Showing posts with label Lord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lord. Show all posts

Monday, January 22, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: Lord Have Mercy

Sunday on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 16, Scott learned that Kourtney had a boyfriend and promptly freaked.

To the surprise of absolutely no one.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you’re all too familiar with Scott’s erratic behavior and volatile mental state.

Still, he was in rare form last night.

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 16 featured Kourtney venting to sister Khloe about a recent phone call with him.

After he called at 2 a.m., Kourtney revealed that she dropped the mega-bombshell on him: Younes Bendjima is the same of said bomb:

“I have a boyfriend. He’s 24 years old.”

Kourtney and Younes met in late 2016, but this had been somewhat on the DL until recently. Scott did not take it well, to put it mildly.

He hung up on her, at which point she shrugged, “I just thought he knew.” Seriously, does the guy not read any celebrity gossip or what.

Disick later lost his marbles a bit over Kourt’s relationship status, getting into another heated exchange with her. Apparently it was bad.

So had that Kourt asked her three-time baby daddy what he was “on” at the time, to which he allegedly responded, “f–king everything.”

Things got to the point where she visited his house to see if he was all right, but later the tensions appeared to have cooled down somewhat.

Scott arrived to pick up Mason for a sleepover and exchanged a light-hearted “Love you, partner” to Kourtney on his way out the door.

Hey, take what you can get, right?

Meanwhile, Kris’ old friend Faye Resnick confided in her that O.J. Simpson’s upcoming parole “Scares the death out of me.”

“I’ve been having nightmares about that,” added Kris, whose late husband, Robert Kardashian, was a friend of Simpson’s.

Jenner admitted to being “in denial” about O.J.’s parole, while also exploring the option of being cremated into a memorial diamond.

Guess it was a slow week in Calabasas.

After debating the idea with several of her kids to kill screentime, she shockingly decided against the idea of being made into jewelry.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Jeffrey Lord Posts Nazi Salute on Twitter, Gets Fired by CNN

It took Jeffrey Lord outing himself as a possible Nazi sympathizer for him to finally be fired by CNN.

The contributor, who was hired by the cable network to defend Donald Trump at all times and through all tribulations, was let go by the company on Thursday after he Tweeted the Nazi salute “Sieg Heil!”

Despite protestations that he did so in order to make fun of fascism, Lord is now out of a job.

“Nazi salutes are indefensible,” a CNN spokesperson said simply. “Jeffrey Lord is no longer with the network.”

The back-and-forth that landed Lord in hot water took place between him and Angelo Carusone, the president of Media Matters for America, a liberal media watchdog organization.

It has been supporting an advertising boycott of Sean Hannity’s program on Fox News, which prompted Lord to pen a column in the American Spectator Thursday scolding the group as “anti-free speech bigots who, in typical fascist style, make it their mission to shut down speech they don’t like.”

He had previously this week compared MMFA to the propaganda machines in Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy.

After Carusone replied to Lord and mentioned that name was misspelled in the headline of Lord’s piece… Lord responded, “Sieg Heil!”

Seems like a bit of an overreaction, no?

jl tweet

In a multitude of follow-up message, Lord argued that invoking the Nazi salute was a way of “mocking” Carusone and the organization.

Shockingly, this contention did not sway his bosses at CNN.

Following the controversial “Sieg Heil!” tweet, Carusone issued a statement on Twitter asking for Lord to be fired.

It read as follows:

Carusone tweet

To many CNN viewers and media critics, the only surprising development here is that it took so long for CNN to give Lord his walking papers.

The pro-Trump pundit has said many things over the past several months that many people thought would get him fired.

On Super Tuesday in 2016, he described the Ku Klux Klan as “the military arm, the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party, according to historians.”

In reference to Democratic congressman Bakari Sellers, an African-American, he once asked:

“When is Bakari going to get around to apologizing for slavery? I’m still waiting on that.”

With a serious face, he said at one point:

“Think of President Trump as the Martin Luther King of health care.”

