Showing posts with label 4YearOld. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4YearOld. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Party Mom Arrested After Leaving 4-Year-Old Home Alone All Night

The world is full of terrible parents, but only a few stories are so outrageous that they get circulated around the globe.

Like the dad who stuffed his son into the trunk of his car, this woman’s story is grabbing people’s attention in the worst way.

This “party mom” left her 4-year-old child home alone for hours so that she could go out and party all night.

Alex Ciliento 01

Alexandra Ciliento is 29 years old and has a 4-year-old daughter. They live in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Authorities say that she left the house at 11pm on Saturday, leaving her young daughter home alone.

While Ciliento was gone, her daughter managed to escape the home.

What could have ended in tragedy — well, a greater tragedy than this kind of neglect and endangerment — was averted because the girl had the presence of mind to go to a neighbor’s.

The neighbor waited for a full 45 minutes, perhaps hoping that Ciliento had just stepped out and would return. Then, the neighbor called the police.

Alex Ciliento 04

Police were unable to reach Ciliento until after 8am the following morning, which makes it sounds as though Ciliento was partying until after dawn.

Ciliento admitted to police that she left her apartment and that she did not try to get a babysitter for her 4-year-old.

According to court documents, she “was not aware that her child could open a locked door and leave the residence.”

Ciliento normally shares custody with the child’s father.

At present, the child is with him, and Ciliento has been instructed that she is to have no contact with her daughter for the time being.

She is being charged with one count of child abuse.

Alex Ciliento 02

Ciliento reportedly works as a pilates instructor and fitness trainer.

“Always do what makes you happy and be kind to others,” she says in her gym profile. “For everyone is fighting some kind of battle “

She also says that, as a child, she wanted to grow up to be President of the United States.

(There are seemingly no qualifications for that job anymore except for the age limit, so who knows?)

The judge appointed a public defender as Ciliento’s attorney to represent her.

Alex Ciliento 03

Obviously, a huge factor in why this particular story has gone viral is that it reminds so many people of Casey Anthony.

Ciliento, thankfully, did not murder her daughter. And there have been no reports of her binding or drugging her, either.

But leaving a 4-year-old alone for 9 or more hours is a huge risk. Ciliento is a grown adult — she was born in 1988. She should know this.

It is difficult to imagine what sort of excuse she might use to try to justify this. It is almost impossible to imagine any defense being well-received by anyone.

We hope that, whatever happens, the court puts the life and safety of this 4-year-old girl above all other priorities.


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Jaime King: 4-Year-Old Son Hit by Glass Shards as Man Attacks Her Car

On Wednesday, Jaime King’s vehicle was attacked by a man who repeatedly struck a windshield until it sent shards of glass raining down into the car.

While Jaime was not in the car, her friend was in the driver’s seat … and her four-year-old son was also in the car.

This is so scary.

Entertainment Tonight reports that a man jumped onto King’s car and pummeled the rear windshield while it was parked on Bedford Drive.

This is what sent shards of glass flying into the vehicle and even onto King’s son, James Knight Newman. He is only 4 years old.

Beverly Hills police offered up their description of the event, saying: 

“The suspect jumped on the rear windshield causing glass to shatter and strike the child.”

Horrifying on multiple levels. It’s unclear if James was injured by the glass, but it’s hard to imagine that this event wasn’t traumatic.

Police continued to describe the incident, saying:

“In an effort to protect the child, the female driver exited the vehicle and confronted the suspect at which time he threw a can at her, striking her arm.”

Good for her for putting herself in harm’s way to protect a 4-year-old child.

It’s absolutely the right thing to do, especially when a mother has entrusted her child to your care, even for just a few minutes.

King was not present at the time, but was later seen at the site of the attack.

Understandably, she appeared very distraught.

The man who carried out this alleged attack was later identified as Paul Francis Floyd, a 47-year-old Los Angeles man.

