Friday, March 23, 2018

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham: We"re Getting Marrie ASAP!

Lauren Burnham has only been engaged to Arie Luyendyk Jr. for a short time, but she’s already been talking about the idea of a TV wedding.

And so is Arie. And so is Lauren’s mother.

From this new interview, it sounds like this controversial couple is racing to the altar.

In the new issue of Life & Style, Arie and Lauren reveal a lot about where their relationship is headed.

And while it’s no surprise that the couple who became engaged on international television is planning to get married, it sounds like they’re eager to tie the knot.

36-year-old Arie muses that he and his bride-to-be might tie the knot outside of the U.S.

“We might do a destination wedding.”

Well, since Minnesota is off-limits and given how the couple is generally viewed by the Bachelor Nation, maybe that’s for the best.

Lauren Burnham’s mother, Pamela, has her own aspirations for the couple’s wedding.

“I hope it will be in the summer,” she says. “Lauren’s on cloud nine with Arie.”

There are people in this world who (for reasons that are mystifying to others) enjoy summer weather. Perhaps she just thinks that it would make for a lovely wedding season.

But one cannot help but wonder if Pamela is thinking less about the weather and more about hoping that her daughter doesn’t become just another dumped fiancee by the notoriously indecisive Arie.

True, Pamela doesn’t say “this” summer, but … considering how eager this couple sounds, that might be her agenda.

Arie and Lauren say that they’re planning on a wedding in August of September. Autumn doesn’t begin until September 22nd, so Pamela might just get what she wants.

It looks like Arie and Lauren are pushing the narrative that they’re not so unpopular after all, actually.

“I thought we would get a lot more backlash,” Lauren admits.

Arie jumps in to reinforce that, saying:

“Since we’ve been out in public the last few days, people have been really supportive. It’s been really sweet.”

Of course, since the two of them have been avoiding social media, they’re not really seeing what fans have been saying about them.

(That hasn’t stopped the two of them from posting to social media, including that time that they shamed gym patrons)

There are celebrities whom you wouldn’t save from falling off of a cliff, but most — even the ones that you dislike — would elicit excitement and well wishes from people who are heavily critical of them.

It’s called politeness, folks.

Life & Style delves into the possibility that the couple might have a TV wedding, with their insider revealing:

“They’d love to get married on TV because it would be a continuation of their love story.”

“They want viewers to be able to see the next chapter of their journey.”

Oh, and if they did have a TV wedding, it wouldn’t be for free — it would mean that ABC would pay for most if not all of the wedding.

When Life & Style asked Lauren’s mother, Pamela, about the idea, she was enthusiastically supportive.

“That would be wonderful. My husband’s probably going to jump up and down at that thought!”

But they shouldn’t count on that — insiders reveal that ABC might not want to film the wedding.

Arie and Lauren have been the targets of a huge amount of backlash (even if they haven’t seen it), and the network might be reluctant to gamble on viewers hate-watching it.

Advertisers might feel similarly.

But a lack of a TV wedding wouldn’t mean that they don’t get married.

Even if the whole world is disgusted with Arie, it sounds like Lauren’s parents really like him. We’re sure that Lauren’s friends are supportive, too.

That, for her, is going to be what matters more than backlash.

Of course, that’s assuming that Arie doesn’t change his mind again and go running back to yet another ex. We all saw how Arie slid into Bekah Martinez’s DMs.