More recently, Lord brushed off Trump’s encouragement of police brutality by saying that was simply a “New Yorker” having a “sense of humor” and he had gone on record by defending the President against talk of collusion with a foreign adversary.

“I don’t care what he says to the Russians,” Lord says of Trump.

The only positive to the existence of Jeffrey Lord is that he got into an on-air tiff with Anderson Cooper a few months ago, which led to Cooper saying to the biased non-journalist:

“If he took a dump on his desk, you would defend it.”

We’re almost glad CNN hired Jeffrey Lord just for that one exchange.

But he’s a horrible human being.


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Anderson Cooper Tells Jeffrey Lord He"d Still Defend Trump if He Pooped on a Desk (VIDEO)

Anderson Cooper used a little toilet humor with a well-known supporter of Donald Trump … telling him he’d still defend the prez even if he went #2 on a desk. Cooper was interviewing Jeffrey Lord about Trump’s Oval Office conversations with…


Friday, January 13, 2017

Lord Snowdon Dies; Royal Rogue Was 86

The name Anthony Armstrong-Jones may no longer be widely recognized on this side of the pond, but there was a time when the Earl of Snowdon was a tabloid fixture with as firm a grip on the public’s imagination as the most scandalous stars of today.

The husband of Queen Elizabeth II’s sister, Princess Margaret, Snowdon lived out loud in a fashion that scandalized that royals and helped define the hedonistic zeitgeist of the Swinging Sixties.

A photographer and filmmaker and unabashed bohemian, Snowdon captivated Britons when he married Margaret in 1960, and his status as a relatable commoner amongst royals has earned him comparisons to Princess Di.

At first, Snowdon’s freewheeling lifestyle made him a perfect fit for the rebellious Margaret, and the British press fell in love with the young couple that was so unlike the more sedate Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. 

Eventually, however, Snowdon’s appetite for promiscuous sex (with women and men alike), hard-partying, and hob-nobbing with his era’s biggest celebrities put a strain on his marriage, and he and Margaret divorced in 1978.

In the years that followed, Snowdon was lauded for his indiscretion, turning down lucrative offers to pen a tell-all about his time as a royal in-law.

Lord Snowdon, Beatles

Eventually, however, the more lurid details of his wild life and times came to light:

Snowdon lived a life of extremes, at once both highly ambitious and accomplished (In addition to his artistic achievements, he received a patent for an electric wheelchair that he invented in 1971.), and given over to debauched behavior that’s shocking by today’s standards, let alone the stuffy mores of England in the early ’60s.

One of the more recent gossip items about his personal life came to light in 2008, when Snowdon admitted to fathering a daughter out of wedlock just months before marrying Princess Margaret.

The child – conceived during an alcohol and amyl-nitrate-fueled threesome – was born while Armstrong-Jones was on his honeymoon with Princess Margaret.

It was only when she was in her late forties that the woman learned Snowdon was her father via a DNA test.

Just months after his marriage to Margaret ended, Snowdon married Lucy Lindsay Hogg, who gave birth to his daughter, Frances, in 1979.

Margaret never remarried, and died of a stroke in 2002.

Though he’ll likely be best remembered for his involvement with the royals and his decadent lifestyle, those who followed Snowdon’s career say that he had a tremendous impact on the arts scene in London throughout his multi-decade career.

The many famous subjects who sat for photo sessions with Snowdon say his charisma, warmth, and sense of humor made for a relaxed environment that resulted in uniquely intimate images.

Sources say he passed away peacefully at home.


Monday, November 7, 2016

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 19 Recap: Lord of the Cougars

Sunday on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 19, Kim sought to control her anxiety and Kendall’s work life went south.

We started things off with Kendall Jenner hitting up her mother, Kris Jenner to let her know about her sleep paralysis. 

Kris was very understanding about the whole thing, but was quick to put it all down to anxiety over flying. 

This did not sit well with Kendall, who did not take too kindly to having the sleep paralysis brushed under the rug. 

“One day when I’m rushed to the hospital, you guys are gonna wake up,” she snapped.

Nobody likes being undermined, but it was pretty clear Kendall was over it and made her feelings known to her mother. 

