Thursday, April 7, 2016

Kanye West: "Smitten" with Kris Jenner! Not In Love With Kim!

Well, this is…weird.

Celebrity author Ian Halperin’s new book reveals all sorts of “details” about the private lives of Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner, Kanye West and the rest of the family.

Radar Online got the scoop on portions of the book that focus on Kardashian and West’s 2-year marriage, claiming that the two are never together when the cameras aren’t rolling.

“She’s never with him,” a source close to Kardashian (whom Radar ID’d as a “female molde) told the site.

“I think they got married with some sort of agreement to have kids together, but to lead separate lives.”

The source said she was not at all surprised when Kardashian accepted West’s proposal in October 2013.

“Kim was always very open about wanting to meet a man more rich, famous and powerful than her,” the source pointed out.

“She definitely found that guy in Kanye.”

West, on the other hand, had his own ideas.  

The rapper’s mother, Donda, died in 2007 due to complications from plastic surgery, and West  “never got over it until he met Kim and loved how big a family she had.”

The major draw for West?  His future mother-in-law.

“He was smitten with Kris Jenner,” the source said, adding that West found her “smart, loving, and business-savvy.”

“In fact, I don’t think he would have married Kim if Kris Jenner wasn’t on the scene.

“He was enamored.”