Showing posts with label Whatever. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whatever. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Blac Chyna Alexis Skyy Won"t Ever Meet Dream ... "Cause Whatever She"s Got with Rob Won"t Last

Alexis Skyy will NOT meet Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian‘s baby girl — EVER — ’cause there’s a rule in place to prevent that.
Sources close to Chyna tell TMZ that she and Rob have an agreement to not introduce any significant others to their daughter, D...
Blac Chyna Alexis Skyy Won"t Ever Meet Dream ... "Cause Whatever She"s Got with Rob Won"t Last

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian to Fat-Shaming Fans: I"ll Eat Whatever I Want!

If you’re a fan of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, you may have noticed that Kim and her sisters spend a surprising amount of time eating.

We don’t mean to say they take in more food than your average person — in fact, they probably consume far fewer calories than most of us.

But the Kards almost certainly avoid carbs the way most of us try to steer clear of IRS audits or people who retweet themselves.

Combine that with the fact that they probably also stick to low-fat diets and it’s easy why they would need to munch on salads all day in order to keep from feeling like they’re wasting away.

Now, you might be thinking that we’ve spent far too much time obsessing over the food intake of a bunch reality stars and Instagram influencers — and you would be right.

But we swear we’re going somewhere with all of this.

Apparently, KUWTK viewers were appalled by the amount of time Kourtney Kardashian spent eating during Sunday night’s episode.

The situation was so bad that Kourt felt the need to defend herself on Twitter.

“I swear I just read 100 comments about me eating on tonight’s episode and some of you are very offended. Let me live,” the mother of three tweeted.

A source who spoke with People magazine claims that the idea of anyone shaming Kourtney for the amount she eats is absurd, as the 39-year-old is a known fitness fanatic.

“She works out and eats in order to try to stay around 100 lbs.,” the insider says, adding that Kourt’s problem is not with losing weight but with keeping it on.

“Yes, she eats very healthy but she wants her body to be healthy and not underweight or malnourished.”

The source adds that Kourtney’s “body type is very different from her sisters’” and it sometimes requires her to spend a large part of her day eating in order to maintain a healthy weight.

Kourtney even went so far as to outline her diet regimen, noting that she begins each day by taking a collagen supplement and always avoids refined sugars.

That’s all well and good, and Kourt deserves credit for taking care of herself, but we would have respected her more if she had just flipped off the haters and reminded everyone that it’s her body and she can do whatever the hell she wants with it.


Monday, January 8, 2018

Steph Curry: "I"ll Do Whatever it Takes" to Buy Carolina Panthers

The Carolina Panthers are officially for sale now that their season is over … and Steph Curry says he’s willing to do “whatever it takes” to be one of the team’s new owners. After TMZ Sports caught up with the NBA superstar on Friday and asked…


Monday, June 5, 2017

Bill Cosby: Supported in Court By Real, TV Wives For Whatever Reason

Bill Cosby’s trial began today, for only one of the more than fifty sexual assaults of which he has been accused.

Many would say that anyone still standing with him is either delusional … or stands to lose something.

Well, right now he’s believed to have two avid supporters in the form of his “wives” — the one from real life and from television.

Camille Cosby has been his actual, real life wife for 53 years. She’s reportedly been unwavering in her support of and belief in him.

Phylicia Rashad, who played his character’s wife on The Cosby Show, is apparently also a believer in his innocence.

Both women have been expected to stand by Cosby’s side through the trial.

Notably, of the other members of the Cosby cast, the women who played his daughters on television have been tight-lipped. 

That could mean anything from not wanting to get involved — either for or against him — to being somehow involved with the story themselves and not wanting that exposed.

As much as we wish that everyone who knows anything could just come forward, we can absolutely understand why some people wouldn’t want to become involved.

After seeing the sort of treatment that Amber Heard’s received from Johnny Depp’s fans since last year, it’s pretty clear that anyone opposing a celebrity is going to have to deal with a very passionate fanbase.

Few celebrities have had so many decades to make a positive impression on the world before the accusations against them became common knowledge.

But, at the same time, few face accusations from 58 alleged victims.

It’s understandable, if alarming, that people close to Cosby might still support him, despite having more than 50 accusers.

Sometimes it’s easier to believe in elaborate conspiracy theories than to see the worst in a loved one.

Cosby himself has enjoyed accusing his accusers of racism, which might not make sense, but it doesn’t have to.

There are always going to be people looking for any excuse to believe in his innocence.

They don’t need to be people who know him personally.

Some people can’t reconcile a serial predator with the man they saw on a groundbreaking sitcom.

Or with the man they saw on jello commercials as a child.

The power of being a celebrity is far-reaching and leaves lifelong impressions.

Beyond the conspiracy theorists, Cosby has also enjoyed the support of mentally unstable celebrities.

Even that kind of endorsement could work in his favor with certain parties.

The only thing that ultimately matters for this case, however, is what the jury believes.

