Monday, October 5, 2015

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 10 Episode 16 Recap: Vanity UN-Fair!

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 10 Episode 16 told the story of Caitlyn’s transition from the Kardashians’ perspective, and it was not pretty.

Earlier this year, E! aired a two-part special, entitled “About Bruce,” that focused on Caitlyn’s kids reacting to their stepfather making this life change.

E! also aired an entire eight-episode series, I Am Cait.

Yet Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 10 Episode 16 continued to explore this issue, and in less glowing terms than the aforementioned TV.

Kim, at one point was impressed with Caitlyn’s boobs.

That was about it for the praise, though, especially when it came to the Vanity Fair article that served as the former Bruce Jenner’s coming out party.

Kris recalled to Kourtney that Caitlyn promised to “set the record straight” after saying some things in her Diane Sawyer interview that upset her.

Well, Kim called her with a very different take:

“All Caitlyn can talk about is that my mom mistreated her and was awful and all these really rude things, when there’s no reason to bash my mom.”

Kris was just as pissed off as her daughter, too:

“Bruce came over the day before he was going to do that article. We had a great life, a great marriage … He can go f–k himself. F–k you, Bruce.”

“I honestly wish I had never met this man.”

Khloe was livid for many of the same reasons as Kim and Kris, and even vowed not to attend the ESPYs because of “how she disrespects mom.”

[The family did, however, attend the event.]

Later, Kim went to Caitlyn’s house to confront her about the piece that upset her family, saying “it sounded like [Kris] had beat the s–t out of you.”

While Kim called some of the VF article, “the most unfair thing in the world to say,” Caitlyn felt people were basically “taking things the wrong way.”

Don’t look for an apology via a third-party, either, she said; Kris, Kourtney and Khloe can come talk about it in person if they’re so worried. Burn.

That’s not all the drama on tap when you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, either. Good old Lamar Odom also played a role Sunday.

After the former NBA star and Khloe’s ex-husband called her up in the midst of this Caitlyn issue, Kim confronted Khloe for “flirting” with Odom.

“As a big sister, I’m just really protective and for her just to be flirting with him on the phone makes me like, sick to my stomach,” Kim told E! cameras.

“I love Lamar and care about him a lot,” Khloé said.

“It makes me feel good to hear his voice.”


Khloe then traveled to Las Vegas for a club appearance with pals, and fake-worried about running into Lamar, who lives in Sin City now.

While the family squabbled over how close she should be from her ex at this point, we learn that his closest friend Jamie Singouthai died.

Jamie, the best man at their ’09 wedding, passed away unexpectedly; Lamar’s good friend Bobby Heyward died as well over the summer.

After the sad news, Kim relented, backing off her hard line stance and saying that she would be supportive of her sister no matter what.

Next, it looks like we’ll see Kourtney crying over Scott Disick and Khloe confronting Cait, as seen in this Keeping Up with the Kardashians trailer.