Showing posts with label Daenerys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daenerys. Show all posts

Thursday, August 31, 2017

"Game of Thrones" Star Tom Hopper Doesn"t Mind Jon Snow and Daenerys Incest

The guy who played Dickon Tarly on “Game of Thrones” ain’t bothered by Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen’s incest in the finale … ‘cause it was inevitable. We got Tom Hopper at LAX — but before we got to Jon and Dany, we had to know ……


Friday, August 25, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale Photos: Where"s Daenerys?!

We"ve known for quite some time that the final two seasons of Game of Thrones would be truncated affairs, but still, we can"t help feeling that the show"s seventh season finale is upon us far too soon.

Fewer episodes has meant a faster pace, which – though fun in some cases – has resulted in some pretty glaring inconsistencies in others.

(Based on travel times, Westeros is now apparently the size of Providence, Rhode Island.)

Fortunately, the show is in a position to deliver its most explosive season finale to date, which should help placate fans who are feeling slighted.

Check out the first photos from "The Wolf and the Dragon" below, and watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to get caught up in time for Sunday night"s installment.

1. Tyrion and Jon Look Concerned

Tyrion and jon look concerned

Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow look worried. Maybe, like everyone else, they’re wondering why the hell the Khaleesi isn’t in any of this week’s promotional photos.

2. Sansa Looks Pissed

Sansa looks pissed

Which has pretty much been her default state all season. Living with a sister who might want you dead can have that effect.

3. Littlefinger Looks Smug

Littlefinger looks smug

He’s probably the reason Sansa looks so pissed. The man has many talents, and irritating the hell out of everyone is certainly one of them.

4. Bran Sees Things

Bran sees things

We’re kind of surprised Team Stark has put Bran to better use this season. Seems like an all-knowing oracle would be a good thing to have around.

5. Cersei Is Pregnant

Cersei is pregnant

And yes, she’ll continue to use that fact to her strategic advantage. She didn’t get to a spot on the Iron Throne by being soft.

6. Theon is Somehow Still Alive

Theon is somehow still alive

If you can call that living. Anyone else involuntarily shudder whenever this poor bastard’s onscreen?

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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton: 7 Ways She Basically IS Daenerys Targaryen

Hillary Clinton is the mother of Chelsea Clinton.

But did you also know that Hillary Clinton is very similar to The Mother of Dragons?

We refer, of course, to the beloved Game of Thrones character played by Emilia Clarke.

It"s true! The Democratic nominee for President is really just like Daenerys Targaryen is many ways. We count them below…

1. Hillary vs. Daenerys

Hillary vs daenerys

We can start with the fact that both are often referred to by their nicknames. The “Breaker of Chains,” is one name given to Khaleesi; while “Crooked” is often attached to Hillary by her opponents.

2. Both are Backed by Fan Favorites

Both are backed by fan favorites

President Obama has Hillary’s back; while Tyrion is fully on Team Dany after Season 6.

3. Both Come from Families with Scandalous Backgrounds

Both come from families with scandalous backgrounds

The Clintons will do anything to get their way, some argue. This was most definitely true of The Mad King, as well.

4. Both Fight for the Underdog

Both fight for the underdog

Dany is all about freeing slaves from their shackles. Hillary wants to help the middle class.

5. Women Love Them Both

Women love them both

In different ways, mind you. But still. Both have totally locked down the female vote.

6. Both Make Passionate Speeches

Both make passionate speeches

From the stage of the DNC or from stop a dragon. Whatever. It’s all the same, really.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Hillary Clinton: 7 Ways She"s Just Like Daenerys Targaryen

Hillary Clinton is the mother of Chelsea Clinton.

But did you also know that Hillary Clinton is very similar to The Mother of Dragons?

We refer, of course, to the beloved Game of Thrones character played by Emilia Clarke.

It"s true! The Democratic nominee for President is really just like Daenerys Targaryen is many ways. We count them below…

1. Hillary vs. Daenerys

Hillary vs daenerys

We can start with the fact that both are often referred to by their nicknames. The “Breaker of Chains,” is one name given to Khaleesi; while “Crooked” is often attached to Hillary by her opponents.

2. Both are Backed by Fan Favorites

Both are backed by fan favorites

President Obama has Hillary’s back; while Tyrion is fully on Team Dany after Season 6.

3. Both Come from Families with Scandalous Backgrounds

Both come from families with scandalous backgrounds

The Clintons will do anything to get their way, some argue. This was most definitely true of The Mad King, as well.

4. Both Fight for the Underdog

Both fight for the underdog

Dany is all about freeing slaves from their shackles. Hillary wants to help the middle class.

5. Women Love Them Both

Women love them both

In different ways, mind you. But still. Both have totally locked down the female vote.

6. Both Make Passionate Speeches

Both make passionate speeches

From the stage of the DNC or from stop a dragon. Whatever. It’s all the same, really.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Game of Thrones Season Six Script Leaks Online, Reveals Fate of Daenerys

If you watch Game of Thrones online, but you’ve never read the George R.R. Martin novels on which the show is based, you might be pretty sick of book-readers ruining the plot twists the way Ramsay Bolton ruined Theon Greyjoy’s love life.

Fortunately, we have good news for bibliophobes and fans of dong-related humor, alike. A page from the GoT Season 6 has leaked online, and now you can be in command of all the spoilers (and dick jokes) by doing about one one-billionth of the reading.

Game of Thrones Script

Game of Thrones Script Close-Up

The image on the left was posted on social media by a French actor named Elie Haddad, who’s playing an undisclosed role in the upcoming season. 

The original tweet was quickly deleted, but since this is the Internet and GoT we’re talking about, fans immediately began zooming in on the pic to try and decipher the text.

While it doesn’t reveal the fate of Jon Snow or anything major like that, it does fill us in on where the Khaleesi wound up after being surrounded by Dothraki raiders in the season 5 finale. 

And as is pretty much always the case with GoT, there’s some peen talk, as well. According to our generation’s sharpest minds, the full text of the conversation (between two random Dothraki) is as follows:

“I like her.”

“She’s paler than milk.”

“I bet she gets nice and pink when you pinch her.”

“I’d like to know what a Khaleesi tastes like.”

“Good. You can suck my dick.”

And then, presumably, someone gets all pissed off and disembowels someone else, and a set of boobs wanders into the shot.

Like we said, it doesn’t reveal much, but it does seem to confirm that Dany was captured by the Dothraki in one of the final scenes of Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 10.

Will they recognize her as the widow of Khal Drogo? Will she be able to recruit them to join her ever-growing army of disgruntled badasses? Will there be more wang-based dialogue?

The answers are: we don’t know, we don’t know, and most definitely.