Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton: 7 Ways She Basically IS Daenerys Targaryen

Hillary Clinton is the mother of Chelsea Clinton.

But did you also know that Hillary Clinton is very similar to The Mother of Dragons?

We refer, of course, to the beloved Game of Thrones character played by Emilia Clarke.

It"s true! The Democratic nominee for President is really just like Daenerys Targaryen is many ways. We count them below…

1. Hillary vs. Daenerys

Hillary vs daenerys

We can start with the fact that both are often referred to by their nicknames. The “Breaker of Chains,” is one name given to Khaleesi; while “Crooked” is often attached to Hillary by her opponents.

2. Both are Backed by Fan Favorites

Both are backed by fan favorites

President Obama has Hillary’s back; while Tyrion is fully on Team Dany after Season 6.

3. Both Come from Families with Scandalous Backgrounds

Both come from families with scandalous backgrounds

The Clintons will do anything to get their way, some argue. This was most definitely true of The Mad King, as well.

4. Both Fight for the Underdog

Both fight for the underdog

Dany is all about freeing slaves from their shackles. Hillary wants to help the middle class.

5. Women Love Them Both

Women love them both

In different ways, mind you. But still. Both have totally locked down the female vote.

6. Both Make Passionate Speeches

Both make passionate speeches

From the stage of the DNC or from stop a dragon. Whatever. It’s all the same, really.

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