Police report that he had also kicked another vehicle before carrying out this terrible assault upon King’s car and its occupants.

As you can imagine, Floyd has been arrested. He’s being held on $ 100,000 bond while police continue to investigate.

His charges include:

-Felony child endangerment

-Misdemeanor battery

-Two counts of felony vandalism

That first charge is what happens when you attack a vehicle containing a child and end up raining glass shards on a 4-year-old.

That second charge is, we imagine, what happens when you throw a can at a woman who’s taking action to protect a child.

James Knight Newman

James Knight Newman is, by all accounts, a precious and bright boy.

If you’re looking for testimonials, the above photo of him was shared by Jared Eng — you know, of Just Jared fame.

His parents are raising him to be well-spoken and hold good values. Jaime King herself is, of course, an outspoken feminist and dedicated to both of her sons.

This must be a nightmare for her.

But children lack the coping mechanisms and perspective that adults can employ to recover from trauma. As scary as this situation would be for anyone, it’s always worse for a child.

Let’s hope that James is able to process this as healthily and as soon as possible.

Jaime King is famously a friend of Taylor Swift.

Some squadmates come and go, but Taylor is the godmother of King’s other, younger son, Leo Thames Newman.

We imagine that she’ll be leaning on the support of friends in the near future as her whole family comes to grips with the aftermath of this frightening attack.

She must be grateful for her unnamed friend who was in the car. Not everyone is willing to put themselves in harms way and take a bullet — or, in this case, a can — to the arm to protect their friend’s child.


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Lewis Hamilton Publicly Shames 4-Year-Old Nephew, Apologizes

Formula One racer Lewis Hamilton posted a video in which he appears to be shaming his 4-year-old nephew for wearing a princess dress that he got for Christmas.

The backlash was immediate, though some were divided as to whether this upsetting video was sincere or just a really bad idea of a joke.

Below, you"ll see the video — the nephew is adorable, for what it"s worth — and Lewis" apology.

Lewis hamilton at cannes film festival

Lewis Hamilton is a Formula One racer.

He"s handsome, in a bargain basement Elliot Knight sort of way. He"s British, he has piercings, and he"s reasonably famous.

There"ve been reports of Lewis Hamilton dating Kendall Jenner and he"s also been linked to Rihanna.

His life is a fantasy for most, so … why is he so sad in this video?

Lewis hamilton on snapchat

As you"ll see below, Lewis Hamilton records a Snapchat video.

To be fair, it"s not always easy to tell how sincere someone is being on social media, particularly in a very short video that seems to send some mixed messages.

But his words are troubling.

"“I’m so sad right now," Lewis says. "Look at my nephew."

And then he shows his four-year-old nephew, to whom he appears to be speaking.

Lewis hamilton nephew 1

"Why’re you wearing a princess dress?" Lewis demands.

"Is this what you got for Christmas?"

His nephew laughs and nods.

"Why did you ask for a princess dress for Christmas?"

This is when Lewis starts yelling, though since we can"t see his face, it"s difficult to tell what sort of yell it is.

"Boys don’t wear princess dresses!"

Lewis hamilton nephew 2

Whether Lewis Hamilton was sincere or not in his opinions, this video is troubling. Even if he was "play-yelling" with his nephew (he did spend part of the day playing with his nephew), his words were upsetting to a number of followers.

The backlash on social media was immediate and powerful, and Lewis deleted the video and issued a three-tweet apology.

"Yesterday I was playing around with my nephew and realized that my words were inappropriate so I removed the post. I meant no harm and did not mean to offend anyone at all. I love that my nephew feels free to express himself as we all should."

Even if you"re joking (and he doesn"t quite say that he was), some worried that his words could have had an impact on his nephew. 4 is a formative age.

"My deepest apologies for my behavior as I realize it is really not acceptable for anyone, no matter where you are from, to marginalize or stereotype anyone."

