cough up the goods.

“That’s for her to release,” Lauren replies.

She is absolutely correct — we’ll get into what that evidence may be in just a moment.

“It should be happening very soon,” Lauren teases.

A lot of fans would be very happy to see solid proof instead of relying upon speculation.

Lauren reminds fans that she is not exactly the type to just decide who is innocent and who is guilty all willy-nilly.

“I am not one to jump on the bandwagon and take a side without solid evidence,” Lauren affirms.

“I can tell you that her story is very compelling,” Lauren adds. “And she has professional proof.”

She then offers a worde of warning for fans who leapt to conclusions when this alleged cheating scandal first broke.

Lauren suggests: “I would just advise not to be so quick to publicly state opinions without knowing the whole story.”

Jenna was accused of cheating after text messages were published which purportedly showed that Jenna was cheating on Jordan Kimball.

Those same texts indicated that she was planning on dumping him, which would have been humiliating after his Bachelor in Paradise proposal.

However, Jenna has insisted that, though the texts emulate her writing style, she didn’t write them.

She has also taken the extra step of hiring an attorney in her quest to clear her name.

Jenna put her phone through a forensic program to prove that she has never sent any texts of the sort.

(Such a program would capture even deleted text messages)

It is probably that forensic analysis to which Lauren is referring.

However, there may be more. Jenna’s own attorneys have expressed the belief that Jordan himself may have fabricated the texts.

It is possible that this theory, expressed in a private email to him that Jordan then made public, was intended as a negotiating tactic or a bluff.

But it is also possible that Jenna’s attorneys have uncovered further evidence — of Jenna’s innocence or even of Jordan’s alleged guilt.

If Lauren is right, Jenna may air at least some of her evidence soon.


Monday, July 16, 2018

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham: Yes, We"re Still Getting Married!

While those of you who follow The Bachelorette Spoilers already know that Becca Kufrin finds her love (sort of), how is her disgraced ex Arie Luyendyk Jr. doing?

Well, Arie and Lauren announced their wedding date and location — and their nuptials are only months away.

Now that the scandal of Arie’s proposal has died down a little, they’ve finally taken some engagement photos. Take a look!

Arie shared this photo in an Instagram post.

Arie captioned the pic, writing: “One step closer to the wedding :)”

Before you rip on him for being so old that he uses an emoticon instead of an emoji, remember that he’s only 36 — he just looks older.

“This is what life is all about,” Arie continues. “Sharing these amazing moments with her.”

He then reminds fans of the looming wedding date, writing: “Under 6 months until the big day!”

“It’s now just under six months till I marry this sweet man,” Lauren Burnham writes uner her own engagement photo.

Some notice that hers focuses on their intimate bond, while Arie’s choice of photo highlights how pretty Lauren is.

“He’s been the biggest blessing in my life,” Lauren gushes. “Every single day.”

Lauren then includes the tag: “#truelovewins”

If you say so, Lauren.

Arie and Lauren recently purchased a home together after a lot of considerations.

As you may recall, their first plan was to purchase a home that needed to be remodeled, but apparently Lauren was overwhelmed by it.

That is understandable. Upgrading an entire home only looks neat on television because we see the process in an hour.

So the two of them instead purchased a brand new home together and shared a photo on Instagram to celebrate.

We mentioned that some had viewed their photos with a critical eye, but it may be unfair.

Others have also pointed out that Lauren, in the top engagement photo, is of course posing for a photograph rather than actually exclaiming in delight and joy.

They question how long a relationship is fated to last when one party is obviously so good at faking happiness and enthusiasm.

But honestly? This might be a little critical of Lauren. She does seem to be genuinely happy.

Besides, some argue that certain lies are the glue that holds relationships together.

After weeks of teasing the idea of a summer wedding, Lauren and Arie finally settled on a date.

Their nuptials are scheduled for January 12, 2019. The ceremony will take place in Hawaii.

That’s no summer wedding, but Hawaii’s average January temperatures are in the 70s, so it should still be warm enough for everyone wearing a suit to beg for the chill mercy of death.

These engagement photos are a reminder to fans that these two are still together, regardless of what critics say.