Their conversation resumed when Kendall returned to L.A and it went a little better. Kendall revealed to her mother that she would rather not travel because of the sleep issues. 

Kris was understandably taken aback by the whole thing. If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you’ll know that Kendall is quite the jetsetter. That’s sort of what happens when you’re a model. 

“It almost feels like my heart stops,” she revealed to Kris. She then revealed that her health is more important than her career. Might Kendall actually quit her career?

There’s absolutely no chance that Kris will let this go through. The Kardashian brand already seems to be dying, so Kendall scaling back work would put the family further out to dry. 

Meanwhile, Kim Kardashian was having some health issues of her own and turned to her BFF, Jonathan Cheban for some advice. Kim was scared at the thought of anything bad happening.

Everyone worries about things going wrong at some points in their lives, but Kim seems to be pretty darn sure things are going to start going wrong. However, Kim was unfamiliar with what sleep paralysis was and Kendall explained it to her. 

“It’s like you’re asleep, and then the middle of the night, basically your mind wakes up but your body’s still asleep, so you wake up but nothing can move. You can’t speak — nothing.”

“It’s the scariest thing in the entire world. You literally think you’re never going to be able to move again.”

Kim then took to the camera to lift the lid on her thoughts on sleep paralysis. 

“I mean, I thought I was having anxiety. This is like so much scarier. I’ve never heard of sleep paralysis and I think it sounds like such a crazy experience, and I feel so bad that she’s been going through this.”

Kim being stressed about the whole thing paved the way for Kris to actually acknowledge what Kendall was going through and hoped both of her daughters could work together to get better. 

Kim and Kendall then decided the best course of action would be to visit a therapist to see if there was any support available that could get both gals back to their former glory. 

In true KUWTK fashion, Kim went for a car ride with the therapist and was told to try and handle the thoughts in the moment, rather than allowing them to play on her mind. It made perfect sense, but Kim knew it was going to be easier said than done. 

Kim further spoke about it and hoped the anxiety was just temporary for her. Thankfully, Kim later revealed that she thought the anxiety was mostly gone. She noted that her father living life to the fullest, inspired her to follow the same example for the sake of her kids. 

Unfortunately, Kendall wasn’t getting any better and was still battling her issues. Kim told her to try meditating and she revealed that it did help. 

Kendall and Kim then played a prank on Kris by telling her to cancel everything for them, forcing Kris to freak out. 

Elsewhere, Scott Disick just couldn’t seem to find his own bunch of friends, so he settled for Kris Jenner and her gal pals. It all seemed pretty desperate and like something that was constructed to fill the run time of the episode. 

When Kim and Kourtney confronted him about it, he got super defensive about all of it. 

He told the camera, “I didn’t want to be a full-blown cougar stalker. It’s definitely not the most normal thing on the planet, so maybe I shouldn’t hang out with the cougar squad.”

Khloe called out Kourtney for hating on Scott hanging around with their mother, leading to Scott continuing his new friendship with them and leaving us with one of his signature quotes. 

“These ladies need the Lord.”

They most certainly do not. 

What did you think of the episode?

Hit the comments. 


Monday, October 31, 2016

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 18 Episode 12 Recap: The Lord Returneth

Sunday night on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 18 Episode 12, the famous family commemorated MJ’s birthday in San Diego.

Also, the episode marked the second coming of the Lord.

Not the actual Messiah, sadly. Just Lord Disick himself.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you likely remember Scott’s efforts to become His Lordship on their trip to England.

It’s been awhile since Disick’s alter ego was spotted.

“He was always dressed to the nines, was always really elaborate, over-the-top,” Khloe said, adding that Scott is “forgetting to have fun.”

When she brought out some old “Lord swag” to show him, the regal one said, “I never knew you guys wanted the Lord back so bad!”

Next thing you know on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 18 Episode 12, he’s off to London for an aviation show, and a new jet.

Because obviously that was a thing that happened.

Should the Lord have stayed in retirement for good?

