Showing posts with label Cooper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cooper. Show all posts

Monday, January 14, 2019

Amari Cooper Cowboy For Life!!! ... With $65k Chain

Amari Cooper expects to be in Dallas for a LONG time … at least, that’s what it looks like after the dude invested in a sick, diamond Cowboys jersey with his name and number on it!!
Amari’s team just got knocked out of the playoffs by the Rams, but now the dude can...
Amari Cooper Cowboy For Life!!! ... With $65k Chain

Monday, October 15, 2018

Jenna Cooper: Here"s the Proof that JORDAN Faked Those Cheating Texts!

Jenna Cooper and Jordan Kimball’s Bachelor in Paradise cheating scandal didn’t end when they broke up.

While Jenna has fired back, saying that she’s a victim of fraud, Jordan has all but accused her of blackmailing him through her attorneys.

Now, she is hitting back even harder, and accusing Jordan of having faked the text messages for publicity’s sake.

Over the weekend, Us Weekly spoke to Jordan Kimball about this entire situation.

“It is what it is,” the model states simply.

When it comes to the emails he shared that he clearly viewed as a blackmail attempt, he says: “I said nothing about it.”

“The email was sent to me,” Jorday explains. “I got phone calls from the firm.”

“It was an attorney representing her,” Jordan says, who told him to publicly exonerate Jenna or the firm would go public with what they know.

Jordan says that he’s heard from her attorneys, but that’s about as personal as it gets these days.

“I’ve heard nothing back” from Jenna, Jordan says. “And her family stopped — I guess you could say bashing me online.”

“They have said nothing,” he says. “She has said nothing. It’s behind us.”

“I no longer feel I need to defend myself,” Jordan claims. “It is what it is.”

But … is it? Because Jenna released some evidence for the entire world to see.

When other Bachelor ladies rallied to Jenna’s defense, Lauren Burnham assured the world that she’d seen proof that Jenna wasn’t a cheater.

It’s not that people realistically believe that Reality Steve fabricated text messages out of thin air.

Instead, people believe that someone close to Jenna, someone who knew her texting style and phone number, faked them and sent them to him.

And Jenna’s electronic devices got a clean bill of health — with an examination that proves she never cheated.

“A comprehensive forensic examination of Jenna’s devices by an independent third-party expert, Jenna’s publicist Steve Honig begins.

Honig continues: “has definitively confirmed none of the text messages in question came from Jenna’s phone.”

“Given the conclusive findings of the forensic report,” Honig says. “Jenna’s team is considering all options available to Jenna relating to the fraudulent texts.”

Jenna’s publicist’s statement continues, and begins to paint a troubling picture of her former love.

“After the cameras stopped rolling, Jordan’s demeanor toward Jenna changed dramatically,” Honig reveals.

“He let it be known there was only room for one celebrity in the relationship,” Honig says.

Jordan reportedly made it clear that “he was more successful and famous than her, she would never make as much money as him or amount to anything in life.”

“She was belittled and made to feel insignificant and worthless,” Honig says. “He continues to disparage her to this day.”

“As painful as this has been for Jenna,” Honig concludes. “She is glad he showed his true colors before they were married and began building a life together.”

Protus3 is a Raleigh-based security service to which Jenna turned to prove her innocense. They examined her iPhone, iPad, and iCloud storage.

“An analysis of the messages and data ranging from June 11, 2017, through September 18, 2018, on all devices,” the Protus3 report says.

The report continues, revealing that the test “did not reveal any of the text messages alleged to be created by Ms. Cooper.”

As we mentioned, the analysis would have turned up any messages, even deleted ones, that she sent on any of her devices.

Protus3’s analysis also showed that certain keywords showed up in Jenna’s messages to Jordan and in the allegedly fabricated texts that make her look like a cheater.

Protus3 just reports as a third party on the contents of the examination, but Jenna’s attorneys have made their theory clear.

They believe that Jordan faked the texts and then sent them to Reality Steve with enough details about Jenna to make the texts look authentic.

But, as Protus3 notes, screenshots — no matter their source — cannot be authenticated with the level of certainty that comes with screening a device.

It’s not clear what they believe was Jordan’s motive.