It"s important to remember that "boys don"t wear dresses" is probably very similar to the last words that some men and trans women have heard yelled at them before they died. So … it"s really not funny.

"I have always been in support of anyone living their life exactly how they wish and I hope I can be forgiven for this lapse in judgment."

Honestly, I"m inclined to believe that he made the video in jest and didn"t realize how people would perceive him. Not everybody"s good at humor, folks.

Dresses are cool, folks. They can be colorful, they move when you walk, and they"re immeasurably more comfortable than pants.

(Pants are nothing but leg prisons)

The instant that it becomes widely socially acceptable for men to wear skirts and dresses, plenty of men will rush to wear them because they"re great articles of clothing and it"s silly to restrict them by gender.

But we won"t get to that place as a society solely through the work of pioneers like Jaden Smith. Part of what will lead to a more accepting world is not saying things to children like what you"re about to hear in this video.

Yes, even if you"re joking.

Lewis hamilton publicly shames 4 year old nephew apologizes

Monday, November 27, 2017

Josh Duhamel and 4-year-old Son Axl Talk Christmas Presents

Josh Duhamel’s still thinking turkey but his son’s got his eye on the prize … Christmas!!!  We got Josh and 4-year-old son Axl at LAX Sunday night where our photog greeted them with a good ol’ “Merry Christmas.” That puzzled Josh who…


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Kim Zolciak: Her 4-Year-Old Son Suffers Vicious Dog Attack

Kim Zolciak can be a mighty ridiculous human being, and usually when we talk about her, it’s to poke fun.

But what happened to her and her family this weekend is no laughing matter.

As Kim revealed in a lengthy Instagram post earlier this afternoon, her four-year-old son, Kash, was attacked by a dog, and the poor little boy was seriously injured.

“I don’t know where to start,” she began her post. “The last 14hrs of our lives has been a living nightmare.”

“My sweet @kashbiermann was bit by a dog and had very traumatic injuries. I’ve never prayed so hard, or been so scared in my life.”

Kim continued “My husband, our daughters, Kj, Tracey, his nanny, Michael Beck and everyone close to us all pulled us together and held each other up.”

To really hit the tragedy home, she shared a heartbreaking picture of Kash with his father and Kim’s husband, Kroy Biermann, as he laid in a hospital bed.

Poor Kash had such terrible injuries that he required surgery — she explained that he “was in the operating room for a couple hours,” and that “now we are praying for a quick speedy recovery.”

Kim was set to appear on Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live tonight, but she won’t be able to make the show, for obvious reasons.

Still, ever the professional, she said that she’ll “do my best to make it up very soon!”

Kim closed her post by thanking her family, friends and fans for praying for Kash, “and most importantly Thank you God for your protection.”

Thanks to the “incredible medical team” that’s helping Kash with his injuries, she said that he’ll be able to come home after spending a few days in the hospital recovering.

Kim hasn’t explained what exactly happened, what dog attacked her son or why, or what injuries he’s suffered.

Understandably so — we’re sure she’s got enough on her plate right now without filling the masses in on every horrific detail.

But for once, instead of the comments on her Instagram posts filling up with plastic surgery accusations and general nonsense, it seems her followers are wishing her and her family all the best.

Even on Kash’s own Instagram account, which isn’t very active on account of him being four years old, people are rushing to offer him prayers and “get well soon” messages.

Kim was right — this really does sound like a living nightmare.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Little 4-Year-Old Matilda "Memba Her?!

Sara Magdalin is best known for playing the young independent bookworm Matilda — opposite her on-screen parents Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman — in the 1996 family film “Matilda.” Guess what she looks like now!


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Giuliana Rancic: As Skinny as a 4-Year-Old!

Giuliana Rancic isn’t just using her four-year-old son as fashion inspiration – it looks like he could be her fitspo model, too. 

Rancic shared a photo on Instagram that’s got a lot of people super concerned. 