Kim worried that perhaps the family was pushing him back to his old persona and lifestyle unwisely, but she had bigger issues at hand.

Like how to style North West’s unruly curly hair.

Malika Haqq, Larsa Pippen – in the news lately due to her divorce from Scottie Pippen – and celebrity stylist Kim Kimble all gave advice.

Eventually, North got two cute French braids.

Absolutely riveting stuff. Meanwhile, reports of Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna breaking up surfaced online, again, causing a frenzy.

After Kim and Scott called Chyna, they got the scoop on why Rob deleted photos from his social media accounts, among other things.

We know Rob had blocked every single one of his sisters and tweeted Kylie Jenner’s phone number, so clearly everything is not alright.

No word on Rob threatening Pilot Jones‘ life, but we imagine that it’s just a matter of time before things further even unravel on television.

No wonder Kim is increasingly worried, though …

The good news is that Chyna came to San Diego to support MJ and the family at her party. The bad news is that Rob did not attend.

Yes, Blac attended a Kardashian function solo.

They confronted him when they got back from San Diego, and Rob admitted he had gone to Vegas instead of his grandmother’s party.

Spoiler alert: That reveal did not go over well.

Kourtney, Kim and Khloe read him the riot act, and he responded that didn’t want to go because he wasn’t comfortable at his current weight.

He would have had to dress up. Deal breaker.

Obviously, there’s a lot of tension there and it’s not going away anytime soon, regardless of whether Rob and Chyna make this work.

A possibility that, sadly, seems more in more in doubt from everything we’ve heard about their whirlwind, dysfunctional romance lately.

Blac is worried about what Rob will do to their baby the way things are going right now, which isn’t a good sign at 38 weeks pregnant.

Fortunately the Lord – given a new plaque and crest with the moniker Duke Disick – seems to be a little more self-aware this time around.

He realized that the family presenting him with the new title was their way of telling him to dial it down, as he’d gone a little too far again.

Call him a Duke or call him a Lord, the regal one took a hint and promised not to go too crazy anymore, despite his over-the-top tendencies.

We imagine Kourtney and the kids approve.

Whether she and Scott ever get back together in a romantic sense or not, having him a little bit reined in and under control is a positive.

He could have gone totally off the rails, but he’s been a good father and friend lately, and is fully welcomed back into the fold by the family. 

Give the man credit where it’s due.


Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Good, The Bad, The Lord: 23 Times Scott Disick Owned Reality TV

Scott Disick is reality TV gold.  And while it pains us to see him and Kourtney Kardashian separate, we find comfort in the moments he"s shared with family and friends on camera.

You"ll laugh, you"ll cry, you may even see the Kardashians through Scott"s eyes.

Stranger things have happened.

1. Why Isn’t This An App Yet?

Scott disick auntie kris its me its todd kraines gif

Because teasing Kris Jenner will never, ever get old.

2. It’s Not Makeup If The Word "Moisturizer" Is In It

Scott explains to kourtney that he uses tinted moisturizer

Can’t a man take beauty into his own hands?

3. Free Stuff!

Scott disick mocks kim kardashians free yoga membership gif

These are hard times…for other people.

4. This One Warms The Heart

Scott and penelop disick cuddling gif

All the cuddles.

5. We Shouldn’t Laugh Because It’s Serious

Scott disick makes a joke meme

But we did anyway.

6. Scott Leaves Kim To It

Scott disick wishes kim luck before her wedding gif

You’ve done this before right?

View Slideshow

The Good, The Bad, The Lord: 23 Times Scott Disick Owned Reality TV

Scott Disick is reality TV gold.  And while it pains us to see him and Kourtney Kardashian separate, we find comfort in the moments he"s shared with family and friends on camera.

You"ll laugh, you"ll cry, you may even see the Kardashians through Scott"s eyes.

Stranger things have happened.

1. Why Isn’t This An App Yet?

Scott disick auntie kris its me its todd kraines gif

Because teasing Kris Jenner will never, ever get old.

2. It’s Not Makeup If The Word "Moisturizer" Is In It

Scott explains to kourtney that he uses tinted moisturizer

Can’t a man take beauty into his own hands?