They’re also continuing their march towards the aisle. January will be here before we know it.

And, despite the circumstances of their engagement, some members of the Bachelor Nation cannot help but wonder if Arie and Lauren will be the ones to beat the odds.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham Announce Wedding Date! Location!

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham are here to steal Becca Kufrin’s thunder.

Once again.

With Becca set to debut as The Bachelorette this coming Monday, Arie and Lauren went out of their way on Wednesday morning to upstage their nemesis and make a major announcement…

The controversial couple has announced its wedding date!

And its wedding location!

(We’re mostly kidding about the whole nemesis thing, but Arie did dump Becca on national television after The Bachelor finale and then propose to Lauren on the After the Rose special that same night.)

“We are very excited to tell you guys that we have booked a venue,” Burnham said on The View today. “We’re getting married in Hawaii on January 12th next year!”

Arie then provided a few more details:

“It’s in Maui – it’s at Haiku Mill which has this beautiful, old world feel with a lot of vines and greenery.

“It’s not your typical beach wedding. And it’s a private wedding, so not on TV – just a close group of friends. Probably 100 guests.”

Wow. We’re actually surprised by this last part of Arie’s statement.

Based on the way he and Lauren have acted and a few things they’ve said, we simply assumed the stars would get married on television.

(Then again, we also assume they won’t even make it to the altar because, come on, does any couple who supposedly fell in love on The Bachelor?)

“We’re just really happy with each other and we vibe well together,” Lauren said. “We’re best friends, so we’re just ready for that next step.”

She even said they would take this marital step “tomorrow” if they could, but there’s too much to plan for that to be realistic.

Arie, of course, proposed to Kufrin to wrap up his season as The Bachelor.

Two months later, he broke up with her… while network cameras rolled.

He then asked for Lauren’s hand in marriage, stunning viewers who had witnessed the Becca proposal just an hour or so earlier in real time on their TV.

“It was a big risk to do what I did and I know that it wasn’t a popular decision. But it was a decision I had to make for myself. … I knew that Lauren was the person I was supposed to be with,” Luyendyk Jr. said of the moment.

He continued:

“I never watched the finale, so we don’t really know how that breakup looked on TV. But breakups are hard, and I think that everyone handles it in a different way.

“They say it was unedited, but it was edited. You’re not in control of the editing room and you can’t really control what they show.”

No one out there blames Arie if his heart told him to go with Lauren instead of Becca.

But Luyendyk has shaded Kufrin here and there for some reason and he could have chosen to end their engagement in private, as opposed to in front of millions of people.

However, don’t expect Arie or Lauren to apologize for how they ended up here.

“Our relationship is so unique and it’s nothing that I’ve ever had before,” Burnham said, concluding today:

“So the fact that he was willing to take that risk and all of America hating him to be with me, that means a lot to me.”


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham: We Bought a House!!

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham have already set the date for their upcoming nuptials. Thanks to some heavy hints, most fans are expecting a TV wedding.

But this controversial couple has some more practical things to address before the world hate-watches their wedding ceremony.

They’ve bought a house. But choosing the right one wasn’t easy.

Speaking to Us Weekly, Arie Luyendyk Jr. discusses buying a house with fiancee Lauren Burnham.

“Buying a house is obviously another huge step in our relationship.”

It sure is. It’s also considered to be one of the most stressful experiences that a person can undergo.

But Arie sounds thrilled.

“And we are excited to really make this our home.”

They settled on a brand new house, for reasons that Arie explains.

“It was built this year and we can’t wait to move in!”

Since the new home has 2,607 square feet of space, we can understand why.

The couple apparently looked at nearly 70 properties before settling on the one that they wanted!

Arie and Lauren must have really wanted to be sure that they picked the right house.

(Or maybe just Arie did … Arie has famously been accused of not liking women who have strong opinions and many in the Bachelor Nation believe that he calls the shots in the relationship)

They apparently considered purchasing a home that would be a real fixer-upper, but Arie says that they ruled that out.

“Lauren was completely overwhelmed.”

Which is why they settled on a very new home. It will be less personalized (because they won’t be doing a bunch of upgrades right away), but also less of a headache.

