Thursday, April 26, 2018

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham: We Bought a House!!

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham have already set the date for their upcoming nuptials. Thanks to some heavy hints, most fans are expecting a TV wedding.

But this controversial couple has some more practical things to address before the world hate-watches their wedding ceremony.

They’ve bought a house. But choosing the right one wasn’t easy.

Speaking to Us Weekly, Arie Luyendyk Jr. discusses buying a house with fiancee Lauren Burnham.

“Buying a house is obviously another huge step in our relationship.”

It sure is. It’s also considered to be one of the most stressful experiences that a person can undergo.

But Arie sounds thrilled.

“And we are excited to really make this our home.”

They settled on a brand new house, for reasons that Arie explains.

“It was built this year and we can’t wait to move in!”

Since the new home has 2,607 square feet of space, we can understand why.

The couple apparently looked at nearly 70 properties before settling on the one that they wanted!

Arie and Lauren must have really wanted to be sure that they picked the right house.

(Or maybe just Arie did … Arie has famously been accused of not liking women who have strong opinions and many in the Bachelor Nation believe that he calls the shots in the relationship)

They apparently considered purchasing a home that would be a real fixer-upper, but Arie says that they ruled that out.

“Lauren was completely overwhelmed.”

Which is why they settled on a very new home. It will be less personalized (because they won’t be doing a bunch of upgrades right away), but also less of a headache.

They apparently made an offer on the first home before changing their minds, which is starting to look like a pattern for Arie. But perhaps it’s just a coincidence.

Arie says that it was love at first sight. With the house, we mean. He’s clearly less decisive about women.

“From the minute I walked into this house, I had a good feeling.”

Lauren apparently took a little longer to fall head over heels for the house that they selected.

But she got heart eyes when she saw the home’s master closet.

If you’ve ever watched any show about renovations or home-buying (or both!), or if you’ve gone through that process yourself, you know how one feature of an already good home can really make you light up with excitement.

Us Weekly says that Arie and Lauren also kept their “furry friends” in mind when selecting the house.

To be clear, they mean their dogs, Dallas and Bastain. They’re not talking about dudes in fox costumes.

Lauren explains:

“Our dogs are very excited. They are each going to have their own room …”

She doesn’t necessarily mean that literally.

“I mean it does have four bedrooms. And, a big backyard to run around in, too.”

You know, they say that a lot of Millennials who switch from apartments to houses do so because they’re motivated to get large yards for their dogs.

Lauren is a Millennial. Despite looking like a Gen Xer, Arie is on the older side of Millennials, too. Just saying.

Lauren also talks about how it was totally easy to say goodbye to her friends and uproot her entire existence to go be with Arie.

“Arizona has been a really easy adjustment for me as I’ve moved around my whole life.”

She says that Arie’s been helping her to adjust to the change in scenery.

“It has been fun exploring the area and Arie is a really good tour guide, so that helps.”

There are some who say that human settlements in Arizona should not exist, because of the horrifying weather. But Lauren seems to be fine with it.

“I’ve been making friends and trying to get settled in but we really haven’t been here all that long yet.”

Well, she’s pretty and she’s also famous. Those are two great ingredients for making friends immediately.

Her husband may not be well-liked by the Bachelor Nation, but he’s made a name for himself in his hometown.
