Monday, May 21, 2018

Asia Argento to Cannes: Harvey Weinstein Raped Me and Some of You Knew

The 2018 Cannes Film Festival came to a close, and Asia Argento delivered an incredible and jaw-dropping speech.

She did not mince words when it came to Harvey Weinstein, whom she accuses of rape.

See her powerful speech in the accompanying video and feel the weight of her words.

Asia argento cannes speech 2018

"I have a few words to say," Asia"s speech begins.

Reportedly, the organizers did not know what she planned to say in her speech.

"In 1997, I was raped by Harvey Weinstein, here at Cannes. I was 21 years old."

Asia was one of the very first women to come forward and accuse him of sexual assault.

"This festival was his hunting ground."

According to the accusations — which are numerous — he had a number of hunting grounds.

Asia continues:

"I want to make a prediction."

This is her hope for the future, and she"s displaying an astounding degree of optimism that tomorrow will be better than yesterday.

"Harvey Weinstein will never be welcomed here ever again."

The entire world hopes that, at the very least.

Though we should consider, for a moment, how low the bar is set when a woman who accuses a man of one of the most evil deeds possible…

… To be speaking about him facing social and professional consequences instead of expressing the hope that he will spend the rest of his life beyond bars.

Asia continues to describe a better future.

"He will live in disgrace."

And then come the professional consequences:

"Shunned by a film community that once embraced him."

And she"s not afraid to call out the people who were complicit.

"… And covered up for his crimes."

Then she really turns up the heat.

"And even tonight, sitting among you, there are those who still have to be held accountable for their conduct towards women."

She continues:

"For a behavior that does not belong in this industry — does not belong in any industry or workplace."

She is absolutely right.

"You know who you are."

We would point out that perhaps some of them do not know who they are. There are plenty of sexual predators in the world who never realized that their actions have left a trail of suffering behind them.

Perhaps the #MeToo movement has made them realize the harm that they"ve done.

"But most importantly, we know who you are."

That is important, yes.

"And we"re not going to allow you to get away with it any longer."

Asia argento and ava duvernay at cannes 2018

Asia"s speech was met with well-deserved applause.

Sadly, there is a long way to go before people can even hope to see justice for all of the horrible crimes committed within the entertainment industry and beyond.

What"s worse is that some people are already talking about "comebacks."

Surely we can all agree that rapists belong behind bars at the very least.

Surely we can also agree that serial harassers and abusers don"t deserve a "comeback" in an industry that they once treated as a hunting ground.

Harvey Weinstein has always denied the many, many allegations against him, and it is possible that thanks to the passage of time and the woeful inadequacy of the legal system, he will never see the inside of a prison cell.

But perhaps #MeToo and #TimesUp can create a better future. One without sex monsters.

That, we think, is what has Asia Argento filled with optimism.

Asia argento to cannes harvey weinstein raped me here