Friday, May 11, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Shares First Pic of Baby True, Swears She"s Doing Fine

With everything that’s been going on in Khloe Kardashian’s life lately, it’s easy to forget that her top priority these days is not crushing Tristan Thompson’s genitals in a vice.

No, the majority of Khloe’s time and energy is devoted to something much more important – the joys and stresses of raising a newborn.

Of course, the fact that Tristan cheated on Khloe while she was pregnant with his child is clearly never far from her mind these days.

And this is a woman who hosts a show called Revenge Body, after all.

So you can be sure that while True is the first thing on her list of priorities, achieving peak physical condition so as to stick it to Thompson is a close second.

Khloe returned to Snapchat yesterday after a lengthy hiatus, and not only did she offer fans their first glimpse of baby True, she also provided an update on her health.

“It feels so good to sweat again,” Khloe told her followers as True wriggled and cooed just out of frame.

“I feel like I am evolving and doing something impressive with my body,” she added.

“Mentally I am strong, but physically it’s not the same. My body is not doing what my mind tells it to do, that’s the struggle.”

Okay, so a little bit of elbow and a stray thumb is probably not what fans imagined when word got out that Khloe had finally posted pics of her newborn.

The important thing is that Khloe is taking care of herself and seems to be enjoying first-time motherhood – despite the nightmare situation that she’s dealing with because of Tristan.

“It’s also a struggle trying to fit in working out between feedings. No two days are the same,” Khloe continued.

“True is so great, but still, I can’t predict if she’s gonna sleep for the full two hours or if she’s hungry.”

Though Khloe didn’t mention Tristan by name, she did reveal that he’s assumed a very active role in his young daughter’s life.

“Baby True is going to be a month old on Thursday!” she told the camera.

“So far, she’s so incredibly sweet and patient—really not fussy at all. I can tell she’s going to be super athletic and incredibly strong! She’s very calm, peaceful and loves to cuddle with her parents.”

It’s nice that mom, dad, and baby are engaging in family bonding, but comments like that make us worry that there’s some truth to those rumors about Khloe staying with Tristan.

Just a few short weeks ago, fans were certain that Khloe would dump Tristan the moment his team was finished competing in the NBA playoffs.

These days, however, he seems to have weaseled his way back into her heart.

In fact, there have been reports that Khloe still plans to marry Tristan.

Here’s hoping she’s just biding her time and stringing him along while she perfects her revenge body, at which time, she’ll promptly bang one of his teammates.

We hear Kevin Love is single!