Was he allegedly trying to milk the Bachelor Nation for sympathy that could carry him forward in his reality career?

Was he just trying to end their relationship without appearing to the public as “the bad guy?”

Or is Jordan just another victim in all of this, and the texts were fabricated by someone else?


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Lauren Burnham: Jenna Cooper is NOT a Cheater!!

Last month, the Bachelor in Paradise finale was marred by a cheating scandal. Jenna Cooper and Jordan Kimball won … and then all hell broke loose.

Alleged texts say that Jenna was cheating, but she swears that she’s a victim of fraud — and says she can prove it.

Now, she’s being defended by none other than Bachelor Winner Lauren Burnham.

So, remember how Bekah Martinez told the world that most of the women from The Bachelor had still kept in touch?

Well, several women from Arie’s season, including Lauren Burnham, Jaqueline Turmbull, and Sienne Flemming, got together for a slumber party.

(Yes, these women had all dated Arie, yes, Lauren is his fiancee, and yes, Arie was apparently also there)

One of Arie’s exes who was present was Jenna Cooper, who was eliminated in week 6 of the season.

These women are friends, so the gathering makes sense — except to fans who think that Jenna is some sort of snake in the grass.

Jenna Cooper on IG stories party time

A fan commented on Instagram, writing: “Anyone else think it’s so shady that they’re all hanging out with Jenna?”

The comment concludes: “after she proved how terrible of a human she is?”

If you’re wondering wait, when did she “prove” she’s terrible? … you are not alone.

“No spewing hate here, love,” Lauren Burnham replied to the fan’s comment.

“There are two sides to every story,” Lauren reminds the commenter.

“And,” Lauren says. “The only evidence I know of backs the fact that Jenna did not do what she’s being accused of.”

Lauren Burnham Defends Jenna Cooper on IG

“What’s the evidence?” a curious fan demands to know.

Lauren clearly has a healthy set of boundaries (for a Bachelor star, anyway), because she doesn’t cough up the goods.

“That’s for her to release,” Lauren replies.

She is absolutely correct — we’ll get into what that evidence may be in just a moment.

“It should be happening very soon,” Lauren teases.

A lot of fans would be very happy to see solid proof instead of relying upon speculation.

Lauren reminds fans that she is not exactly the type to just decide who is innocent and who is guilty all willy-nilly.

“I am not one to jump on the bandwagon and take a side without solid evidence,” Lauren affirms.

“I can tell you that her story is very compelling,” Lauren adds. “And she has professional proof.”

She then offers a worde of warning for fans who leapt to conclusions when this alleged cheating scandal first broke.

Lauren suggests: “I would just advise not to be so quick to publicly state opinions without knowing the whole story.”

Jenna was accused of cheating after text messages were published which purportedly showed that Jenna was cheating on Jordan Kimball.

Those same texts indicated that she was planning on dumping him, which would have been humiliating after his Bachelor in Paradise proposal.

However, Jenna has insisted that, though the texts emulate her writing style, she didn’t write them.

She has also taken the extra step of hiring an attorney in her quest to clear her name.

Jenna put her phone through a forensic program to prove that she has never sent any texts of the sort.

(Such a program would capture even deleted text messages)

It is probably that forensic analysis to which Lauren is referring.

However, there may be more. Jenna’s own attorneys have expressed the belief that Jordan himself may have fabricated the texts.

It is possible that this theory, expressed in a private email to him that Jordan then made public, was intended as a negotiating tactic or a bluff.

But it is also possible that Jenna’s attorneys have uncovered further evidence — of Jenna’s innocence or even of Jordan’s alleged guilt.

If Lauren is right, Jenna may air at least some of her evidence soon.


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Jenna Cooper to Jordan Kimball: Stand By Me! I"m the Victim of Fraud!

Jenna Cooper is not going down without a fight.

Amidst accusations that she went down on another man while she was getting close and very cozy with Jordan Kimball on Bachelor in Paradise this summer, the maligned reality star has sent a message to her ex-fiance.

And also her family members, friends and loved ones.

This is how Cooper’s desperate plea to Jordan opens:

To Jordan, our families, friends, and supporters: please stand by as I prepare to provide the true facts that will demonstrate the fraud perpetrated by terrible individuals.

