Friday, February 24, 2017

Azealia Banks to Lana Del Rey: Leave Donald Trump Alone!

At this point, it’s hard to be surprised by anything that Azealia Banks says, does, or tweets.

Azealia feuds with just about everyone who crosses her path, especially those who dare to criticize President Donald Trump.

Yes, for reasons that aren’t particularly clear (even/especially to her) Azealia is a huge Trump supporter.

In fact, she’s so hardcore in her beliefs that Banks went off on Rihanna last week for speaking out against Trump’s controversial Muslim ban.

“This is all stupid and wrong. Is she even American??? Can she even vote???” Banks tweeted, and if she’d only squeezed in the words “cuck” and “snowflake,” she would’ve perfectly captured the tone of the typical irate Trump troll.

Azealia is black, a woman, an artist, a young person, a supporter of the LGBTQ community, and (we’re just guessing, considering the way her career has kind of bottomed out) a non-millionaire – which makes her a member of a half dozen groups that aren’t particularly well-represented aboard the Trump Train.

Of course, she also sacrifices chickens in her apartment as part of her witchcraft ceremonies, so pointing out inconsistencies in Azealia’s political ideology is a bit like calling Charles Manson crazy for pouring the milk in his bowl before the cereal.

Anyway, like her bestie Milo Yiannopolos, Banks was suspended from Twitter for doing what she does best (read: trolling the entire planet), but she’s back now, and it seems she’s already making up for lost time.

This story comes to us courtesy of the Lana Del Rey fan page, Planet Del Rey, which claims that Azealia has turned on her former friend Lana Del Rey for jokingly (we think) threatening to take Trump down with witchcraft.

Lana posted a tweet asking fans to find “ingredients” online and use them “at the stroke of midnight.”

We’re old and easily confused by both hip young Millennials and social media, so we would’ve thought that Lana was organizing a good old-fashioned Meth cook-off.

But Lana fans insist it was some sort of sly reference to bewitching the Donald, and apparently Azealia didn’t care for it one bit:

“Leave that motherf-cker alone,” Banks allegedly tweeted.

“You witches are only going to make Trump stronger. *rolls eye* hashtag. White girl magic.” 

She added:

“No shade I will go toe to toe with these white witches because Hillary Clinton losing was a major loss for white feminism.”

She later confirmed that she was referring to Lana in response to a fan’s query.

The tweets appear to have been deleted, but as you can see, Planet Del Rey came equipped with receipts.

We’d say this all seems a tad ludicrous, but this is Azealia Banks we’re talking about.

The woman once started a feud with the entire country of Australia, seemingly just for her own amusement.

Ya know, now that we think about it, we’re starting to understand her love of Trump …