For awhile, it did appear that the waif-thin star was putting on some much-needed weight after her bout with cancer and the incessant eating disorder rumors …

But that seems to have dropped away, leaving her with a frame that resembles a very tall (very gorgeous) four-year-old. 

Though she’s been posting photos of food on her Instagram account a lot as of late, the above pic still gives pause for concern. 

Earlier in the year, Rancic sported a much fuller-looking figure, and she seemed pretty healthy and confident while doing it. 

Now that the colder-weather season has begun, though, Rancic seems like she’s doing the opposite of what most of us do this time of year, which is gain a few pounds. 

Though it doesn’t appear that she’s returned to her scary-skinny weight from the 2015 Grammy Awards, she’s still more than just a little svelte. 

Rancic previously addressed eating disorder rumors, and said, “I do not have an eating disorder.”

“I have never had an eating disorder,” she continued. 

“In fact, I eat a lot. People always love to tweet ‘Eat a burger.’ ” 

“I eat burgers. It’s not working,” she conceded. 

We sure hope you’re doing well, Giuliana. 

Anybody with a history of health such as yours should do their very best to take care of themselves. 

Looking good is a major priority for some people, but health is far more important. 

In addition to undergoing chemotherapy treatment, Rancic also had a double mastectomy in 2011. 

G herself previously talked about another celeb who lost a ton of weight during a tumultuous time in her life. 

Remember that time LeAnn Rimes got super, frighteningly, breakable-looking skinny? 

Giuliana weighed in on that one and said, “[LeAnn Rimes] lost a lot of weight from all the stress in her life.” 

“She seems a little thin right now, and I think she looks great when she’s a bit curvier.”  

Same, girl … and same for you, too. 

Be well, okay? 


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Man Throws 4-Year-Old From Bridge, Cited For Reckless Endangerment

A 22-year-old mother let some man throw her four-year-old from a railroad bridge into a Washington river on August 24th, and now they are being cited with reckless endangerment.

The mom claimed that the little boy thought it was fun, but the Department of Social and Healthy Services took him and another sibling into custody on Wednesday, August 31st, according to local station, KING-TV.

Swimmers frequent this area of the Wynoochee River, but witnesses in the water were horrified to see the little boy being thrown, and immediately called the police.

“He was screaming and crying, it was terrible,” swimmer Brianna Jones said.

Kaylub Fawley, who shot the video and posted it to Facebook, was equally upset by what he saw.

“As soon as he hit the water, my heart sank, I felt so bad, I didn’t know what to do."

I take issue with people throwing children into swimming pools, let alone from a bridge, so I can only imagine what these people thought.

Fawley said he was about to take a picture of his friend, when he noticed something weird happening on the bridge.

“I saw the little boy and I had a gut feeling, I was like alright I got to start recording this, and as soon as I started recording, he went off,” who himself called the police and handed over the video as evidence.

“Fawley told reporters that the mother "was trying to make it seem like the whole incident was fun.”

In the video below, people can be heard yelling at Jeremiah Goodwin, 35, man not to throw the boy from the bridge, and calling him every name in the book when he eventually did.

The boy landed in the water with a loud "fwap," similar to the sound made when someone does a belly flop.  

Fortunately, he was unharmed when authorities checked him out.

According to the police report, Goodwin was a local who had just met the mom and son, and wanted to help the little boy "safely" get off the bridge.

Goodwin, authorities believe, was under the influence of alcohol at the time of questioning.

"The mother initially told deputies that she had lost sight of her son and then all of the sudden, noticed an adult male throw her son from the bridge," the police report states.

"She eventually stated that her child had kept asking her to jump off of the bridge however she continued to tell him no.  

"Shortly thereafter, a man she had just met at the river had her son on the bridge and said he was going to throw her son off of the bridge.

"The mother claimed it was at this point that she agreed to it and swam out into the water.  The man then threw her son into the river and the mother retrieved him."

