Wednesday, July 13, 2016

National Anthem Singer Goes Rogue, Says "All Lives Matter"

Over the years, plenty of sporting events have featured plenty of controversial national anthems.

There was the time Nelly Furtado butchered "O Canada."

And also the time Aaron Lewis forgot the words to the Star Spangled Banner.

But we"ve never had an incident quite like this before…

On Tuesday night, a group called The Tenors sang the Canadian national anthem in San Diego during the seventh inning of the Major League Baseball All-Star Game.

At one point, a member changed lyrics from the first verse of the song, substituting “With glowing hearts we see thee rise, the True North strong and free,” to the following:

“We"re all brothers and sisters, all lives matter.”

All lives matter, of course, is the response of total idiots to the Black Lives Matter movement, as these morons (and bigots?) can"t seem to comprehend why it"s important these days to emphasize the importance of African-American lives.

The entire point of the movement is that all lives do not appear to matter in the same way, not after a number of racially-charged incident between police officers and African-Americans that have left many in the latter community dead.

Very soon after the anthem change last night, The Tenors released a statement.

It condemned the member of the group who changed the lyrics and said he did so without the knowledge of the other singers.

Referring to Remigio Pereira, the statement read as follows:

The Tenors are deeply sorry for the disrespectful and misguided lack of judgment by one member of the group acting as a ‘lone wolf’ today during the singing of the Canadian national anthem at the Major League Baseball All-Star Game in San Diego.

The other members of the group are shocked and embarrassed by the actions of Remigio Pereira, who changed the lyrics of our treasured anthem and used this coveted platform to serve his own political views.

Our sincere apologies and regrets go out to everyone who witnessed this shameful act, to our fellow Canadians, to Major League Baseball, to our friends, families, fans and to all those affected.

The actions of one member of this group were extremely selfish and he will not be performing with The Tenors until further notice.

Tuesday’s All-Star Game took place four days after five Dallas police officers were killed by a gunman… and the week after two black men were killed by police.

See Pereira go rogue below:

Canadian anthem singers change lyrics to include all lives matte