Showing posts with label Hush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hush. Show all posts

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Rudy Giuliani: Trump TOTALLY Paid Stormy Daniels Hush Money!

By now, you’re almost certainly familiar with the ongoing Stormy Daniels sex scandal.

And depending on where you land on the political spectrum, you’ve likely reached one of two conclusions about it:

Either you think it’s a witch hunt designed to bring an end to the Trump presidency, or you believe this is the loose thread that will cause Trump’s vast tapestry of corruption to finally unravel.

Whatever the case, Stormy and her charismatic lawyer, Michael Avennatti, won’t be going away anytime soon, particularly after comments Rudy Giuliani made during a recent interview with Sean Hannity.

In either a major slip-up or a baffling strategic move, Giuliani admitted that Trump reimbursed his attorney Michael Cohen for the $ 130,000 payment Cohen made to Daniels as part of a non-disclosure agreement.

“Funneled through a law firm, and the president repaid it,” Giuliani said of the hush money.

After the interview, Giuliani doubled-down on his statement, clarifying that his comment was no mere slip of the tongue, but a planned statement intended to absolve the president of violating federal election laws:

“That removes the campaign finance violation, and we have all the documentary proof for it,” he said.

In case you’ve been avoiding all forms of media like the proverbial Nero busting out a sick Charlie Daniels solo while Rome burns to the ground, here’s a rundown of what exactly that means:

Trump previously denied any knowledge of the Cohen payment, but getting caught lying is like eating a Big Mac for the president – he does it every day without a second thought about the consequences.

The reason this is such a bigger deal than all of those previous falsehoods is that Trump may be on the verge of getting caught in a major violation of campaign finance law.

Individual contributions to campaigns are limited to $ 2,700.

Obviously, Cohen’s payment to Daniels exceeds that by a large margin, and since the payment directly benefited the Trump campaign, Cohen looked to be in pretty clear violation of FEC regulations.

By admitting that Trump repaid the cash, Giuliani is essentially arguing that $ 130,000 was a zero-interest loan, not a campaign donation.

Obviously, this raises a lot of other questions, primarily:

Why does a billionaire need to borrow $ 130,000 from his lawyer; what did Cohen stand to gain from the arrangement, and why did Trump feel the need to lie about the whole thing?

Since Cohen’s office was raided by the FBI last month, these questions might be answered sooner rather than later.

So stay tuned for the exciting series finale of the bonkers reality show that is the Trump presidency!

It should be a doozy!


Monday, March 12, 2018

Stormy Daniels Offers to Refund Hush Money to Trump

Porn star Stormy Daniels is suing Trump and attempting to quash the NDA that prevents her from directly discussing their 2006 affair.

Her legal team has put forward a couple of different arguments, but now Stormy herself is making an offer:

She’ll give back the $ 130,000 in hush money.

Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, sent a letter on Monday to Trump attorney Michael Cohen.

If you’ll recall, Michael Cohen is the private attorney for Trump who claims that he basically just woke up one morning and decided to wire $ 130,000 to Daniels without any reimbursement from Trump.

In it, Daniels offers to refund that amount in exchange for the NDA being lifted, which would allow her to speak about their affair and also publish photos, text messages, or even videos from that time.

(In fact, Stormy may have Trump’s DNA on a “Lewinsky-style” dress)

Interestingly, the letter (obtained by the New York Times) offers to send the money to Trump, and specifically to any account of his choosing, rather than to Cohen.

Also, the letter includes a deadline by which Cohen (and, realistically, Trump) must decide whether to accept the offer: Noon on Tuesday.

Realistically, it seems unlikely that Cohen or Trump will accept the offer.

In fact … one has to wonder if Stormy or her legal team ever imagined that they would. $ 130,000 is a lot of money, but even though Trump goes to great lengths to inflate his wealth without divulging how much or little he actually owns, he can go without.

And obviously Cohen, if he’s willing to potentially violate election law by paying Stormy this hush money just weeks before the 2016 election, isn’t going to agree without the go-ahead from Trump.

Some might say that even drafting this letter was a waste of time.

But perhaps there is a method to this “madness.”

Though the world has heard many details thanks to an old, buried interview, Stormy still can’t respond directly when asked if she had sex with Donald Trump in 2006.

It seems clear that she’d love to tell all.

In part, perhaps she — despite having conservative political views — is as horrified as most Americans by Trump’s tenure in the White House.

But it’s very likely that she’s eager to seize the opportunity to go on every talk show to tell her story, and every financial benefit that goes with it.

At present, however, violating the NDA would result in a $ 1 million penalty.

