Thursday, April 7, 2016

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Trailer Released! Watch Now!

The first of several standalone spinoff films in the Disney"s reboot of the Star Wars franchise, the awkwardly-titled Rogue One: A Star Wars Story won"t hit theaters until December, but fans are already going nuts over the first full trailer released moments ago.

Little is known about the plot, except that it the film will detail the Rebel Alliance"s efforts to steal the plans for the Empire"s infamous Death Star,

The trailer introduces us to Jyn Erso – a rebel even by the Rebel"s standards – played by Academy Award nominee Felicity Jones.

Erso is part of a team of badasses – rogues, if you will – who are tasked with the potentially deadly mission of stealing the blueprints for the planet-destroying monolith that was blown up by Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: A New Hope.

If the chronology seems a bit confusing, allow us to break it down:

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which recently made all of the money in the known universe, takes place about 40 years after the events of the A New Hope (aka the first film, aka just Star Wars).

The as-yet untitled Star Wars: Episode VIII will continue that story, but Rogue One, is its own thing – a rogue one, if you will – and will serve as a prequel to the entire franchise.

Get it? If not, don"t worry about it. Lots of stuff blows up in the trailer.

Rogue one a star wars story trailer released watch now