Goodwin and the mom have not been arrested, but the man was also cited for trespassing on the bridge.  

Man throws 4 year old from bridge cited for reckless endangermen

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

January Jones Bathes With & Moisturizes 4-Year-Old Son: Weird or Whatever?

It’s been a while since January Jones’ name has been mentioned in celebrity gossip circles.

She’s carved out a decent career for herself post-Mad Men with a steady role on the criminally underrated Fox sitcom The Last Man on Earth, and based on her social media presence she enjoys a pretty quiet personal life.

January briefly dated Will Forte, her LMOE co-star (and boss), but they remained friends (and she kept her job) after the relationship fizzled.

Shortly thereafter, there were rumors of Jones dating Jon Hamm, and she got caught up in all that Bobby Flay cheating drama (You might say she was a side dish. #ChefBurn!), but as far as we can tell, she’s still single and focusing on being a mom these days.

But don’t think she’s not bringing plenty of WASP-y Betty Draper weirdness into 4-year-old Xander’s life.

Check out some of JanJo’s comments from a recent interview and ask yourself if the toddler in your life is moisturized enough:

“I like having my baths, and he takes them with me,” Jones recently told People magazine. 

“I’m really strict about getting him moisturized…I may be over-grooming him. I don’t know!”

Is it kind of a weird thing to say? Absolutely.

Are we surprised? Not in the slightest.

We’ve always suspected there are some serious eccentricities aching to break free from that pretty blonde facade.

Strict About Moisturizing should be the title of Jones’ memoirs, which should be scrawled entirely in lipstick on tear-stained pages.

Is it weird that she treats her 4-year-old like he should be out grabbing orange mocha Frappuccinos with Derek Zoolander? Yeah, kinda.

But something tells us that doesn’t even crack the top ten list of strange things January does on a daily basis.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Jinger Duggar Criticized For Endangering 4-Year-Old Nephew

The women of the Duggar family are expected to start helping with household chores – including caring for their younger siblings – at a very young age.

In keeping with that tradition, 22-year-old Jinger Duggar has been helping with the young ones since she was little girl herself. Perhaps that’s why this photo caught so many fans by surprise:

That’s a shot of Michael Duggar, the 4-year-old son of Josh and Anna Duggar, asleep in the backseat of Jinger’s car during a shopping excursion.

The image was posted to the Duggar’s official Facebook page this afternoon along with a caption reading, “Look at this photo Jinger sent us! Seems like her little shopping buddy needed some rest!”

Seems harmless enough, but because everything the Duggars do stirs up controversy these days, several fans immediately went on the offensive.

The problem, it seems, is that Michael is not properly restrained according to Arkansas state law, which dictates that children under the age of 5 or weighing less than 60 pounds must ride in a car seat.

Naturally, the comments section on the photo has now devolved into a battleground with child safety advocates duking it out with the Duggar faithful:

“He should be in a high back booster or a harness,” wrote one commenter. “She probably wasn’t driving when the photo was taken but had to have been driving with him in that position. He wasn’t properly restrained. Period.”

“Even if he were in a backless booster and that booster is being hidden by the blanket in the photo, a backless/no back booster isn’t even an appropriate seat for a 5yo anyway,” another chimed in.

Naturally, these comments sparked the usual “know-it-all moms” blowback:

“1) she PROOOOBABLY wasn’t able to take such a perfect picture, from the driver’s seat, while driving. 2) if you say your child has.never done this, you’re lying. 3) they don’t need your safety advice,” one commenter wrote in Jinger’s defense.

The Duggars have been criticized for photos of their kids on numerous occasions in the past year.

In fact, this isn’t even the first controversy related to a car seat.

Some of it seems to come from a place of genuine concern; most of it is just the usual Internet outrage directed at some very low-hanging fruit, but as several commenters pointed out today, when it pertains to their kids’ safety, the Duggars should probably just take the advice.