If the attorneys and judge did their jobs during Voir Dire, the jury shouldn’t be stacked with “truthers” or with anyone who’s already out for blood.

Cosby could face as much as 10 years for the 2004 assault.

In about two weeks, we’ll see what the court decides.


Friday, May 5, 2017

Ariel Winter to Haters: I"ll Wear Whatever the F--k I Want!

If you follow her on Instagram, you know that Ariel Winter has a unique sense of style.

Winter’s racy Coachella look attracted more attention on social media than just about anything else at the festival, and the 19-year-old actress seemed to welcome the ensuing barrage of comments.

When it comes to the confusion and criticism of her latest red carpet look, however, Ariel is having none of it:

Ariel attended a screening of the Modern Family Season 8 finale earlier this week, and as you can see, she took a far less casual approach to the event than her co-stars.

When Twitter cracked some jokes – mostly pointing out that Ariel seemed dressed for a very different red carpet – Ms. Winter got pissed:

“Why TF does anyone care that I didn’t dress casual like everyone else for the panel? Why do I have to be like everyone else?” she wrote on Instagram.

She added:

“WEAR WHATEVER YOU WANT PEOPLE! Don’t let anyone stifle who you are and how you express yourself!”

While she certainly has a point that she’s a grown woman who’s entitled to wear whatever she chooses, eccentric fashion statements by celebrities pretty much always receive mixed reactions.

Now, this isn’t like the time Ariel wore a see-through dress to a premiere for a kids’ movie.

There’s certainly nothing inappropriate about her attire.

But making a bold statement and then complaining that some of the responses have been negative smacks of missing the point.

The very reason it’s bold to wear fancy evening attire to a casual daytime event is that some people are bound take the opportunity to crack an easy joke.

When Mariah Carey goes grocery shopping in a formal gown, she just doesn’t take to Twitter the next day to complain that some people thought it was ridiculous.

She’s knows it was ridiculous, and that’s part of the point. And part of the fun.

Of course, much of this can simply be chalked up to the fact that Ariel is 19, an age at which many of us were vomiting Goldschlager out the window of our best friend’s Honda Civic and vowing to never again drink anything with tiny gold flakes in it.

We can only imagine what sort of dumb things we would’ve done if we had millions of people watching our every move and inviting us to red carpet events.

It probably would’ve involved a burrito-stained “ironic” tuxedo t-shirt.

In conclusion, everyone should stop taking Ariel Winter’s fashion choices so seriously – including Ariel Winter.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

January Jones Bathes With & Moisturizes 4-Year-Old Son: Weird or Whatever?

It’s been a while since January Jones’ name has been mentioned in celebrity gossip circles.

She’s carved out a decent career for herself post-Mad Men with a steady role on the criminally underrated Fox sitcom The Last Man on Earth, and based on her social media presence she enjoys a pretty quiet personal life.

January briefly dated Will Forte, her LMOE co-star (and boss), but they remained friends (and she kept her job) after the relationship fizzled.

Shortly thereafter, there were rumors of Jones dating Jon Hamm, and she got caught up in all that Bobby Flay cheating drama (You might say she was a side dish. #ChefBurn!), but as far as we can tell, she’s still single and focusing on being a mom these days.

But don’t think she’s not bringing plenty of WASP-y Betty Draper weirdness into 4-year-old Xander’s life.

Check out some of JanJo’s comments from a recent interview and ask yourself if the toddler in your life is moisturized enough:

“I like having my baths, and he takes them with me,” Jones recently told People magazine. 

“I’m really strict about getting him moisturized…I may be over-grooming him. I don’t know!”

Is it kind of a weird thing to say? Absolutely.

Are we surprised? Not in the slightest.

We’ve always suspected there are some serious eccentricities aching to break free from that pretty blonde facade.

Strict About Moisturizing should be the title of Jones’ memoirs, which should be scrawled entirely in lipstick on tear-stained pages.

Is it weird that she treats her 4-year-old like he should be out grabbing orange mocha Frappuccinos with Derek Zoolander? Yeah, kinda.

But something tells us that doesn’t even crack the top ten list of strange things January does on a daily basis.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Emily Ratajkowski: I"ll Get Naked For Whatever Reason I Want!

As a rule, when Emily Ratajkowski gets naked, it’s best to just sit back and enjoy the view.

But surprisingly, some folks are able to pick their jaws up off the floor long enough to question why EmRat is gracing us with the sight of her nude figure.

Last month, Ratajkowski took a naked selfie as a show of support for her fellow naked selfie enthusiast Kim Kardashian.

That was followed by a photo of Emily and Kim posing topless together in a show of feminine solidarity.

It’s hard to imagine anyone having a problem with that, but unfortunately, the Internet is a beast that feeds on outrage – and it’s always hungry.

Emily was subjected to a barrage of moronic comments after posting the pics.

Some of them even posited the ridiculous argument that because she’s a model, she has no place commenting on issues like fat-shaming and body positivity.

