Saturday, May 14, 2016

Kelly Ripa DISSES ABC Execs: She"s Gone Rogue!

Kelly Ripa has not been shy about her displeasure with ABC’s handling of Michael Strahan’s departure from Live! With Kelly and Michael.

The network, along with her co-host, broke the news to her just minutes before making the announcement public, a move that blindsided her.

When she returned to Live! after pulling a no-show then going on a pre-planned vacation, she spoke to the audience about the importance of communication and respect in the workplace.

And then she gave a candid, tell-all interview to People magazine.

Well, it seems network producers weren’t aware that she’d be speaking out to the press.

“They had no idea she was telling her story to the cover of People until after it went to print on Monday,” a source told Radar Online.

“She has gone rogue,” adds the source.

“She doesn’t trust her bosses anymore and is taking her career into her own hands.”

So, they didn’t tell her something and she didn’t tell them something. Tit for tat, I suppose?

“She’s no longer including the network in her decisions or press,” added the source.

Strahan, on the other hand, declined the People cover, following the advice of his bosses.

In her interview, Ripa explains that the issue was complicated.

“There’s a part of me that can say, ‘Okay, I understand. This may have been an oversight,"” she said about the network’s failing to keep her apprised of Strahan’s leaving.

But she went on to reiterate her sentiments about professionalism in the workplace.

“I think that all people are deserving of fair treatment in the workplace. People deserve respect,” she affirmed. “People should be treated equally and with dignity.”

“People make mistakes, and we’re all human,” she added.