Showing posts with label NeoNazi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NeoNazi. Show all posts

Friday, December 9, 2016

Rogue One: Star Wars Film Prompts Neo-Nazi Boycott

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is almost unquestionably the most highly-anticipated film of 2016.

And, of course, as with any major Star Wars release, the film became the subject of intense online scrutiny months before its release, thus generating word-of-mouth that usually serves as free advertising for Disney.

Now, however, a week before it hits theaters, Rogue One is at the center of a heated debate that could wind up hurting its box office receipts for the most bizarre reason imaginable.

Past Star Wars controversies have centered around mixed responses to story developments within the franchise, or retroactive changes to the original films.

Sadly, the Rogue One debate has taken a much more sinister tone that says more about our nation’s current political climate than about George Lucas’ film franchise.

On Thursday, the hashtag #DumpStarWars began trending on Twitter, and it quickly became clear to any fan who investigated that this was not the result of some spirited critiques of the series’ creative shortcomings.

While it’s unclear how it originated, the hashtag has proven popular among white nationalists and members of the “alt-right,” both movements that have been tied to the KKK and other hate groups.

The most common complaint is that the film (which the outraged have not yet seen) is “anti-white” and espouses a “feminist agenda,” because the cast is multi-cultural and the film’s main character is a woman.

The baffling outrage began back when the first Rogue One trailer was released online several months ago, with YouTube commenters describing the film as “nothing but a Jew masturbation fantasy of anti-White hate.”

The bigoted movement gained steam back in November, when two of the film’s screenwriters, Chris Weitz and Gary Whitta, pointed out that the Empire has always been an obvious metaphor for Hitler’s regime.

“Please note that the Empire is a white supremacist (human) organization,” Chris Weitz tweeted.

Whitta retweeted the statement, adding:

“Opposed by a multi-cultural group led by brave women.”

Indeed, fantasy and science-fiction films and literature have a long history of advancing (usually left-wing) political causes, but don’t tell that to the chronically butthurt boycotters who are currently stamping their tiny feet and holding their breath til they turn blue all over social media.

Some lowlights (complete with newly-trendy #FakeNews):

“Stop using your multiculturalism anti-American agenda in a science fiction Disney movie. We just want to enjoy a fun movie.”

“Just got a full refund on my Rogue One tickets. Keep your politics out of my galaxy.”

“Star Wars writers rewrote and reshot Rogue One to add in Anti Trump scenes calling him a racist. Disgusting.”

“Rogue One is an anti-Trump propaganda film. BOYCOTT!!! Trump supporters!”

“#DumpStarWars Race baiting will not be tolerated.”

On the sane side, the situation might be best summed up by David Slack, who tweeted:

“If Star Wars — an obvious allegory about Nazism  — feels like an attack on your candidate, the problem isn’t with Star Wars…”

Of course, our favorite #DumpStarWars tweet belongs to the incomparable Patirck Monahan, who writes:

“After the election they changed the title of ROGUE ONE to DONALD TRUMP HAS A TINY WIENER? I’ll be spending my money elsewhere!”

On point as always, @PattyMo.

As for the anticipated impacted on the film’s bottom line – something tells us Disney will be just fine.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Taylor Swift is a Neo-Nazi With Plans to Marry a Trump Son, Bizarre Conspiracy Theory Claims

Taylor Swift has reached that level of fame that no human being can really be comfortable with.

She laments the fact that she hasn’t been able to go on a drive by herself in seven years.

There are entire Facebook pages devoted to scrutinizing Taylor’s butt

Several-thousand-word thinkpieces have been written on the topic of Taylor’s squad, and leading feminists have debated whether the singer and her clique of gal pals are setting fantastic or terrible examples for young women.

Of course, Taylor is arguably the biggest pop star that the Information Age has seen thus far, so we guess a heretofore unseen level of obsession over every detail of her life is to be expected.

What no one could’ve seen coming, however, is Taylor’s popularity amongst online neo-Nazi hate groups.

Yes, for bizarre reason, modern white supremacists are under impression that Taylor is secretly one of their own, and she’s planning to wait until Donald Trump is elected president to reveal her true beliefs to the public:

“Firstly, Taylor Swift is a pure Aryan goddess, like something out of classical Greek poetry. Athena reborn. That’s the most important thing,” said white supremacist blogger Andre Anglin in a recent interview with Broadly.

“It is also an established fact that Taylor Swift is secretly a Nazi and is simply waiting for the time when Donald Trump makes it safe for her to come out and announce her Aryan agenda to the world.

“Probably, she will be betrothed to Trump’s son, and they will be crowned American royalty.” 

Uh-huh. Sounds reasonable enough if you ignore the fact that Taylor has befriended and collaborated with artists of color throughout her career, and while she keeps her political under wraps, she once told Rolling Stone that she “never saw people so happy” as when President Obama got elected.

But Anglin and his ilk (Astonishingly, there’s a Facebook page devoted to Taylor’s “fascist” beliefs that has nearly 20,000 likes.) insist that’s all just part of the long con she’s playing with America.

So how did Taylor get branded as a Nazi icon against her will?

As far as anyone can tell, it started with a Pinterest page that jokingly attributed Hitler quotes to Ms. Swift as a means of poking fun at all those historically inaccurate Marilyn Monroe and Gandhi memes that pop up in your newsfeed.

Some folks didn’t get the joke (and liked the idea of a blonde, blue-eyed icon espousing their Aryan ideals), and as is so often the case on the Internet, an absurd idea found surprising popularity.

Thus far, Taylor hasn’t even dignified this whole thing a response, and we don’t blame her in the slightest.

Here’s hoping she can just shake this one off.