Showing posts with label Fate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fate. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2018

Cops Suspended for Using Coin Flip App to Determine Speeder"s Fate

Pretty shocking video here of 2 Georgia cops giggling while using a coin flip app to determine if they should arrest a speeding motorist — and the recorded incident got both officers suspended. Roswell PD pulled over Sarah Webb back in April for…


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Shawniece Jackson Reveals Pregnancy, Married at Sight Relationship Fate

Shawniece Jackson is having herself a week.

On Tuesday afternoon, the Married at First Sight cast member revealed to People Magazine that she’s pregnant with her first child, confirming this exciting news just hours before the Season 6 finale of the series on which she starred.

And Jackson admitted that she and husband Jephte Pierre weren’t exactly planning on the child.

But that doesn’t mean she isn’t psyched about the impending kid’s arrival.

“When I found out I was pregnant, I was absolutely shocked,” Jackson told People, adding:

“I was in the emergency room because I felt awful and had no idea what was wrong. They came back and told me all my symptoms were from pregnancy and that I was pregnant.

“I was totally shocked.”

Again, though, shocked and pumped.

Continued Jackson, making us laugh:

“I’ve always felt like that’s my purpose in life – to recreate some little Shawnieces in life. I think it’s the greatest gift a woman can have. Life is a beautiful thing!”

So that’s the latest on what’s happening inside of Jackson’s womb.

But what about inside of her relationship?

On the Married at First Sight finale, she and Pierre had to decide whether they wanted to remain hitched or not.

Suspense was very much in the air, especially after Jackson said she was more nervous on this decision day than she was on her wedding day.

Jephte started the important conversation off.

“I think you’re a great person and have a big heart and I think we were meant for each other so I’d like to stay married,” he told his wife.

This made Jackson break down in tears. 

In a good way, however.

“I want to stay married because I believe in us,” she replied, explaining her feeling even further as follows:

“We both challenge each other. We both make each other stronger and together, we’ll be unstoppable.”

Even the experts cried at these kinds words were exchanged.

They were then followed by Pierre’s prescient message, uttered before learning that his wife is expecting:

“I think this is the best decision I’ve ever made. If I would have children with you right now, I know I’d be able to trust you in building that future.”

And built it they both will!

Congratulations to the happy couple on their blessed news!


Friday, December 8, 2017

Bryan Singer Talks Firing from "Bohemian Rhapsody" and Fate of Kevin Spacey

Bryan Singer was shockingly candid and patient with our photog, who asked him a wide range of questions, from sexual assault allegations, to getting fired from “Bohemian Rhapsody” to allegations involving an actor he made famous — Kevin Spacey. We…


Sunday, November 26, 2017

"The Royals" Star William Moseley Worries About Show"s Fate After Sexual Harassment Scandal

William Moseley lost his wallet Saturday … and he’s worried about losing his show, “The Royals.” We got William at LAX where he was on the hunt for his wallet .. seems he left it on the plane. The actor is reeling from allegations the show’s…


Monday, August 21, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Is Mark Jansen"s Fate Sealed?

With Elena and Cody out of the house, the only one left to take on the other houseguests is Mark. He, himself, knows fine well that he’s the only big target remaining. 

Winning the HOH competition was the only way for him to actually secure his safety and send one of the others out of the game, but unfortunately for him, he was eliminated early on. 

It wound up being between Paul and Christmas to win, and Paul knew he was safe, so he threw it to his ally who was put up week one and allowed her to start getting revenge. 

Paul’s reasoning to throw it to his ally was that he knew there was a possibility that Christmas would not get to compete in the next HOH competition. 

While that was enough for Christmas to say she would nominate Mark after the veto, Alex opened up about it being time to take Kevin out. 

He was the one who was trying to broker deals with Cody just days ago, so she knew he was not to be trusted, and he could create some sort of uprising and save Mark. 

The paranoia went into overdrive when Kevin said he had met Derrick before. That was enough for Alex because Kevin has claimed all season long that he did not know anything about the game. 

The houseguests have had to fill in the blanks for him on multiple occasions, so it’s becoming clear to them that he’s not as clueless as he implied. 

It’s difficult to understand what was going through Kevin’s head when he dropped that nugget of information on Alex. She was against him before hearing, and now she is practically gunning for him. 

Alex turned to those closest to her and said he must be a cop because he knows a little too much about the crime scene. While that would be an excellent twist, Kevin has not said anything in the diary room about it. 

When Alex told Jason to cut making deals with him, Kevin barged in and enquired why Alex was being so sketchy with him. 

“When you ask me what you can eat, it drives me insane,” Alex yelled out of the blue. 

After that argument, Jason found out that his wife was pregnant at home, and the rest of the houseguests were so happy for him. 

Josh and Christmas started strategizing and noted that Alex and Jason were not as loyal as they first implied to them and they know it’s time to take them out. 

“Alex and Jason are playing really good, and they’re really good liars,” Josh says.

With the scheming in full swing, Big Brother then released the Tree of Temptation twist on the house. Whomever finds themselves close to the DR when the apple lights up allows the houseguest to take an apple. 

