Showing posts with label Rogue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rogue. Show all posts

Monday, July 16, 2018

John David Duggar Goes Rogue, Ditches Family: Is Abbie Grace Burnett a Bad Influence?!

It’s been two months since we first learned that John David Duggar is courting Abbie Grace Burnett.

Some were shocked by the news, others not so much.

While it’s true that JDD is well past the age when most Duggar men begin courting, many assumed that — like his twin sister Jana — John David had simply decided to remain single.

While such a decision would likely outrage his father, John David had rebelled against Jim Bob Duggar several times in the past and seems to have no problem breaking with family tradition.

And it seems that John may have found himself a fellow insurgent in Abbie.

Ever since the two of them began hooking up (which in the Duggars’ world means making eye contact and occasionally holding hands for the allowable period of 15 seconds), John David and Abbie Grace have been throwing caution to the wind and shocking the locals with their behavior.

And what exactly have they been up to?

Well put on your pearls and get ready to clutch ‘em folks, because these two ne’er do wells are up to no good, and they don’t care who knows it!

And by that we mean John David and Abbie have been breaking courtship rules and skipping church.

Now, the first offense might just mean that John David and Abbie have engaged in the sinful practice of front-hugging.

Usually, premarital hanky-panky of any kind is the worst thing any Duggar couple can be accused of, but the church-skipping might actually piss Jim Bob off worse.

Sources close to the family say John David has been AWOL at Sunday services on multiple occasions, and those who know him best say it’s all because of Abbie.

“John David has not been at church,” one insider tells Radar Online, adding that JDD hasn’t been himself since “Abbie showed up.”

“They’re always missing from church when they’ve started dating,” another insider confirms.

Those who follow the family closely know that this is just the latest example of Jim Bob and Michelle’s offspring rebelling against their parents.

There’s been much talk about which of the Duggar kids will be the first to “break free,” and it now it looks as though several of them already have.

Jinger Duggar has been wearing pants in defiance of the family dress code, and it seems she’s inspired some of her sisters to follow suit.

Josiah Duggar has been rebelling against Jim Bob for years, and now that he’s married, he can really set out on his own.

Will mild-mannered John David be the rest to defy his father?

We never would’ve expected it, but it seems he’s well on his way!


Friday, November 3, 2017

Rogue Employee Deletes Donald Trump Twitter Account, Hailed as National Hero

For a glorious 11 minutes on Thursday, Donald Trump was unable to send a Tweet.

At 6:35 p.m. EST, the possible-unstable President shared a video of him formally nominating Jerome Powell as Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Then, from about 6:50 p.m to 7:00 p.m., we didn’t just hear nothing from the controversial Commander-in-Chief…

… anyone trying to access his account was greeted by an “Error” message.

Many users thought that perhaps Twitter had finally heeded the requests of critics around the globe and kicked President Trump off the service.

These folks believe he continually violates Twitter’s terms of service by bullying various individuals and, at times, teasing a nuclear war with North Korea.

The President had most recently drawn score for his message about the Manhattan terror attack.

He wrote on Wednesday that Sayfullo Saipov – the man charged with driving his truck into a bike path in New York City and killing eight people in the process –  “should get the death penalty.”

Legal experts have said this demand could make it harder for prosecutors in the case against Saipov.

So… was this the final straw for Twitter?

Did it cut Trump off as a result?

Tragically, no.

We learned later in the evening that an employee on his or her final day of work at the company took it upon his or herself to take Trump’s page down.

Read a message from Twitter itself once it arrived at this conclusion:

Earlier today @realdonaldtrump’s account was inadvertently deactivated due to human error by a Twitter employee.

The account was down for 11 minutes, and has since been restored.

We are continuing to investigate and are taking steps to prevent this from happening again.

DT Twitter

What can we say? That’s just amazing and hilarious.

Trump has 41 million followers.

He likes to basically live-Tweet Fox & Friends each morning, while he’s been railing against charges of collusion with Russia of late, along with calling for an investigation of Hillary Clinton by the Department of Justice.

As you might expect, Democrats and Republicans alike celebrated the work of this rogue Twitter employee.


Those on both sides of the aisle seem to agree that the President Tweets too much, especially when most of his messages involve bragging or lying (or, often, both) about something self-serving.

It would be possible to use this massive platform for good.

But not for Donald Trump.