Please be patient as this takes time. In the interim, I appreciate all the continued love and support I have received. 

I am presently back home with my family trying to heal from this heartbreak.

As a refresher:

Jordan proposed to Jenna on Tuesday night, concluding their love story on the Season 5 finale in grand and romantic fashion.

He even got down on one knee, as you can see here:

But just before this proposal aired on ABC, Bachelor know-it-all Reality Steve published three separate text messages exchanges that Jordan supposedly had with an unnamed male over the past several weeks.

In these exchanges, Jordan teased giving the man oral sex and also said her relationship with Jordan was faked for the cameras.

The man said he went public with her exchanges, and with their dalliance, because he believed Jenna was simply “manipulating” both he and Kimball.

These messages (below) are pretty damning:

But Jenna insists they are fake.

She has maintained her innocence ever since this scandal broke, while hiring an attorney to pursue a defamation case and/or to help her get to the bottom of what has sullied her allegedly good name.

“To Jordan, I am sorry that horrible people have used fabricated, hateful efforts to come between us,” she continues in this latest Instagram post, adding:

“I promise you that the truth will be set free in the coming weeks, and it will unquestionably be to your satisfaction.”

From there, Cooper directly addressed the man who claims he’s been sleeping with her behind Jordan’s back, writing:

“To the persons that did this to Jordan, myself, our relationship, the show, our families, and our fans, Justice is coming to you.”

Kimball has said the engagement, and the relationship as a whole, is over.

He has also been adamant in defending the legitimacy of his romance, insisting to all doubters that he fell very much in love with Cooper and he’s very hurt by any insinuation to the contrary.

It’s all been real to Jordan.

As for Jenner, this is how she ended her emotional message on Saturning morning:

To anyone who has had people callously, maliciously and falsely attempt to destroy all that you Love, this is for you too.

I look forward to returning to a place of happiness, joy, moving forward with Jordan, and life..knowing that everyone knows the truth.

Are you buying what Jenna is trying to sell here?

Do you think Jordan should take her back?

Want to hear your opinion!


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Jenna Cooper: Inside Her Bachelor in Paradise Cheating Scandal

It"s the Bachelor in Paradise scandal no one saw coming.

On the Season 5 finale of this ABC reality series, Jordan Kimball got down on one knee and proposed to Jenna Cooper… and she said yes!

Hooray, right?!?

Not so fast.

Around the same exact time this proposal aired, a handful of text messages went viral that Bachelor guru Reality Steve alleges were sent back and forth between Jenna and her actual boyfriend/lover this summer.

It certainly appears as if Cooper was sleeping with someone else while she was being wooed by Jordan on the aforementioned series.

What is actually going on here? And s there any chance Jordan and Jenna still walk down the aisle next year?

Scroll down to get caught up…

1. What a Perfect Looking Couple

Jenna cooper

Ah, yes, but looks can deceive. This is the most recent photo Jenna shared of herself and Jordan on Instagram prior to the cheating bombshell getting dropped online.

2. The Proposal

The ask

Jordan asked for Jenna’s hand to wrap up Season 5 and the two then asked Chris Harrison to officiate their wedding in June of 2019.

3. The Wedding Would Have Been Televised, Too

Paradise peeps

They announced on the finale that the date would be June 9, 2019 and Cooper said the following about the planned union to People Magazine: “I want our wedding to be extra and fun, just like our personalities. There will be some performances, some outfit changes.”

4. But Now?

Jordan and jenna

YIKES! It’s hard to believe the reality stars make it down the aisle, not when an unnamed person contacted Reality Steve and claimed to have been in a relationship nearly this whole time with Jenna.

5. Why Did This Man Come Forward?

Jordan and jenna photo

“Jenna is a manipulator. She manipulated me. She manipulates the other guys she ‘networks’ with and is apparently manipulating this Jordan guy,” he told Reality Steve, explaining that he met Jenna prior to Bachelor in Paradise filming and was still with her two days before the finale aired.

6. More Jenna Bashing:

Cooper j

Added this individual of Cooper: “She uses men for money and business help and loves the attention along the way. And she just loves to rub in your face that she’s pretty and everyone wants her and how she can easily move onto the next. I’m tired of the bullshit and am calling her out.”