The powers up for grabs are “Save a Friend,” “Can’t Play in Next HOH,” “Bounty on Your Head,” “Eliminate 2 Eviction Votes,” or “Second Veto.”

Mark rushed in and won the “Save a Friend” power, and in a terrible move, he chose to save Paul. It was a boring exchange after that and Christmas ultimately nominated Matt and Jason. 

Is this the most boring season of Big Brother yet? It sure seems that way. 

What do you think of the drama?

Sound off below!


Monday, July 10, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Tempting Fate

Things tend to get a little crazy when the power shifts in the Big Brother house, and that’s a good thing for viewers at home. 

We picked up just moments after Jillian’s shock departure from the game, and Jessica was calling Christmas out for being a snake. 

Christmas did not want to entertain Jessica because it was evident Jessica was only annoyed because she knew she picked the wrong side of the house to work with. 

It became as clear as day that the house was against Jessica and Cody during the HOH competition. Everyone was helping Paul because they wanted him to win and take the ultimate revenge against the two villains. 

As expected, Paul won the Head of Household competition, making him the second HOH of the summer. Cody and Jessica immediately retired to the house and realized their days were numbered. 

Kevin lied, saying he voted with them, and they believed him. Plot twist: He actually voted to keep Christmas, so he’s playing a good game. 

The duo called Josh out for his actions. Again, they were acting up because they were both on the outs with the rest of the house. 

Despite Josh’s attempt to make them understand that he had no loyalty to them, Jessica and Cody opted to go the personal attack route in order to knock his confidence. 

They also turned on Ramses because they thought he was another person who voted against them. However, he did not. It would have made zero sense for him to do so. 

The most embarrassing moment came when Jessica refused to attend Paul’s unveiling of his HOH room. Instead, she hit up the Diary Room to vent her frustration. Talk about being a sore loser. 

Christmas won the Den of Temptation and accepted it. It gave her a power replace a player at a veto competition throughout the summer. It could only be used once. 

She also got the opportunity to curse three players, and she chose Cody, Jessica, and Jason. 

When it came to nominations, Paul initially revealed his intention to put up Matt and Raven so they could backdoor Cody later in the week. 

However, he decided against it when his allies said the plan might backfire on them. Ultimately, he went with Alex and Josh. 

His plan is to backdoor Cody and send him packing from the house. Ramses also chose to use his consequence and wound up as the third nominee. 

What do you think of all the latest drama on the show?

Sound off below!


Monday, June 19, 2017

DeAndre Jordan Tempts Fate Riding Skateboard In L.A.

Hold your breath, Clippers nation … your franchise center, DeAndre Jordan, is going full Tony Hawk … hitting the streets of L.A. on a skateboard and, although it’s terrifying, he ain’t half bad. Jordan is 6’11” and 265 pounds but that…


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Chris Soules" Social Media and Cell Phone Will Determine Fate in Fatal Crash

Chris Soules’ fate in the fatal car crash could be determined by his cell phone … and the stakes are high — a possible vehicular manslaughter prosecution. Law enforcement sources involved in the investigation tell us they’re especially interested…


Monday, March 6, 2017

Louis Tomlinson, Prosecutor Will Decide Singer"s Fate

Louis Tomlinson says he was the victim in this weekend’s LAX scuffle, but cops beg to differ, and they’re sending the case over to the L.A. City Attorney for possible criminal prosecution. Law enforcement sources tell us, Louis told LAX cops he…


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Game of Thrones Season Six Script Leaks Online, Reveals Fate of Daenerys

If you watch Game of Thrones online, but you’ve never read the George R.R. Martin novels on which the show is based, you might be pretty sick of book-readers ruining the plot twists the way Ramsay Bolton ruined Theon Greyjoy’s love life.

Fortunately, we have good news for bibliophobes and fans of dong-related humor, alike. A page from the GoT Season 6 has leaked online, and now you can be in command of all the spoilers (and dick jokes) by doing about one one-billionth of the reading.

Game of Thrones Script

Game of Thrones Script Close-Up

The image on the left was posted on social media by a French actor named Elie Haddad, who’s playing an undisclosed role in the upcoming season. 

The original tweet was quickly deleted, but since this is the Internet and GoT we’re talking about, fans immediately began zooming in on the pic to try and decipher the text.

While it doesn’t reveal the fate of Jon Snow or anything major like that, it does fill us in on where the Khaleesi wound up after being surrounded by Dothraki raiders in the season 5 finale. 

And as is pretty much always the case with GoT, there’s some peen talk, as well. According to our generation’s sharpest minds, the full text of the conversation (between two random Dothraki) is as follows:

“I like her.”

“She’s paler than milk.”

“I bet she gets nice and pink when you pinch her.”

“I’d like to know what a Khaleesi tastes like.”

“Good. You can suck my dick.”

And then, presumably, someone gets all pissed off and disembowels someone else, and a set of boobs wanders into the shot.

Like we said, it doesn’t reveal much, but it does seem to confirm that Dany was captured by the Dothraki in one of the final scenes of Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 10.

Will they recognize her as the widow of Khal Drogo? Will she be able to recruit them to join her ever-growing army of disgruntled badasses? Will there be more wang-based dialogue?

The answers are: we don’t know, we don’t know, and most definitely.