Monday, January 16, 2017

Suki Waterhouse Gets Handsy With "Rogue One" Star Diego Luna in Mexico (PHOTOS)

Suki Waterhouse knows age ain’t nothing but a number when you’re with a hotshot like Diego Luna in his home turf.  Paps got the British model hanging out with the ‘Rogue One’ star in Tulum, Mexico over the weekend, and they looked…


Friday, January 13, 2017

Lord Snowdon Dies; Royal Rogue Was 86

The name Anthony Armstrong-Jones may no longer be widely recognized on this side of the pond, but there was a time when the Earl of Snowdon was a tabloid fixture with as firm a grip on the public’s imagination as the most scandalous stars of today.

The husband of Queen Elizabeth II’s sister, Princess Margaret, Snowdon lived out loud in a fashion that scandalized that royals and helped define the hedonistic zeitgeist of the Swinging Sixties.

A photographer and filmmaker and unabashed bohemian, Snowdon captivated Britons when he married Margaret in 1960, and his status as a relatable commoner amongst royals has earned him comparisons to Princess Di.

At first, Snowdon’s freewheeling lifestyle made him a perfect fit for the rebellious Margaret, and the British press fell in love with the young couple that was so unlike the more sedate Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. 

Eventually, however, Snowdon’s appetite for promiscuous sex (with women and men alike), hard-partying, and hob-nobbing with his era’s biggest celebrities put a strain on his marriage, and he and Margaret divorced in 1978.

In the years that followed, Snowdon was lauded for his indiscretion, turning down lucrative offers to pen a tell-all about his time as a royal in-law.

Lord Snowdon, Beatles

Eventually, however, the more lurid details of his wild life and times came to light:

Snowdon lived a life of extremes, at once both highly ambitious and accomplished (In addition to his artistic achievements, he received a patent for an electric wheelchair that he invented in 1971.), and given over to debauched behavior that’s shocking by today’s standards, let alone the stuffy mores of England in the early ’60s.

One of the more recent gossip items about his personal life came to light in 2008, when Snowdon admitted to fathering a daughter out of wedlock just months before marrying Princess Margaret.

The child – conceived during an alcohol and amyl-nitrate-fueled threesome – was born while Armstrong-Jones was on his honeymoon with Princess Margaret.

It was only when she was in her late forties that the woman learned Snowdon was her father via a DNA test.

Just months after his marriage to Margaret ended, Snowdon married Lucy Lindsay Hogg, who gave birth to his daughter, Frances, in 1979.

Margaret never remarried, and died of a stroke in 2002.

Though he’ll likely be best remembered for his involvement with the royals and his decadent lifestyle, those who followed Snowdon’s career say that he had a tremendous impact on the arts scene in London throughout his multi-decade career.

The many famous subjects who sat for photo sessions with Snowdon say his charisma, warmth, and sense of humor made for a relaxed environment that resulted in uniquely intimate images.

Sources say he passed away peacefully at home.


Thursday, December 29, 2016

"Rogue One" Star Ben Mendelsohn"s Wife Files for Divorce

“Rogue One” star Ben Mendelsohn barely had time to enjoy his movie’s big premiere — his wife filed for divorce just 7 days after it opened. Emma Nadine Forrest filed legal docs, obtained by TMZ, which has all the makings of an uphill battle…


Friday, December 16, 2016

Rogue One Reviews: Is The Force With This Star Wars Story?

The social media buzz over the latest Star Wars offering, Rogue One, may not be quite what it was for last year’s The Force Awakens, but we suppose that’s to be expected.

After all, that film not marked the beloved franchise’s return to theaters after a ten-year absence, it had trusted sequel and reboot architect J.J. Abrams at the helm.

And it didn’t hurt that TFA was the next installment of an ongoing saga, whereas Rogue One is something else entirely …

The Gareth Edwards-directed film has been described as more of a spinoff than a proper sequel, tonally different from the rest of the franchise, as it offers a view of the rebels as a gritty band of guerillas.

Does the risk pay off?

Well, here’s what some top critics have to say:

A tense, well-made spacefaring war movie about a desperate and demoralized band of insurgents standing up against a rising authoritarian regime.” – Chris Klimek, NPR

Except for a few jocose, fan-serving moments, the movie is a dour affair, lacking the charm and chills of J.J. Abrams’s spirited Star Wars: The Force Awakens, not to mention George Lucas’s founding trilogy.” – Leah Pickett, Chicago Reader

The good news is that Edwards’ effort to make a storm-the-beach war film produces a tense third act that earns most of its big moments and also justifies much of what’s come before.” – Matthew Lickona, San Diego Reader

Rogue One does a great job of walking the fine line between being a Star Wars film and not feeling like any other Star Wars film.” – Matt Neal, The Standard 

“The movie didn’t rekindle the thrill of seeing, say, The Empire Strikes Back, but Rogue One will loom pretty large in the Star Wars galaxy – if only because there’s so little competition.” – David Edelstein, New York Magazine

As evidenced by its 85% fresh score on Rotten Tomatoes, the is doing well with critics overall, but falls short of the standard set by TFA.

