Showing posts with label Tempting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tempting. Show all posts

Monday, July 10, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Tempting Fate

Things tend to get a little crazy when the power shifts in the Big Brother house, and that’s a good thing for viewers at home. 

We picked up just moments after Jillian’s shock departure from the game, and Jessica was calling Christmas out for being a snake. 

Christmas did not want to entertain Jessica because it was evident Jessica was only annoyed because she knew she picked the wrong side of the house to work with. 

It became as clear as day that the house was against Jessica and Cody during the HOH competition. Everyone was helping Paul because they wanted him to win and take the ultimate revenge against the two villains. 

As expected, Paul won the Head of Household competition, making him the second HOH of the summer. Cody and Jessica immediately retired to the house and realized their days were numbered. 

Kevin lied, saying he voted with them, and they believed him. Plot twist: He actually voted to keep Christmas, so he’s playing a good game. 

The duo called Josh out for his actions. Again, they were acting up because they were both on the outs with the rest of the house. 

Despite Josh’s attempt to make them understand that he had no loyalty to them, Jessica and Cody opted to go the personal attack route in order to knock his confidence. 

They also turned on Ramses because they thought he was another person who voted against them. However, he did not. It would have made zero sense for him to do so. 

The most embarrassing moment came when Jessica refused to attend Paul’s unveiling of his HOH room. Instead, she hit up the Diary Room to vent her frustration. Talk about being a sore loser. 

Christmas won the Den of Temptation and accepted it. It gave her a power replace a player at a veto competition throughout the summer. It could only be used once. 

She also got the opportunity to curse three players, and she chose Cody, Jessica, and Jason. 

When it came to nominations, Paul initially revealed his intention to put up Matt and Raven so they could backdoor Cody later in the week. 

However, he decided against it when his allies said the plan might backfire on them. Ultimately, he went with Alex and Josh. 

His plan is to backdoor Cody and send him packing from the house. Ramses also chose to use his consequence and wound up as the third nominee. 

What do you think of all the latest drama on the show?

Sound off below!