3. Free Stuff!

Scott disick mocks kim kardashians free yoga membership gif

These are hard times…for other people.

4. This One Warms The Heart

Scott and penelop disick cuddling gif

All the cuddles.

5. We Shouldn’t Laugh Because It’s Serious

Scott disick makes a joke meme

But we did anyway.

6. Scott Leaves Kim To It

Scott disick wishes kim luck before her wedding gif

You’ve done this before right?

View Slideshow

Monday, January 4, 2016

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 11 Episode 7 Recap: The Lord Cometh

Sunday night’s Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 11 Episode 7 saw the famous family return from vacation to face real life.

Of course, when the Kards and Jenners came back refreshed and ready to start anew, Scott Disick dropped by unannounced …

Picking up where we left off before the holiday break, Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 11 Episode 7 found the gang in St. Bart’s.

Kris Jenner urged Kourtney to let Scott back into her heart, but the mom of three just wanted to focus on her kids and not on her love life.

I’m not like, a dating person. I did the dating thing before Scott for like a minute and it was not for me,” Kourtney Kardashian said.

She’s no longer sure if Disick is “the one” but either way, “I just got out of a nine-year relationship, the last thing I need is anyone in my life.”

Reports of Kourtney hooking up with Justin Bieber beg to differ, but Khloe Kardashian just wants to focus on “how bomb she looks.”

Naturally, Khloe, Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner decided to set up a sexy photo shoot to basically show Scott what he’s missing.

“Scott is out there just jumping about with these random chicks and Kourtney is way flyer than those girls will ever be,” Khloe said.

“Just knowing you’re a bad a– bitch is what life is about.”

Indeed. But the Lord’s presence is not easy to ignore.

When he randomly showed up back in L.A. when Kris Jenner was meeting with Kourtney, Kim and Khloe, they were all taken aback.

Not only had they barely seen or heard from him in months at this point, Scott tearfully apologized and shocked them with his words.

“It’s so hard seeing my children on a trip … it was the first trip that I’ve never been on with my own kids,” Disick said, knowing he blew it.

Admitting he “got jealous and scared,” Scott confessed that he brought people to Mexico to make himself feel better but only felt worse.

“I realize I’m in the wrong, I’ve been in the wrong a long time,” he said, but Khloe took him to task when he lamented being alone.

“You say you don’t have a family and you don’t have all these things, we give you one, why do you like, destroy it?” Khloe said.

Disick’s mea culpa only got more emotional from there.

“It’s just been a really hard time going from having all of you guys to having nobody. I’m living in a house by myself,” he said.

“I want to pick up the phone and call my mom and dad. … I’m just so ashamed that I publicly embarrassed all of you. It kills me.”

Then his outpouring took a turn for the jarringly real.

“I’ve never been this unhappy in my life, you know. It’s just terrible. If I didn’t have those kids, I would kill myself,” Disick revealed.

“But I have them and I’m going to be here.”

“I’m going to make it right for them,” he promised. “I just hope that somehow … God can like, give me a chance or us a chance at this.”

Finally, the conversation ended and Scott left, leaving us wondering if the proverbial door was left open as well as the actual door.

Meanwhile, Kendall Jenner got pissed at Kylie and Tyga which also created some drama this week on what was supposed to be a fun trip.

A fun family trip, to Kendall’s chagrin.

Kylie didn’t back down from Kendall’s criticism, even telling mom Kris that Kendall was “so f–king annoying” about bonding on vacation.

“I used to always have Kendall on my side and now she’s always gone,” Kylie said, adding that being with Tyga is her “comfort zone” now. 

T-Raww, for his part, did his best to mediate.

“You have to be patient with Kylie cause she makes her mind up about stuff,” Tyga said in a sit-down with Kris and Kendall Jenner.

Kylie didn’t appreciate being talked about awkward, but later, she and Kendall had a discussion in which the two seemed to work it out.

Later, they all took a hike … together!

Follow the links above to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online and tell us: Will Scott actually remain true to his words?