Showing posts with label Decide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Decide. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Lance Bass and Hubby Can"t Decide Whose Sperm They"ll Use for Baby

Lance Bass and hubby Michael Turchin are in the super early baby planning stages … so early, in fact, how they’ll decide whose sperm to use to make the baby’s a competition. We got Lance and Michael at LAX Monday and our guy wanted to talk…


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Meek Mill"s Judge Ordered to Decide if He Gets Bail

Meek Mill is about to get a bail hearing … and the judge in his case has been ordered to do it STAT. According to new court docs, obtained by TMZ, Meek tried to get a higher court to spring him from prison, where Judge Genece Brinkley sentenced…


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Shaq Says He Can"t Decide Who To Root For When Arizona Plays LSU (Video)

Shaq’s kid might now belong to Arizona, but it’s clear the Diesel’s heart could still belong to LSU, ‘cause he refused to answer who he’d root for if the two school’s happen to play each other. We got the big man out in NYC and talked to him about…


Monday, March 6, 2017

Louis Tomlinson, Prosecutor Will Decide Singer"s Fate

Louis Tomlinson says he was the victim in this weekend’s LAX scuffle, but cops beg to differ, and they’re sending the case over to the L.A. City Attorney for possible criminal prosecution. Law enforcement sources tell us, Louis told LAX cops he…


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Josh & Anna Duggar: Did They Decide to Divorce at Jinger"s Wedding?

It’s been weeks since we’ve had any update on the once-persistent Josh and Anna Duggar divorce rumors, but that doesn’t mean the troubled couple has managed to patch things up.

Back in early February, Josh and Anna responded to the rumors through a family spokesperson, who released a statement assuring fans that reports of their marriage coming to an and were “absolutely not true.”

Since issuing that denial, the couple has remained silent on the subject, despite the fact that a number of new rumors have emerged that all seem to point to an impending breakup.

The first round of reports claimed Josh and Anna were separating as a result of a damaging new lawsuit that – according to The Daily Mail magazine – threatened to reveal the couple’s “filthiest secrets.”

Considering some of the secrets we’ve already heard about Josh, outmatching them in terms of filthiness would be no mean feat.

Now, a new report from the Inquisitr suggests that Josh and Anna decided to part ways on the weekend that Jinger Duggar got married to Jeremy Vuolo.

There’s no word on what might have sparked the decision, but the wedding was one of the last times that Josh and Anna were spotted together in public.

Did Josh behave inappropriately?

Did the feeling that she was being judged by hundreds of guests lead Anna to the conclusion that it was time to cut her perverted husband loose?

The first possibility seems unlikely, as Josh successfully concealed his first round of affairs and flirtations for several years.

But there may be something to that second explanation, as Anna has admitted to struggling with how she’s perceived by family and friends since welcoming Josh back into her life.

Whatever the case, a family insider recently told Perez Hilton that 

“Anna hasn’t told Josh she wants a divorce, but a friend of hers put her in touch with a lawyer and Anna has spoken to the lawyer on the phone,” a source close to the Duggar family said, according to Perez Hilton.

The source adds that Anna is nervous about proceeding, as divorce is strictly forbidden in the Duggars’ religious community:

“She’s been putting off meeting them for some time because she was terrified of being spotted at their office, but she is now finally ready to make the move and will be visiting the attorney in the next week or so.”

Josh was the first of his siblings to get married, and now it sounds like he might be the first to endure an ugly, high-profile divorce.

Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy!


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

John Legend Can"t Decide if it"s OK to Meet with Donald Trump (VIDEO)

John Legend seems to be walking back his criticism of Kanye West meeting with Donald Trump. We caught up with the singer Monday at LAX where our photog asks if he’d take a similar meeting. John called Kanye out right after West…


Monday, November 7, 2016

Who Are You Voting For? It"s Time to Decide

Finally, mercifully, painfully… it has come down to this.

It is nearly Election Day.

It is nearly time for the world to stop talking about emails that may have been covered up and pussies that may have been grabbed and for United States citizens to actually step inside and exercise their democratic rights.

It is time for them to vote.

Unfortunately, there will be no last-minute candidate on the ballot.

As much as millions of residents have tried to deny it, the main two nominees for the highest office in the land are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Many people believe the former is too corrupt, while many others believe the latter is too much of a lying bigot.

For those who try to base their vote on one’s character, it has been a very difficult decision to make.

For those who prefer to base their vote on experience, temperament and knowledge of the issues… well… it’s your call. Just try to make the right one.

It’s only the most important office in the world that it as stake here.

Heading into November 8, nearly every major poll has Clinton in the lead. But it’s not a landslide. It’s anything but a lock.

Voters in New Hampshire, Michigan, Florida, Ohio and North Carolina will play an especially big role in choosing our next President, with those battleground states remaining closely contested over the past few weeks.

Just when it seemed as though Trump’s infamous Billy Bush video would sink his campaign for good… the FBI announced it had new reasons for maybe thinking Clinton did something illegal with a private email server.

Director Jim Comey has since cleared Clinton of any actual wrongdoing (again), but his last-minute involvement in the race has caused polls to tighten.

It’s caused many to see Clinton in a negative light.

Even when compared to someone who has been accused by a dozen women of sexual misconduct and who has never met a lie he could not tell.

