Monday, September 11, 2017

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: Boozing It Up In Her Hometown?

It’s been several months since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating, and it seems the couple is very much enjoying the heady rush that accompanies the start of a new relationship.

(There are those who believe Ben and Lindsay’s relationsip isn’t all that new, but that’s a discussion for another time.)

Already, there have been claims that Ben and Lindsay are planning a wedding.

Other insiders have insisted that Affleck and Shookus can’t wait to have a baby together.

As usual, it seems as though the tabloid media is rushing things just a smidge, but Ben and Lindsay do seem to be quite smitten with one another.

They’ve already survived the first big hurdle of their relationship with Ben resisting the urge to morph into Sad Affleck over the fact that Lindsay’s hometown Bills have claimed the top spot in the AFC East ahead of Ben’s beloved Patriots.

But there are other challenges that lie in wait — and Affleck’s drinking might be chief (no pun intended, Ben) among them.

According to photos and multiple eye witness accounts, Ben is hitting the bottle again, just months after completing a stint in rehab.

Though she’s concerned for the father of her children, Jennifer Garner reportedly believes that Ben’s drinking is Lindsay’s problem now.

Unortunately, it doesn’t seem that Shookus has any interest in helpong Ben to stay sober.

It’s certainly not her responsibility to do so, but it seems that Ben is unlikely to stay clean or even keep his boozing somewhat under control when his new girlfriend is doubling as his drinking buddy.

Affleck and Shookus have already been spotted sipping wine at L.A. hotspot Craig’s and leaving a Maine liquor store with their arms loaded with bottles.

Sources say that over Labor Day weekend, the couple hit Lindsay’s hometown, where they presumably washed down their chicken wings with large quantities of Canadian beer.

Last weekend, Ben and Lindsay were spotted walking the streets of Manhattan (she’s a producer for Saturday Night Live) looking considerably worse for wear.

In contrast, Garner was in Texas helping with the relief effort in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

It’s easy to say she’s winning the divorce from a PR perspective, but we have no way of knowing how many bartenders Ben helped with his generous tipping.

It’s about time someone took a moment to recognize this country’s real heroes.
