Friday, May 5, 2017

Ariel Winter to Haters: I"ll Wear Whatever the F--k I Want!

If you follow her on Instagram, you know that Ariel Winter has a unique sense of style.

Winter’s racy Coachella look attracted more attention on social media than just about anything else at the festival, and the 19-year-old actress seemed to welcome the ensuing barrage of comments.

When it comes to the confusion and criticism of her latest red carpet look, however, Ariel is having none of it:

Ariel attended a screening of the Modern Family Season 8 finale earlier this week, and as you can see, she took a far less casual approach to the event than her co-stars.

When Twitter cracked some jokes – mostly pointing out that Ariel seemed dressed for a very different red carpet – Ms. Winter got pissed:

“Why TF does anyone care that I didn’t dress casual like everyone else for the panel? Why do I have to be like everyone else?” she wrote on Instagram.

She added:

“WEAR WHATEVER YOU WANT PEOPLE! Don’t let anyone stifle who you are and how you express yourself!”

While she certainly has a point that she’s a grown woman who’s entitled to wear whatever she chooses, eccentric fashion statements by celebrities pretty much always receive mixed reactions.

Now, this isn’t like the time Ariel wore a see-through dress to a premiere for a kids’ movie.

There’s certainly nothing inappropriate about her attire.

But making a bold statement and then complaining that some of the responses have been negative smacks of missing the point.

The very reason it’s bold to wear fancy evening attire to a casual daytime event is that some people are bound take the opportunity to crack an easy joke.

When Mariah Carey goes grocery shopping in a formal gown, she just doesn’t take to Twitter the next day to complain that some people thought it was ridiculous.

She’s knows it was ridiculous, and that’s part of the point. And part of the fun.

Of course, much of this can simply be chalked up to the fact that Ariel is 19, an age at which many of us were vomiting Goldschlager out the window of our best friend’s Honda Civic and vowing to never again drink anything with tiny gold flakes in it.

We can only imagine what sort of dumb things we would’ve done if we had millions of people watching our every move and inviting us to red carpet events.

It probably would’ve involved a burrito-stained “ironic” tuxedo t-shirt.

In conclusion, everyone should stop taking Ariel Winter’s fashion choices so seriously – including Ariel Winter.