They apparently made an offer on the first home before changing their minds, which is starting to look like a pattern for Arie. But perhaps it’s just a coincidence.

Arie says that it was love at first sight. With the house, we mean. He’s clearly less decisive about women.

“From the minute I walked into this house, I had a good feeling.”

Lauren apparently took a little longer to fall head over heels for the house that they selected.

But she got heart eyes when she saw the home’s master closet.

If you’ve ever watched any show about renovations or home-buying (or both!), or if you’ve gone through that process yourself, you know how one feature of an already good home can really make you light up with excitement.

Us Weekly says that Arie and Lauren also kept their “furry friends” in mind when selecting the house.

To be clear, they mean their dogs, Dallas and Bastain. They’re not talking about dudes in fox costumes.

Lauren explains:

“Our dogs are very excited. They are each going to have their own room …”

She doesn’t necessarily mean that literally.

“I mean it does have four bedrooms. And, a big backyard to run around in, too.”

You know, they say that a lot of Millennials who switch from apartments to houses do so because they’re motivated to get large yards for their dogs.

Lauren is a Millennial. Despite looking like a Gen Xer, Arie is on the older side of Millennials, too. Just saying.

Lauren also talks about how it was totally easy to say goodbye to her friends and uproot her entire existence to go be with Arie.

“Arizona has been a really easy adjustment for me as I’ve moved around my whole life.”

She says that Arie’s been helping her to adjust to the change in scenery.

“It has been fun exploring the area and Arie is a really good tour guide, so that helps.”

There are some who say that human settlements in Arizona should not exist, because of the horrifying weather. But Lauren seems to be fine with it.

“I’ve been making friends and trying to get settled in but we really haven’t been here all that long yet.”

Well, she’s pretty and she’s also famous. Those are two great ingredients for making friends immediately.

Her husband may not be well-liked by the Bachelor Nation, but he’s made a name for himself in his hometown.


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham: Headed to Marriage Boot Camp?

As Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham’s wedding date looms, a lot of fans — and haters — can’t help but wonder if Arie’s going to change his mind again. It’s not unprecedented, after all.

However, Arie and Lauren sat down with Dr. Ish and Dr. V from Marriage Boot Camp recently.

Those counselors, experts in relationships and the signs that they are doomed, are dishing on what they observed.

The controversial couple was spotted dining with Marriage Boot Camp counselors Dr. V and Dr. Ish at the Arizona Biltmore, a Hilton Hotels’ Waldorf Astoria resort.

(Disclaimer, the Arizona Biltmore is part of the “Biltmore Hotel” chain, and not affiliated with the Vanderbilt family or the actual Biltmore Estate)

People spoke to the counselors about Arie and Lauren’s relationship and what the two experts had observed about the two of them.

Dr. Ish said:

“When I see Arie and Lauren, I see a couple who’s both in love and happy to be together.”

He continued, pointing out that this was a special situation that bodes well for thier future.

“Which is great for them because sometimes both of those things don’t always happen at once.”

That makes sense. Sometimes people who are in love drive each other up the wall.

Dr. Ish continued his assessment, speaking about the nonverbal signals that he had detected between the two of them.

“They held hands and sat close to each other the entire time.”

So it doesn’t necessarily take an expert to decipher that they are affectionate.

“That body language says to me that they are literally into each other.​”

Dr. V’s commentary was a bit more succinct.

“They seemed genuinely happy.”

Arie is the sort of person who looks like he has the voice of a Game of Thrones villain but actually has the voice of a villain from a romantic comedy set at any American beach in 1997.

So we can’t say that it was a huge surprise to the Bachelor Nation that he didn’t win as huge of a fanbase as some previous stars have during his season.

But until the information first leaked, few suspected that Arie was going to ditch the winner just weeks after he’d proposed to her on camera so that he could go running back to his runner-up.

And no one in their wildest nightmares imaged that Arie would invite ABC’s cameras to witness his cruel breakup from Becca Kufrin.

But he and Lauren seem genuinely happy with each other.

Based upon the assessment by Arie’s ex, Bekah Martinez, it sounds like he weeded out the women who were more assertive.