View Slideshow

Monday, June 11, 2018

Anderson Cooper Fights Back Tears as He Honors Anthony Bourdain

Anderson Cooper is famous for his infectious laugh. At the same time, when he grieves, audiences cannot help but grieve with him.

Last week, Anthony Bourdain died of suicide. Like so many, Anderson Cooper used this platform to honor his late friend.

We"ve included the video. It is a beautiful tribute to a man who touched so many lives.

Anderson cooper and anthony bourdain

on his show"s dedication, Anderson Cooper speaks, and he is clearly still processing this heartbreaking news.

"Many of you, like many of us, are feeling a whole range of emotions: shock, sadness, confusion that a man who was seemingly having the ride of his life in the middle of his life has now suddenly reached the end of his life."

Folks, celebrities are real people, and they are left just as stunned and wounded from a sudden loss as anyone else.

"It"s hard to imagine he"s gone."

Anderson waxes poetic a little, but it"s very appropriate under the circumstances.

"[It"s] hard to imagine that he"s not just off on some far away journey, hard to imagine that he"ll not return with new stories to tell, new foods to share."

Anthony Bourdain went on many trips abroad, to sample new food and the accompanying cultures.

That is just not the case this time.

Anthony bourdain snapshot

Anderson Cooper clearly struggles, getting repeatedly choked up, as he discusses his departed friend.

"Honestly, talking about him in the past tense it"s, it"s really — yeah, it"s really hard to — hard to imagine."


"Anthony loved drinking and eating, tasting the delights of the world immersing himself in other cultures and countries — bringing the rest of us along on his journey."

And through that, Anthony was able to expose countless Americans to unfamiliar cultures and to educate so many that something being different did not mean that it was frightening or bad.

"It"s impossible from the outside to every fully know what goes on in someone else"s heart or in their head."

Many people who struggle with suicidal depression are able to hide their symptoms.

"It"s impossible to fathom how quickly one"s life can change."

Or how quickly one"s life can come to an abrupt end.


Anderson Cooper, whose own brother committed suicide at 23, has tremendous empathy for Anthony Bourdain.

"But certainly, you know, the pain he must have been feeling, at least in that moment or in those moments, and the loneliness he must be feeling."

Millions are grieving this loss.

"It’s just terribly sad to think about."

Not just the loss, but the hidden pain and turmoil that must have led up to it.

"And makes me very sad for him to have — to have a succumbed to that."

Anderson discusses the impact that Anthony had on his life.

"He gave me hope for what one’s life can become, can be at 61."

Anthony bourdain smiles

Many of the moments that Anderson Cooper"s segment shares feature him and Anthony as they had appeared on past specials.

Anderson himself is one of those people who seems to "not like food," which is difficult to imagine. But he"s unlikely to photograph his meals or go out of his way to try new things.

Naturally, his time on camera with Anthony was so often spent trying particularly exotic foods, the kind that might give pause even to someone who loudly and proudly loves food.

This video shows Anderson try blood sausage, a thymus gland (which produces T-cells for the immune system), and even part of an aortic valve.

Anthony explains that he sees accepting food — no matter how strange or even potentially hazardous — to be part of a cultural contract.

In his many journeys abroad — to over 80 countries — he acted as a sort of cultural ambassador, and he brought viewers with him along for the ride.

Anthony bourdain photograph

Some truly monstrous people have tried to shame Anthony Bourdain for his death.

Obviously, someone dying from suicide is being neither selfish nor cowardly. People do not ask for suicidal depression any more than they ask for any illness.

Anthony is remembered by his loved ones, including his 11-year-old daughter.

This is a heartbreaking reminder that suicide can strike anywhere at any time.

If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, you can always call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.

Anthony bourdain celebrities react to shocking suicide

Anderson cooper fights back tears as he honors anthony bourdain

Saturday, March 17, 2018

UFC"s Mackenzie Dern: My Hype Train"s Gonna Steamroll Amanda Cooper, "Choo Choo!"