Thankfully, Ms. Ratajkowski is more than just a pretty face (and smokin’ physique), and she fired back with a series of insightful tweets:

“On anther note: re nude selfies & the politics of my physicality & sexuality: The politics of my body and figure are not my problem.

“I am not shamed or apologetic of what my body might represent to you…It’s the body I was given. I’m no less wrthy of making pltical pnts abt feminism or fighting for the reclaiming of female sexuality bc of it.”

“However sexual our bodies may be, we need to hve the freedom as women to choose whn & how we express our sexuality.”

Well said, Emily. Now feel free to post more nudity.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Donnie Wahlberg: Whatever Kanye, I"ll Take That Finger!

In today"s TMI news, Donnie Wahlberg may be taking a tip from Kanye West"s sex life.

Wahlberg and wife Jenny McCarthy appeared on The Wendy Williams Show yesterday and weren"t shy at all in revealing what goes on in their boudoir.

It started out innocently enough, when McCarthy showed off tattoos on her index and middle fingers that read "Love Donnie."

She said she wanted to read those words when she placed her fingers upon his loving face.

Then, out of nowhere, the former boy bander let us in on a juicy secret.

"She says she did it so she could see it on my face but she was hoping it would lead to like some Amber Rose-Kanye business," he said.

"Like, she wanted to see that finger go in just a little."


*Insert wide-eyed emoji*

*And screaming emoji*

He"s referring to a tweet Amber issued earlier this year after Kanye publicly dissed her during a feud with Wiz Khalifa.

“Aww @kanyewest are u mad I’m not around to play in ur a**hole anymore?" she tweeted, also winning the hashtag of the year award by adding, #FingersInTheBootyAssBitch.

After her husband"s announcement, McCarthy screamed but Wahlberg insisted, "She did, she did, she did!"

However, even though the Blue Bloods star may be willing to experiment, he admits he has his limits.

“I said, ‘If you want to do that, then you should have tattooed the pinky, ’cause that’s it,"” he said.

We"re guessing his safe word is "Yeezy."

The two sparked pregnancy rumors earlier today when a photo emerged of Wahlberg resting his hand on his wife"s belly. 

And if that"s the case, we know it wasn"t the result of a pinky.

Donnie wahlberg whatever kanye ill take that finger

Friday, February 19, 2016

Kim Kardashian SUPPORTS Kanye: "Will Do Whatever to Make This Work"!

It’s been one crazy train ride for Kanye West the past few weeks, and he’s taken his wife Kim Kardashian with him.

While Kanye has been busy launching a new album and third season of his clothing line, he’s also engaged in a number of crazy Twitter rants, had a meltdown backstage at SNL and publicly asked Mark Zuckerberg for a billion-dollar loan.

Kim has made it clear that she’s tired of his shenanigans, especially the tweeting, and Kanye’s antics have reportedly taken its toll on their marriage.

However, while it may be a rocky road ahead, a source tells People that Kim is supporting her husband through this trying time.

“They’re incredibly supportive of one another, not only publicly, but privately as well,” a source told the magazine.

“Kim has a unique understanding of him, probably in a deeper way than anybody else in the world. She’s understanding of the way that he operates.”

Kim “will do whatever to make this work,” claimed another source.

Kim does seem to be supporting her husband publicly. She has been promoting his clothing line and album, “The Life of Pablo” on her social media pages.

“Pablo had me putting in extra work today in the gym!” she tweeted yesterday.

And it seems her sister Kourtney Kardashian is all for supporting her brother-in-law as well.

“The Life of Pablo just took my workouts to a new level,” Kourt tweeted.

Sounds like Kim isn’t moving forward with any divorce plans just yet. Let’s hope Kanye can restrain his thumbs and stop tweeting nonsense to save his marriage.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Kourtney Kardashian on Scott Disick"s New Girlfriend: Eh, Whatever

Kourtney Kardashian reportedly has one very simple and very clear reaction to Scott Disick allegedly having a new girlfriend.

And this is it: I DON’T CARE.

As reported previously by The Hollywood Gossip, Disick was spotted out and above in New York City last week with 18-year old model Lindsay Vrckovnik.

Neither Disick nor Vrckovnik has commented on the alleged romance, but sources close to both parties confirm some kind of romance is brewing.

Is it bothering Kourtney, who dumped Disick in July after putting up with his drunken, self-centered antics for far too many years?

“Kourtney surprisingly isn’t fazed by this at all,” an insider tells Entertainment Tonight. “She’s moving on. She knows it’s just a fling.”

Even if it’s somehow more than that, however, Kardashian isn’t likely to lose much sleep over the relationship.

“She’s trying hard to ignore it and just focus on the kids,” the source adds. “She knows they’ll never get back together.”

But a different source does tell ET that Disick remains a loyal dad to his three children.

“Scott sees the kids whenever he wants to.

“Despite all of Scott’s addiction problems, he is a great dad and loves those kids with all his heart, and they are obsessed with him. He comes to her house to see them.”