Friday, May 11, 2018

Grey"s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 23 Recap: Did April Kepner Die?!

With the news that Sarah Drew is exiting Grey’s Anatomy, it seemed like her character, April Kepner was going to die on Grey’s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 23

The official teaser for the episode found the redhead in a bad way, but did she really bite the dust?

When the episode kicked off, April was still planning Alex and Jo’s wedding, and even sent out the invites for it. We were then treated to a flurry of scenes showing the characters reacting to the big news. 

But disaster struck when Matthew was wheeled into the hospital after a car crash and started mentioning April’s name. This made the others wonder whether April would be with Matthew considering their past. 

When Arizona confirmed they were indeed back together, Owen led a team out to the crash site to search for April. It turned out that Matthew was telling the truth. 

April was found in bad shape, barely clinging to life and suffering from hypothermia. She was rushed to the hospital, and the doctors fought tooth and nail to save her. 

Jackson was kept out of the loop because everyone thought he would struggle to save her given the circumstances, but one of the interns accidentally slipped up about the surgery going on. 

The most interesting thing about it was that they all agreed to pray because that’s what April would expect of them given the dire prognosis. 

April was saved and wheeled into a room with Matthew. Could this be the thing that makes her decide that working in the hospital was not the best career move?

It certainly presents a difficult situation: She has a kid with Jackson. Is she going to remain in Seattle off-screen, or will she skip town with her new man?

We have no idea, but it’s sure fun to speculate. 

This also gave Ben time to return from Station 19 if his friend passed away. It came around the time Bailey was worried that he was going to die in a fire. 

Meanwhile, Arizona continued to make her decision about the future and even told Miranda that she was exiting her role to move to New York to be with Sofia and Callie. 

Miranda admitted that she thought Arizona was going to be a terrible, terrible doctor when she first laid eyes on her, but she was surprised at her growth. 

Then, Arizona opened up to Nicole about her decision to leave town, and the former doctor was against the idea. Ultimately, she wanted Arizona to bring her crash carts to the masses, and that could be done from New York. 

Could a happy ending for Arizona be on the horizon? 

It sure seems that way. 

What did you think of the episode?

Hit the comments!

Grey’s Anatomy continues Thursdays on ABC!
