Showing posts with label McNuggets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McNuggets. Show all posts

Friday, May 5, 2017

Florida Woman Offers to Trade Blow Job for Chicken McNuggets, Gets Arrested

We have good news for Kim Zolciak:

Despite asking Chrissy Teigen whether her young daughter could give someone head in exchange for meeting John Legend, the reality star has somehow managed NOT to have made the most ridiculous blow job offer of the week.


That (dis)honor falls to Alex Direeno.


A 22-year old Florida resident (of course), Direeno was arrested at 10:15 p.m. on Tuesday and charged with prostitution and possession of drug paraphernalia.

She is being held at the Manatee County jail on bonds totaling $ 620.

But you need to read why…

Earlier that evening, Direeno walked out of a gas station in Bradenton and waved at a stranger.

It turns out that stranger was an undercover detective with the sheriff’s office and he told the woman he was talking to that he was there to pick up Direeno.

So she got into his car.

Soon after the pair started on the road together, the officer solicited Direeno.

He told her that he wanted oral sex and she agreed to perform the act for $ 25.

As they briefly negotiated the price, she finally agreed to go down on the guy for $ 25 … and some Chicken McNuggets.

It’s unclear at this time just how many Chicken McNuggets.

After the detective showed Direeno he had cash on him, he pulled over in the 4200 block of 14th Street West, where other detectives were waiting to take her into custody.

Upon searching the woman, cops found two hypodermic needles, several small baggies, a spoon and a burnt glass pipe; consistent with either heroin or crack cocaine use.

Last month, Direeno was placed on probation for three years after she pleaded guilty to grand theft auto and possession of drug paraphernalia.

She will likely end up in jail for this violation.

more nuggets

We sincerely hope Direeno at least got her Chicken McNuggets.

Because it’s probably the last tasty meal she’ll have for awhile.

In reality, this is a very sad story, but we had to share it nonetheless.

Hopefully, Direeno gets some help and turns her life around.

Being a Florida Woman, however, she has now earned a spot in the Hall of Shame featured below, one that shines a light on the scandalous world of The Sunshine State…


Friday, October 9, 2015

Woman Gets Denied McNuggets, Goes Utterly INSANE

Look, we all love Chicken McNuggets.

We aren"t sure from which part of the chicken they come; and we know they will likely result in endless trips to the bathroom within an hour after consuming them,

But whatever. They"re delicious. We may go purchase some as soon as we finish writing this.

That said… the woman in this video goes a tad overboard upon being told McDonald"s does not serve this delicacy at 10:30 a.m.

She yells. She screams. She curses. She gets out of her car, tries to climb through the drive-thru window and then she hurls something from her vehicle that shatters the glass before driving away.

Like we said: a tad overboard. See for yourself.

Drive thru patron gets denied mcnuggets goes utterly insane