Still, it seems that Star Wars obsessives but this darker vision of their favorite far away galaxy.


"Rogue One" Star Diego Luna Ignores Paparazzi to Sign Autographs (VIDEO)

Diego Luna must think the paparazzi are with the Empire, and fans are his fellow rebels … because he was slow to answer but quick on the draw — with his pen. We got the ‘Rogue One’ actor, who plays Rebel leader Captain Cassian Andor, at LAX…


Friday, December 9, 2016

Rogue One: Star Wars Film Prompts Neo-Nazi Boycott

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is almost unquestionably the most highly-anticipated film of 2016.

And, of course, as with any major Star Wars release, the film became the subject of intense online scrutiny months before its release, thus generating word-of-mouth that usually serves as free advertising for Disney.

Now, however, a week before it hits theaters, Rogue One is at the center of a heated debate that could wind up hurting its box office receipts for the most bizarre reason imaginable.

Past Star Wars controversies have centered around mixed responses to story developments within the franchise, or retroactive changes to the original films.

Sadly, the Rogue One debate has taken a much more sinister tone that says more about our nation’s current political climate than about George Lucas’ film franchise.

On Thursday, the hashtag #DumpStarWars began trending on Twitter, and it quickly became clear to any fan who investigated that this was not the result of some spirited critiques of the series’ creative shortcomings.

While it’s unclear how it originated, the hashtag has proven popular among white nationalists and members of the “alt-right,” both movements that have been tied to the KKK and other hate groups.

The most common complaint is that the film (which the outraged have not yet seen) is “anti-white” and espouses a “feminist agenda,” because the cast is multi-cultural and the film’s main character is a woman.

The baffling outrage began back when the first Rogue One trailer was released online several months ago, with YouTube commenters describing the film as “nothing but a Jew masturbation fantasy of anti-White hate.”

The bigoted movement gained steam back in November, when two of the film’s screenwriters, Chris Weitz and Gary Whitta, pointed out that the Empire has always been an obvious metaphor for Hitler’s regime.

“Please note that the Empire is a white supremacist (human) organization,” Chris Weitz tweeted.

Whitta retweeted the statement, adding:

“Opposed by a multi-cultural group led by brave women.”

Indeed, fantasy and science-fiction films and literature have a long history of advancing (usually left-wing) political causes, but don’t tell that to the chronically butthurt boycotters who are currently stamping their tiny feet and holding their breath til they turn blue all over social media.

Some lowlights (complete with newly-trendy #FakeNews):

“Stop using your multiculturalism anti-American agenda in a science fiction Disney movie. We just want to enjoy a fun movie.”

“Just got a full refund on my Rogue One tickets. Keep your politics out of my galaxy.”

“Star Wars writers rewrote and reshot Rogue One to add in Anti Trump scenes calling him a racist. Disgusting.”

“Rogue One is an anti-Trump propaganda film. BOYCOTT!!! Trump supporters!”

“#DumpStarWars Race baiting will not be tolerated.”

On the sane side, the situation might be best summed up by David Slack, who tweeted:

“If Star Wars — an obvious allegory about Nazism  — feels like an attack on your candidate, the problem isn’t with Star Wars…”

Of course, our favorite #DumpStarWars tweet belongs to the incomparable Patirck Monahan, who writes:

“After the election they changed the title of ROGUE ONE to DONALD TRUMP HAS A TINY WIENER? I’ll be spending my money elsewhere!”

On point as always, @PattyMo.

As for the anticipated impacted on the film’s bottom line – something tells us Disney will be just fine.


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Ronda Rousey -- I"M A BLOOD ELF ROGUE ... Thanks to Vin Diesel (VIDEO)

The next time you’re murdered by a blood elf rogue in World of Warcraft … there’s a good chance the person killing you is Ronda Rousey.  Turns out, the UFC star is SUPER into World of Warcraft — and that’s actually how she became friends…


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Colin Kaepernick Wears Pig Socks, Takes Aim at "Rogue Cops"

Colin Kaepernick is not done stirring up controversy.