Oh, and Gary Johnson is also running for President.

He’s running under the Libertarian party and some polls have him earning as much as five percent of the vote.

Because he wants to legalize marijuana and restore various civil liberties across the board? Maybe. That could be a reason.

But mostly because he isn’t Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

This is someone who was once asked to name a world leader that he admired and he was unable to do so.

So it’s not as though any third party has given voters a reason to be excited, either.

Yup, these are your candidates, folks.

(Yes, we know Dr. Jill Stein is technically also a candidate, but she is struggling to earn even one percent of the vote in most polls. We could practically call THG a candidate under that logic.)

Love the field or hate the field, this is the field.

And the time has come to make the most important decision of your life:


And the Winner is?

Donald, Hillary or… Gary? Who has your vote to be the next President of the United States? View Poll »


Friday, April 1, 2016

Justin Bieber Can"t Decide: Proposes THREE-WAY With Selena Gomez & Kourtney Kardashian

It’s the love triangle we never saw coming.

Nearly every day we see another headline about Justin Bieber getting back together with Selena Gomez – only to be followed by reports that he’s still totally digging on hookup buddy Kourtney Kardashian.

How can the 22-year-old ever be expected to decide between two such hot brunettes who are both just standing by, waiting eagerly to please him?

Fortunately, it came to him in the middle of his San Diego concert earlier this week.

“EUREKA!!!” he cried out just before the bridge during a performance of “Love Yourself,” then quickly ran offstage. 

“Biebs racked his brains trying to figure out how to decide between these two,” a source tells THG EXCLUSIVELY. “Selena is the love of his life, but Kourtney just completely blows his mind in the sack.”

“Justin’s from Canada, but never before did he think to do such things with a hockey puck,” the source added with a wink.

So what was this light bulb moment Bieber had?

“Justin wants to have a threesome with both women, in a sort of gladiator-style battle to win his heart… and loins.”

The singer shot off a group text to both SelGo and Kourtney, and lo and behold, they’re into it!

Kourtney always thought Selena was “totes adorbs” and says she can’t wait to Snapchat the entire event.

Selena was hesitant at first, but Kourt was just so darned charming and figured, if nothing else, maybe she could learn a trick or two from the reality show star.

And that’s when Scooter Braun dumped a bucket of ice on Justin’s overgrown head, because clearly he was in the middle of a lurid dream that could never in a million years be real, and because…


Justin Bieber Can"t Decide: Proposes THREE-WAY With Selena Gomez & Kourtney Kardashian

It’s the love triangle we never saw coming.

Nearly every day we see another headline about Justin Bieber getting back together with Selena Gomez – only to be followed by reports that he’s still totally digging on hookup buddy Kourtney Kardashian.

How can the 22-year-old ever be expected to decide between two such hot brunettes who are both just standing by, waiting eagerly to please him?

Fortunately, it came to him in the middle of his San Diego concert earlier this week.

“EUREKA!!!” he cried out just before the bridge during a performance of “Love Yourself,” then quickly ran offstage. 

“Biebs racked his brains trying to figure out how to decide between these two,” a source tells THG EXCLUSIVELY. “Selena is the love of his life, but Kourtney just completely blows his mind in the sack.”

“Justin’s from Canada, but never before did he think to do such things with a hockey puck,” the source added with a wink.

So what was this light bulb moment Bieber had?

“Justin wants to have a threesome with both women, in a sort of gladiator-style battle to win his heart… and loins.”

The singer shot off a group text to both SelGo and Kourtney, and lo and behold, they’re into it!

Kourtney always thought Selena was “totes adorbs” and says she can’t wait to Snapchat the entire event.

Selena was hesitant at first, but Kourt was just so darned charming and figured, if nothing else, maybe she could learn a trick or two from the reality show star.

And that’s when Scooter Braun dumped a bucket of ice on Justin’s overgrown head, because clearly he was in the middle of a lurid dream that could never in a million years be real, and because…


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Are Tyga & Kylie Jenner Engaged?! Rapper Calls Reality Star His "FiancĂ©e" In New Video — Watch & Decide For Yourself!

This won’t help those pesky rumors!

Back in May, Kylie Jenner snapped a pic with a gold ring on her left ring finger which sparked rumors that she and Tyga were taking the plunge!

She has since tried to squash those rumors but it doesn’t keep people from talking!

Related: Tyga Cancelled His Brazilian Tour Dates Because Of Kylie Jenner?!

Well, now a new video has popped up on Miz Jenner’s Snapchat (below) that shows Tyga calling her his fiancée! Oh boy!

The 25-year-old rapper can be heard saying:

“I don’t f*** with nobody, it’s just me, my fiancé, this lil’ dog I just got.”

Before you go believing this to be 100% true though, Tyga also posted a video to his Instagram (below) earlier that day of rapper Logic saying a similar thing in an interview. Hmm, very inneresting.

Ch-ch-check out both videos (below) for yourself and decide what you think is the truth!

A video posted by Kylie Jenner Snapchats (@kylizzlesnapchats) on Sep 23, 2015 at 6:44pm PDT

All day 😂😂A video posted by Tyga / T-Raww (@kinggoldchains) on Sep 23, 2015 at 12:55pm PDT

So what do you think? Are these two love birds really engaged or is this just them having a little bit of fun?!

[Image via WENN.]