He settled on Lauren in the end, who was infamous during the season for not having spoken very much in contrast to her fellow contestants.

So it seems safe to say that Arie prefers to take the lead in his relationships. Which … says a lot about him.

It’s really no surprise that Lauren is coming to live with Arie in Arizona instead of the two of them finding a new place to live.

Here’s a question: Does she even know anyone else in Scottsdale who isn’t Arie?

There was a time when Marriage Boot Camp was a show reserved for, you know, couples who were struggling romantically.

These days, it sometimes seems to be about reality couples who want more exposure.

Which could make it a perfect next stop for Arie and Lauren. The Bachelor Nation is huge, and surely at least some of people would tune in, if only to hate-watch.

But this sit-down may have just been a mutually beneficial photo-op and nothing more. Only time will tell.

Besides, at the moment, Arie and Lauren are busy planning their wedding — they don’t really have time to schedule a TV appearance.

Aside from their TV wedding, that is.


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham: Wedding Date Revealed!

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and his fiancee Lauren Burnham have made it clear that they intend to get married ASAP

But though they’ve spoken about possibilities for their upcoming wedding, they haven’t announced any concrete plans.

Now, thanks to one fan’s snooping, the Bachelor Nation knows some details. Including a wedding date.

Reddit may be infamous as a cesspool for incels and people with horrifying political views, but it’s mostly a gathering place for people with shared interests.

For example, fans who are really, really devoted to The Bachelor. Members of the Bachelor Nation who don’t just watch the show, but who actively engage in the online community.

Some of those fans dig up information … and then these junior detectives share it with the world.

One cyber-sleuth found what appears to be a wedding registry on The Knot for Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham’s wedding.

Yes, it includes the date.

Take a look:

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham Registry

Note the date — June 28th.

That’s not even three months from now.

While this isn’t confirmed through an official announcement just yet, this was found through a link in Lauren’s old registry from her previous engagement.

So it appears to be legit.

What’s more, it totally fits with what we’ve heard about their wedding intentions.

For starters, June 28th certainly qualifies as a summer wedding, which is what Lauren … and Lauren’s mother … have talked about in interviews.

Admittedly, that’s only a week into the summer, as this year’s Summer Solstice is June 21.

But in Arizona — pretty much anywhere in Arizona — it will feel like summer is already in full force.

Additionally, Lauren and Arie have made it clear that they plan to tie the knot soon.

Nothing says soon quite like not even four months after the world saw their proposal.

Fans can speculate about why Lauren might be eager to get married. She might, for example, worry that Arie will dump her like he dumped Becca and go back for someone else.

We’ve already seen Arie’s post-Bachelor DMs, because Bekah Martinez is a delight and has zero chill.

Arie, in turn, may have his own reasons for racing to the altar.

Perhaps he’s just going along with his fiancee’s wishes.

Or maybe he’s really just that eager to seal the deal now that he’s now, allegedly, found love.

But some can’t help but wonder if he’s just hoping to capitalize on his fame (or infamy) before it fades. Which would include a TV wedding.

It sounds like Arie and Lauren want a TV wedding almost as much as Lauren’s parents do.

A TV wedding could mean that ABC would pick up at least most of the tab — or perhaps all of it.

Some celebrities actually get paid for the presence of cameras at their nuptials, but Arie and Lauren might not be quite big-league enough for that.

Still … is the Bachelor Nation going to watch these two tie the knot? If so, will they be hate-watching it?

Or will seeing Becca Kufrin look for love on The Bachelorette make them warm up to Arie and Lauren’s relationship?

Because The Bachelorette premieres on May 28 … exactly one month before the date listed on that registry.


Monday, April 2, 2018

Arie Luyendyk and Lauren Burnham: Utterly Destroyed for April Fool"s Pregnancy Joke!

Note to Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham:

There are appropriate April Fool’s Day jokes to make regarding pregnancy…

… and there are inappropriate April Fool’s Day jokes to make regarding pregnancy.

Next time, ask The Hollywood Gossip for advice, okay?