The San Francisco 49ers quarterback has become a household name, as well as a subject of major national debate, after he took a scandalous stance last Friday.

During the playing of the national anthem prior to a preseason football game, Kaepernick did not get up off the bench.

He simply sat their quietly, refusing to show respect for the United States while its theme song played overhead.

The arrow in the photo below is pointing at Kaepernick while he committed this act of defiance:

Referencing the tragic rash of African-American deaths at the hands of police officers over the past several months, Kaepernick made it very clear why he’s taking this measure.

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” he told NFL Media.

“To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way.

“There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

Now, with opinions divided between those disgusted over Kaepernick’s lack of patriotic respect and those who appreciate the attention he’s brought to a pressing national issue… a new controversy has arisen.

Over an old topic.

Photos surfaced today of Kaepernick wearing socks on the field that depict police officers as pigs.

The photos are actually from training camp of this year, but Kaepernick did not hesitate to address the basis for this attire on Instagram.

He was very upfront over why he made this fashion statement at the time.

“I wore these socks, in the past, because the rogue cops that are allowed to hold positions in police departments, not only put the community in danger, but also put the cops that have the right intentions in danger by creating an environment of tension and mistrust,” he wrote.

“I have two uncles and friends who are police officers and work to protect and serve ALL people.

“So before these socks, which were worn before I took my public stance, are used to distract from the real issues, I wanted to address this immediately.”

You’ve gotta admire Kaepernick for just coming right out and speaking his mind.

He’s not beating around any bushes, he’s sticking up for what he believes in.

Well, not everyone has to admire this, we guess. But some folks out there do.

Kaepernick actually led the 49ers to the Super Bowl in 2013.

His stock has fallen tremendously since then, as he actually lost his starting job to Blaine Gabbert last year.

But no one is talking about Kaepernick’s failings as a quarterback now. They’re focused on his political beliefs instead.

Do you agree with his stance… of sitting down?

Do you think too much attention is being paid to the messenger and the way he chose to convey his message, as opposed to the message itself?

Or do you just think Colin Kaepernick sucks as a human being?

Friday, August 12, 2016

Rogue One Trailer: Star Wars Goes Back in Time to Vader"s Heyday!

The trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was released last night during the Rio Olympics, and it looks nothing short of epic.

We were treated to a healthy dose of Felicity Jones looking like an absolute badass, as well as Diego Luna"s rugged, handsome self.

There was even a cameo by Darth Vader himself.

While Vader’s voice isn"t heard (yet) we do hear his distinctive breathing, albeit for just a fleeting moment as the trailer concludes.

What a time to be alive for a Star Wars fan.

Not only do we have the story of Luke, Leia and The Force with The Force Awakens and Star Wars: Episode VIII, we have new spinoffs.

With Rogue One, we jump back in time to when Vader and his Empire took over the galaxy and the rebellion valiantly stood in its way.

Soon there will also be Han Solo origin stories, as Disney and Lucasfilm ensure we come as close to #PeakStarWars as humanly possible.

Rogue One, which hits theaters December 16, stars Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Riz Ahmed, Jonathan Aris, Ben Mendelsohn, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk, Jiang Wen, Forest Whitaker and Donnie Yen.

As was the case with The Force Awakens, plot details are few and far between in the trailer below – but who cares, honestly?

It"s Star Wars, so you know you"re going to see it multiple times anyway … the producers might as well keep you guessing until then.

Enjoy and tell us what you think of this first look!

Rogue one trailer

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

National Anthem Singer Goes Rogue, Says "All Lives Matter"

Over the years, plenty of sporting events have featured plenty of controversial national anthems.

There was the time Nelly Furtado butchered "O Canada."

And also the time Aaron Lewis forgot the words to the Star Spangled Banner.

But we"ve never had an incident quite like this before…

On Tuesday night, a group called The Tenors sang the Canadian national anthem in San Diego during the seventh inning of the Major League Baseball All-Star Game.

At one point, a member changed lyrics from the first verse of the song, substituting “With glowing hearts we see thee rise, the True North strong and free,” to the following:

“We"re all brothers and sisters, all lives matter.”

All lives matter, of course, is the response of total idiots to the Black Lives Matter movement, as these morons (and bigots?) can"t seem to comprehend why it"s important these days to emphasize the importance of African-American lives.

