Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Zac Efron: Friends Fear Drug Relapse, Source Claims

Back in 2013, reports about Zac Efron’s addictions to alcohol, cocaine and prescription painkillers sparked serious concern among the young actor’s family, friends and fans.

Fortunately, Efron checked into rehab in 2014 and has spoken about the sober life in glowing terms on several occasions since.

Even so, fears that Efron would relapse have surfaced several times in the past two years.

According to Radar Online those closest to Efron are especially worried at the moment, due to some upheaval in the 28-year-old’s personal life.

Court documents indicate that Efron’s mother, Starla Baskett, filed from divorce from his father, David Efron, last month.

Efron’s relationship with his parents has always been tense, and TMZ even reported that Efron’s “controlling mother and father” were a factor in his descent into drug abuse.

Despite past difficulties, however, Zac is reportedly close with both Baskett and Efron, and insiders say there’s concern that the divorce drama could trigger a relapse.

“He seemed to have cleaned up his act but this could be devastating for him,” one insider tells Radar.

“Friends are very concerned he’ll fall off the wagon,” claims another insider, adding that Efron “been off drugs and into leading a healthy life” since his rehab stint.

To make matters worse, there are reports that Efron recently parted ways with longtime girlfriend Sami Miro.

Efron has yet to comment on either his parents’ divorce or the fears that he’ll relapse.

Fortunately, the actor has been keeping busy with three films set to come out in the next 12 months.

Here’s hoping he’s able to stay strong and stay sober during this difficult time.