Friday, February 19, 2016

Kim Kardashian SUPPORTS Kanye: "Will Do Whatever to Make This Work"!

It’s been one crazy train ride for Kanye West the past few weeks, and he’s taken his wife Kim Kardashian with him.

While Kanye has been busy launching a new album and third season of his clothing line, he’s also engaged in a number of crazy Twitter rants, had a meltdown backstage at SNL and publicly asked Mark Zuckerberg for a billion-dollar loan.

Kim has made it clear that she’s tired of his shenanigans, especially the tweeting, and Kanye’s antics have reportedly taken its toll on their marriage.

However, while it may be a rocky road ahead, a source tells People that Kim is supporting her husband through this trying time.

“They’re incredibly supportive of one another, not only publicly, but privately as well,” a source told the magazine.

“Kim has a unique understanding of him, probably in a deeper way than anybody else in the world. She’s understanding of the way that he operates.”

Kim “will do whatever to make this work,” claimed another source.

Kim does seem to be supporting her husband publicly. She has been promoting his clothing line and album, “The Life of Pablo” on her social media pages.

“Pablo had me putting in extra work today in the gym!” she tweeted yesterday.

And it seems her sister Kourtney Kardashian is all for supporting her brother-in-law as well.

“The Life of Pablo just took my workouts to a new level,” Kourt tweeted.

Sounds like Kim isn’t moving forward with any divorce plans just yet. Let’s hope Kanye can restrain his thumbs and stop tweeting nonsense to save his marriage.