The entire point of the movement is that all lives do not appear to matter in the same way, not after a number of racially-charged incident between police officers and African-Americans that have left many in the latter community dead.

Very soon after the anthem change last night, The Tenors released a statement.

It condemned the member of the group who changed the lyrics and said he did so without the knowledge of the other singers.

Referring to Remigio Pereira, the statement read as follows:

The Tenors are deeply sorry for the disrespectful and misguided lack of judgment by one member of the group acting as a ‘lone wolf’ today during the singing of the Canadian national anthem at the Major League Baseball All-Star Game in San Diego.

The other members of the group are shocked and embarrassed by the actions of Remigio Pereira, who changed the lyrics of our treasured anthem and used this coveted platform to serve his own political views.

Our sincere apologies and regrets go out to everyone who witnessed this shameful act, to our fellow Canadians, to Major League Baseball, to our friends, families, fans and to all those affected.

The actions of one member of this group were extremely selfish and he will not be performing with The Tenors until further notice.

Tuesday’s All-Star Game took place four days after five Dallas police officers were killed by a gunman… and the week after two black men were killed by police.

See Pereira go rogue below:

Canadian anthem singers change lyrics to include all lives matte

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Kelly Ripa DISSES ABC Execs: She"s Gone Rogue!

Kelly Ripa has not been shy about her displeasure with ABC’s handling of Michael Strahan’s departure from Live! With Kelly and Michael.

The network, along with her co-host, broke the news to her just minutes before making the announcement public, a move that blindsided her.

When she returned to Live! after pulling a no-show then going on a pre-planned vacation, she spoke to the audience about the importance of communication and respect in the workplace.

And then she gave a candid, tell-all interview to People magazine.

Well, it seems network producers weren’t aware that she’d be speaking out to the press.

“They had no idea she was telling her story to the cover of People until after it went to print on Monday,” a source told Radar Online.

“She has gone rogue,” adds the source.

“She doesn’t trust her bosses anymore and is taking her career into her own hands.”

So, they didn’t tell her something and she didn’t tell them something. Tit for tat, I suppose?

“She’s no longer including the network in her decisions or press,” added the source.

Strahan, on the other hand, declined the People cover, following the advice of his bosses.

In her interview, Ripa explains that the issue was complicated.

“There’s a part of me that can say, ‘Okay, I understand. This may have been an oversight,"” she said about the network’s failing to keep her apprised of Strahan’s leaving.

But she went on to reiterate her sentiments about professionalism in the workplace.

“I think that all people are deserving of fair treatment in the workplace. People deserve respect,” she affirmed. “People should be treated equally and with dignity.”

“People make mistakes, and we’re all human,” she added.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Trailer Released! Watch Now!

The first of several standalone spinoff films in the Disney"s reboot of the Star Wars franchise, the awkwardly-titled Rogue One: A Star Wars Story won"t hit theaters until December, but fans are already going nuts over the first full trailer released moments ago.

Little is known about the plot, except that it the film will detail the Rebel Alliance"s efforts to steal the plans for the Empire"s infamous Death Star,

The trailer introduces us to Jyn Erso – a rebel even by the Rebel"s standards – played by Academy Award nominee Felicity Jones.

Erso is part of a team of badasses – rogues, if you will – who are tasked with the potentially deadly mission of stealing the blueprints for the planet-destroying monolith that was blown up by Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: A New Hope.

If the chronology seems a bit confusing, allow us to break it down:

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which recently made all of the money in the known universe, takes place about 40 years after the events of the A New Hope (aka the first film, aka just Star Wars).

The as-yet untitled Star Wars: Episode VIII will continue that story, but Rogue One, is its own thing – a rogue one, if you will – and will serve as a prequel to the entire franchise.

Get it? If not, don"t worry about it. Lots of stuff blows up in the trailer.

Rogue one a star wars story trailer released watch now

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Star Wars "Rogue One" -- Filming Begins ... May the Rebels Be with You (PHOTOS)


0915_Rogue_One_A_Star_Wars_Story_spoiler_photos_launchBreak time’s over … the ‘Star Wars’ crew is back to work on the next movie — filming a destructive scene in London.

“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” started shooting last week … and looks like the first scene centers around a crash — complete with dead storm troopers around the wreckage. Ummm … spoiler alert?

The movie is a spin-off from the main trilogy — focusing on Rebel efforts to steal the Death Star plans, and it’s due out in December 2016 … right about the time fans finally start coming down from ‘The Force Awakens.’