On Sunday, the most controversial Bachelor-based couple of all-time stepped in scalding hot water when it joked that Burnham was expecting.

It wasn’t just a mere, passing joke, either.

It can replete with an alleged baby bump photo and everything.

“Secrets finally out, we have a bunny in the oven! @laurenburnham91,” Arie wrote on Twitter alongside an image of a female, presumed to be his fiancee, clutching what looked like a baby bump.

See for yourself here:

Not even two hours later, however, Arie let followers in on his unoriginal joke.

APRIL FOOLS, he quickly Tweeted, barely even giving the prank time to go viral.

But it went viral enough, apparently, because plenty of Internet users found it incredibly offensive and insensitive — and they let Arie and Lauren have it online.

Big time.

“You both are disgusting,” wrote one individual, adding:

“As someone who struggles with fertility and would love nothing more than to have a baby this is so offensive.”

That was the basic theme of all the backlash; how Arie and Lauren turned a serious personal issue for millions of women into a source of parody.

“Come on. be better than that,” another person wrote, explaining herself thusly:

“it’s not a joke for many struggling families to get pregnant, it’s extremely expensive and it’s heartbreaking. I wish nothing but the best for Arie and Lauren but this is not funny, it’s cruel.”

Here’s a look at a few similar opinions shared on social media about this topic:

Arie, of course, is no stranger to receiving hate over the Internet.

He selected a different woman from Lauren on the finale of The Bachelor this season, only to them dump her in the most dramatic fashion possible and then propose to Lauren a night after said finale aired.

It was bonkers!

And while some may think the reaction to their April Fool’s Day prank was a bit over-the-top, it’s understandable why so many people have simply had it with this couple.

They’d be best served to just remain silent for awhile.

Instead, they are in our face at all times with televised marriage talk and very bad jokes.

Nor do Arie and Lauren appear to be feel guilty about this distasteful Tweet, either.

Seemingly in response to the backlash, backlash, Arie shared the above photo of a recipe on his Instagram story and wrote;

“Sorry if you were offended, but we really are making a Dutch Baby.”

That’s just painfully insincere and even more painfully unfunny.

We wonder now how fans will react when Lauren really does get pregnant, a development she expects to happen at some point with her lame fiance.

“We’re both very excited about marriage and starting a family,” Burnham previously told People Magazine.

“If we get lucky, maybe we’d have twins!” Arie said in this same interview.

And if we get lucky, maybe we’ll never hear from Luyendyk again.


Friday, March 23, 2018

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham: We"re Getting Marrie ASAP!

Lauren Burnham has only been engaged to Arie Luyendyk Jr. for a short time, but she’s already been talking about the idea of a TV wedding.

And so is Arie. And so is Lauren’s mother.

From this new interview, it sounds like this controversial couple is racing to the altar.

In the new issue of Life & Style, Arie and Lauren reveal a lot about where their relationship is headed.

And while it’s no surprise that the couple who became engaged on international television is planning to get married, it sounds like they’re eager to tie the knot.

36-year-old Arie muses that he and his bride-to-be might tie the knot outside of the U.S.

“We might do a destination wedding.”

Well, since Minnesota is off-limits and given how the couple is generally viewed by the Bachelor Nation, maybe that’s for the best.

Lauren Burnham’s mother, Pamela, has her own aspirations for the couple’s wedding.

“I hope it will be in the summer,” she says. “Lauren’s on cloud nine with Arie.”

There are people in this world who (for reasons that are mystifying to others) enjoy summer weather. Perhaps she just thinks that it would make for a lovely wedding season.

But one cannot help but wonder if Pamela is thinking less about the weather and more about hoping that her daughter doesn’t become just another dumped fiancee by the notoriously indecisive Arie.

True, Pamela doesn’t say “this” summer, but … considering how eager this couple sounds, that might be her agenda.

Arie and Lauren say that they’re planning on a wedding in August of September. Autumn doesn’t begin until September 22nd, so Pamela might just get what she wants.

It looks like Arie and Lauren are pushing the narrative that they’re not so unpopular after all, actually.

“I thought we would get a lot more backlash,” Lauren admits.