Mackenzie Dern is clappin’ back at her next opponent for saying she’s gonna “derail her hype train” … saying Amanda Cooper doesn’t stand a chance when they scrap at UFC 224. “That’s good, I hope she tries to do that!” Mackenzie told TMZ Sports.…


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Anderson Cooper Breaks Up With Longtime Boyfriend

Anderson Cooper has officially split from his longtime boyfriend, Benjamin Maisani. Cooper released a statement Thursday confirming that he and Maisani, a night club mogul, had “separated as boyfriends some time ago.” He added, “We remain the…


Anderson Cooper Breaks Up With Longtime Boyfriend

Anderson Cooper has officially split from his longtime boyfriend, Benjamin Maisani. Cooper released a statement Thursday confirming that he and Maisani, a night club mogul, had “separated as boyfriends some time ago.” He added, “We remain the…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Bradley Cooper, Irina Shayk Take Baby to the Beach

Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk hit the beach with their 10-month-old daughter, and while they were laser-focused on her … Bradley’s clearly got his eyes on another prize, too. The couple hit up L.A.’s Sunset Beach Tuesday to play in the sand…


Bradley Cooper, Irina Shayk Take Baby to the Beach

Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk hit the beach with their 10-month-old daughter, and while they were laser-focused on her … Bradley’s clearly got his eyes on another prize, too. The couple hit up L.A.’s Sunset Beach Tuesday to play in the sand…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Danielle Bregoli to Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper, Don"t Care What Old Guys Think of Me

Danielle Bregoli is unimpressed at Anderson Cooper, thinks Andy Cohen looks like a human Q-tip and doesn’t care these “60-to-70-year-old men” trashed her during their CNN New Year’s Eve show. We got the 14-year-old rapper at LAX, and she made it…


Monday, January 1, 2018

Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen Celebrate Pot Party on CNN"s New Year"s Eve

Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen were totally taken by CNN correspondent Randi Kaye, who was flirting with a joint until she turned things over to a dude who took a hit off of an ginormas bong. Randi was in Colorado at a Pot & Paint Party. …


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Anderson Cooper -- Good Genes or Good Docs?

Anderson Cooper’s good looks are truly something to celebrate! Here’s a 35-year-old version of the “New Year’s Eve Live” host back in 2002 (left), and 15 years later … the famous 50-year-old journalist was spotted in New…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Anderson Cooper Says His Twitter Attack on President Trump Was a Hack

Anderson Cooper called President Trump a “Pathetic loser” — or so about 10 million people thought for an hour Wednesday morning. The slam on 45 was tweeted from the CNN anchor’s verified Twitter account in response to Trump tweeting he knew Roy…


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Alice Cooper: Kershaw to Close Game 7? Big Unit Did It.

Alice Cooper is a baseball junkie — and says he’s convinced the Dodgers will BEAT the Houston Astros in Game 7 Wednesday night … thanks to one big reason.  The rock legend was leaving Craig’s in L.A. on Halloween when we started talking…


Alice Cooper: Kershaw to Close Game 7? Big Unit Did It.

Alice Cooper is a baseball junkie — and says he’s convinced the Dodgers will BEAT the Houston Astros in Game 7 Wednesday night … thanks to one big reason.  The rock legend was leaving Craig’s in L.A. on Halloween when we started talking…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

John Cena: Bradley Cooper Would Make a "Cute" Vince McMahon

With reports that Bradley Cooper has been offered to play the role of Vince McMahon in an upcoming biopic, we asked John Cena the most important question about the movie …  Is Bradley too cute to play Vince?  Some background … there…


Monday, July 17, 2017

Irina Shayk Shows Off Her Baby with Bradley Cooper

Irina Shayk and Bradley Cooper’s baby girl is showing off her genes. While Bradley was taking in Roger Federer’s Wimbeldon victory, Irina and 4-month-old Lea de Seine got in their own sports action in L.A. with a hike. Well, Mom did the…


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Anderson Cooper Tells Jeffrey Lord He"d Still Defend Trump if He Pooped on a Desk (VIDEO)

Anderson Cooper used a little toilet humor with a well-known supporter of Donald Trump … telling him he’d still defend the prez even if he went #2 on a desk. Cooper was interviewing Jeffrey Lord about Trump’s Oval Office conversations with…
