Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin: Family Photoshoot Ends In Fight

Ugh, this hurts my heart a little.

In a preview for the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2 (premiering Monday, March 21st at 10pm), Kailyn Lowry had a family photoshoot with her two sons, Isaac and Lincoln.

Lowry"s ex-boyfriend, Jo Rivera (Isaac"s dad) was at the shoot with his girlfriend, Vee Torres to make sure the boys behaved themselves.

The session went well and everyone seemed to get along.  Lowry invited Rivera and Torres to get food with her and the boys, then mentioned that she"d ask husband Javi Marroquin to meet them (Marroquin was not present at the shoot).

Lowry called Marroquin from her car, with both boys in the back seat.  When Marroquin picked up, Lowry had him on speaker and said that Isaac wanted to him to join the family.

"I just want to be at home,” Marroquin said. “We’re constantly on the move, I just want to be at home.”

Lowry pointed out that he missed the shoot today, so it would be awesome if at least showed up to hang out.

“I would appreciate it if you dropped off Lincoln so I can hang out with at least one of my kids,” he said curtly.

Lowry was not pleased.

“No!" she yelled into the phone.  "I’m not going to drive all the way home to drop off Lincoln.”

Marroquin, who was deployed with the Air Force in January, was over the conversation and demanded she bring Lincoln home.

“I haven’t seen my son all weekend,” Marroquin went on. “Bring my son home, I want to see him. If I’m not there, there’s no reason for Lincoln to be there.”


Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin family photoshoot ends in fight