Arie jumps in to reinforce that, saying:

“Since we’ve been out in public the last few days, people have been really supportive. It’s been really sweet.”

Of course, since the two of them have been avoiding social media, they’re not really seeing what fans have been saying about them.

(That hasn’t stopped the two of them from posting to social media, including that time that they shamed gym patrons)

There are celebrities whom you wouldn’t save from falling off of a cliff, but most — even the ones that you dislike — would elicit excitement and well wishes from people who are heavily critical of them.

It’s called politeness, folks.

Life & Style delves into the possibility that the couple might have a TV wedding, with their insider revealing:

“They’d love to get married on TV because it would be a continuation of their love story.”

“They want viewers to be able to see the next chapter of their journey.”

Oh, and if they did have a TV wedding, it wouldn’t be for free — it would mean that ABC would pay for most if not all of the wedding.

When Life & Style asked Lauren’s mother, Pamela, about the idea, she was enthusiastically supportive.

“That would be wonderful. My husband’s probably going to jump up and down at that thought!”

But they shouldn’t count on that — insiders reveal that ABC might not want to film the wedding.

Arie and Lauren have been the targets of a huge amount of backlash (even if they haven’t seen it), and the network might be reluctant to gamble on viewers hate-watching it.

Advertisers might feel similarly.

But a lack of a TV wedding wouldn’t mean that they don’t get married.

Even if the whole world is disgusted with Arie, it sounds like Lauren’s parents really like him. We’re sure that Lauren’s friends are supportive, too.

That, for her, is going to be what matters more than backlash.

Of course, that’s assuming that Arie doesn’t change his mind again and go running back to yet another ex. We all saw how Arie slid into Bekah Martinez’s DMs.


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Arie Luyendyk Jr. & Lauren Burnham Slammed for Shaming Gym Patrons

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and his beautiful bride-to-be Lauren Burnham have finally found a way to win the admiration of those who resent them.

Just kidding! They’ve decided to use social media to shame people at the gym.

And yes, that includes recording total strangers just so that they could ridicule them. Ugh.

So, following Arie’s brutal breakup with Becca Kufrin … which audiences saw right before being treated to the sight of Arie proposing to Lauren Burnham … Arie and Lauren fled the country.

Those were Arie’s words, partially in jest. The two of them headed off for an Iceland adventure.

They are, in all seriousness, probably having an easier time as a newly engaged couple while in Europe than they would in the U.S. It’s not that other countries don’t watch The Bachelor, but … they’re going to run across fewer haters in Iceland.

(It’s a good thing that they weren’t planning on vacationing in Minnesota, where Arie is banned … sort of)

They might have less luck avoiding haters in Spain, however.

Because Arie and Lauren filmed themselves and some Spanish gym patrons … for the express purpose of ridiculing total strangers who were just minding their own business at the gym.

Arie Luyendyk Jr. Shames Spanish Gym Users

In his Instagram story, Arie zeroed in on gym-goers who are exercising in brightly colored shorts.

“This is how they work out here in Spain,” Arie says.

He seems totally floored by the clothing.

“What is he wearing?”

And to no one’s surprise, unfortunately, Lauren seems to follow his lead, saying:

“I cannot handle it.”

Anyone else reminded of a certain body-shaming Playmate who snapped a nude pic of an older gym patron just so that she could ridicule the woman’s figure online? Sure, that was nude, but the principle is similar.

One prevailing theory is that this is the couple’s attempt to re-brand themselves as “funny.”

(You might be surprised at how many people in the world think that you can just decide to be funny)

It does seem like the two of them are hoping to be the late Joan Rivers, or possibly the infamous muppet duo Statler and Waldorf.

Instead, their grating sense of “humor” comes across like whoever writes Mike Huckabee’s tweets.

As one fan wrote on reddit:

“He’s trying so hard to craft a narrative for them after the season but just isn’t smart or self-aware enough to successfully pull it off.”

So, if this is a rebranding attempt, they need to … try something else.

Other members of the Bachelor Nation, however, have other theories about what was behind this poorly conceived stab at humor.

This may have had nothing to do with branding, one fan suggests, and may have everything to do with character.