This letter — which was always bound to be leaked — seems like a way of shopping how much she has to expose to the world.

Of course, depending upon a court ruling, that NDA may not be enforceable for one simple reason:

Donald Trump never signed it.

It’s widely believed that he may have avoided signing it so that he could have deniability of the whole thing — which would sound implausible, but so do plenty of his assertions.

But Stormy’s lawsuit alleges that the NDA is null and void because both parties didn’t sign.

This new offer, to refund the money, requires the signatures of all parties — Trump included.

Interestingly, the news that Trump may have had multiple extramarital affairs doesn’t seem to trouble his evangelical base.

Some say that they’re just bigots spiting Obama and progressives. Others say that they’re just willing to put up with anything in the hope that Trump will restrict abortion rights.

Part of the reason that progressives care about the Stormy Daniels story is quite simple: schadenfreude. Since Trump is making every waking moment a hellish nightmare for people, they can squeeze some joy out of anything perceived to make him unhappy.

The other reason, however, is that violating election laws — in this case, campaign finance laws — is actually serious business.

But so are a lot of crimes that Trump is believed to have committed. Let’s be realistic — even if he ends up being carted off to prison, Trump will probably get by unscathed with most of what he’s done.

But schadenfreude is still a great reason to enjoy this story as it continues to develop and evolve.

As for Stormy’s offer, we’ll find out by noon tomorrow.


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Rose McGowan Says She Was Offered $1 Million in Hush Money from Harvey Weinstein

Rose McGowan says Harvey Weinstein offered her $ 1 million to keep her mouth shut before his 1st sexual harassment story broke — which she countered for far higher before ultimately shooting him down. Rose told the NYT someone in Weinstein’s camp…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Usher: Accused of Infecting Partner with Herpes, Paying $1.1 in Hush Money

According to an explosive new report, Usher and an unnamed woman recently engaged in “rigorous unprotected sex” …

… without the singer revealing to his partner at the time that he was infected with herpes.

In court documents obtained by Radar Online, the singer was diagnosed with this sexually transmitted diseased around 2009 or 2010.

Following his divorce from Tameka Foster, Usher started sleeping with a celebrity stylist, only to have a “greenish discharge” ooze from his penis at one point.

Doctors determined that the artist was an “asymptomatic carrier” and he had no other signs of infection, the legal documents state.

After initially discussing the situation with his lover, Usher convinced her that his STD test came back negative and the two continued to have unprotected sexual intercourse.

“Believing Raymond’s statements that (the discharge) had been nothing and cleared up, (she) continued her relationship,” the legal papers read, using Usher’s last name and referencing his victim.

About three weeks after she started sleeping with Usher, the woman woke up “feeling very sick” with a “fever of 100 degrees, chills, headache, and aches and pains.”

She also “developed lesions and blisters in her vagina” and was eventually diagnosed with herpes herself.

The lawsuit states that Usher wrote a check for $ 2,754.40 in order to cover the woman’s medical expenses at the time.

But she later filed a lawsuit against the artist, accusing him of “consciously and purposely” withholding his diagnosis from her, despite the pair carrying on with an unsafe sexual relationship.

“In a series of telephone conversations and online chat sessions, [Usher] has apologized for infecting [her] and told her he would take care of things,” reads the lawsuit.

In a legal declaration also in Radar’s possession, the accuser said she “feels that her health and body have been ruined,” and she “has suffered severe emotional distress and has been extremely depressed … knowing there is no cure.”

Usher finally settled this case with his ex-fling on December 28, 2012, paying her a total of $ 1.1 million.

It’s a pretty ugly issue to bubble to the surface for Usher all these years later.

But we guess he can take solace in one thing:

At least he isn’t R.Kelly.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Michael Jackson Lawsuit -- New Alleged Child Sex Abuse Victim ... I Have Proof He Paid Me Hush Money (PHOTO GALLERY)

Michael Jackson wrote a bunch of checks totaling over $ 900,000 to cover up child sex abuse allegations from a then 12-year-old girl, but now she’s suing 30 years later. The woman filed the lawsuit as a Jane Doe, saying Michael started abusing…


Michael Jackson Lawsuit -- New Alleged Child Sex Abuse Victim ... I Have Proof He Paid Me Hush Money (PHOTO GALLERY)

Michael Jackson wrote a bunch of checks totaling over $ 900,000 to cover up child sex abuse allegations from a then 12-year-old girl, but now she’s suing 30 years later. The woman filed the lawsuit as a Jane Doe, saying Michael started abusing…
