Friday, June 23, 2017

Scott Disick & Bella Thorne: Boozing and Hooking Up at Lana Del Rey"s Birthday Party!

It’s official: We’re done feeling bad for Bella Thorne for being used and bamboozled by noted user and bamboozler Scott Disick.

When Bella traveled to Cannes with Scott, we figured this was just a case of a 19-year-old getting in over her head with a 34-year-old in the midst of a premature midlife crisis.

She came home early and told the world it was because Disick drank too much and generally acted like a D-bag, we figured she’d come to her senses.

And when Scott sources told the world that Disick dumped Thorne because she smelled bad (ouch), we figured that was good insurance that she wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

Oh, how wrong we were.

According to TMZ, Scott and Bella raged hard last night, this time keeping the party on their home turf of LA.

The couple hit up a birthday party for singer Lana Del Rey, where they partied until 2 am.

But this is Scott Disick and a teenager we’re talking about, so it’s not like they went home after that.

No, from there, Scott and Bella hit an after-party, where they continued to get their drink on.

Onlookers say they eventually left the party with an unidentified female friend.

We don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but Scott and Bella were reportedly trying to make a threesome happen during their time in Cannes, so …

Yeah, we actually do want to jump to conclusions.

We’re gonna go ahead and say it’s a safe bet that Scott and Bella finally got their orgy on last night.

Maybe now that she has “three-way with a depressive drunk dad” crossed off her bucket list, Bella can go back to dating guys who aren’t conducting neverending stress tests on their own livers.

Or at least guys who aren’t 15 years her senior and using her to make their exes jealous.

Like we said, it’s her life, and she can do what she pleases with it … but she shouldn’t more sympathy from the public.

Fool her once, shame on Scott.

Fool her five times, Scott wakes up still clutching a bottle of Jack, asks what her name is again, and Bella finally realizes she done effed up.