“Um… has anyone thought that maybe he and Lauren are just privileged a–holes?”

That person might be right.

Fans were generally horrified.

“God they are such nasty people. Who makes fun of strangers to their large Instagram followings? Wtf.”

The ire isn’t directed solely at Arie, either. Lauren was part of this, too.

“They are seriously irredeemable.”

A few fans seem to believe that Lauren is actually to blame for this.

“She seems like a mean girl and it really rubs off on him.”

Lauren struck many viewers as a somewhat quiet person and as a follower rather than an instigator.

It’s curious to see people believe that she is guiding Arie’s behavior rather than the other way around.

Bekah Martinez, who got to know Arie pretty darn well, assessed that Arie prefers to be in charge in his relationships.

But maybe they’re both insensitive jerks.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham: First Iceland, Then a TV Wedding!

The infamous Arie Luyendyk Jr. and his fiancee, Lauren Burnham, have “fled the country.” Those are Arie’s words.

Specifically, the two have embarked on a trip to Iceland where they can leave their past — mostly just Arie’s brutal breakup with Becca Kufrin — behind them.

But before long, the two of them will be back … and looking to get married.

Arie shared this happy photo on both Twitter and Instagram.

On Twitter, she shared it with a slew of others (below) from his and Lauren’s trip to Iceland, and wrote:

“Officially fled the country.” He followed that text with the least fitting use of a halo emoji that we’ve ever seen.

On Instagram, his caption got a touch more personal. He wrote:

“Posted this because I sent this to my mom and she said she’s never seen me happier. So much beauty here in Iceland including this one.”

By “this one,” his blandly pleasant caption means Lauren. Who is, of course, very beautiful.

E! reports that, per their source, Arie and Lauren went to Iceland because they needed a break from being on television.

“They wanted to get away from the madness and have a real normal vacation just the two of them as a newly engaged couple.”

People watch The Bachelor — even the American version — in plenty of places, all over the world. But … it doesn’t have nearly the sort of cultural omnipresence in Iceland.

In the US, the franchise is so ubiquitous that Saturday Night Live can parody it as part of their political satire.

Had Arie and Lauren decided to spend these next two weeks in the US, they would have been more or less under house arrest thanks to public attention.

There’s nothing wrong with romancing each other at home and living on takeout, but given the couple’s current fame (and Arie’s current infamy), they’d have to worry about unprofessional delivery drivers asking them questions or asking for a selfie.

In Iceland, they can be a little less high-profile and enjoy a visit to one of the most gorgeous countries on the planet.

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham in Iceland

The source continues, however, talking about the couple’s future plans.

And it sounds like they won’t remain TV-shy for long.

“Although there has been a lot of backlash surrounding Arie, the couple is really pushing for a TV wedding.”

Well, Arie proposed on camera. They might as well tie the knot the same way.

A lot of people would tune in to watch … or possibly to hate-watch. Some might wonder if Arie will have yet another on-camera change of heart.

“Lauren has been telling everyone that she is so excited to get married and wants it to happen very quickly.”

And perhaps Arie is on board with that rush to the altar.

“After everything that they have been through, they are ready to just seal the deal and spend forever together.”

Unless Arie changes his mind again, anyway.

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham, Iceland Trip

Realistically, the media frenzy surrounding these two and the story of how they came together will die down over time.

Oh, they’ll always be interesting, but people will process Arie’s absolutely bonkers, unedited breakup with Becca.

Before long, of course, it will be Becca’s time to shine — because she’ll be the next Bachelorette.

Maybe she’ll find a man she deserves.

And maybe the Bachelor Nation will find the man they deserve and actually want as the next Bachelor.

In the mean time, we guess that Arie’s finally settled on the woman he wants.

He might not change his mind. Lauren was noted for not saying much during this past season.

Bekah Martinez says that Arie isn’t mature enough to get married, and revealed that he seemed to want to whittle down his contestants to the least assertive women who were more likely to go along with whatever he wanted.

Maybe he’s found that in Lauren.

If they’re both truly happy with their arrangement together … more power to them. We guess.

We hope that, at the very least, Lauren enjoys her time in Iceland.
