Tuesday, June 27, 2017

DeMario Jackson Details Corinne Olympios Hook-Up: "We Went For It"

WARNING: The following article contains a few details that may rated NC-17.

Proceed with caution and/or only read after putting all children to bed.

Okay? Ready? Here we go…

On Monday night, DeMario Jackson sat down for his first extended interview since being involved in a controversy that halted production on Bachelor in Paradise Season 4.

As you no doubt have read all about by now, the former Bachelorette contestant was at the center of an investigation by Warner Bros. after a drunken sexual encounter with Corinne Olympios.

Due to allegations of misconduct that stemmed from whether or not Corinne had given consent for these naked actions, filming was shut down and all contestants sent home from Mexico just a few days into shooting.

Late last week, the production company announced that video evidence did NOT back up any allegations of inappropriate behavior.

No charges will be filmed. Jackson’s named has been cleared. And Season 4 will even continue filming and air as scheduled this summer.

“It was stressful. For me, mostly for my mother,” DeMario said in an excerpt from his Q&A with E! News that leaked yesterday, adding:

“It’s hard to see your mom cry every single day. It was very difficult.”

That’s the clean part of the interview.

Revealing more sordid details, however, Jackson spoke at length with E! about the hook-up itself.

“That night was probably one of the wildest nights of my entire life,” Jackson told Melanie Bromley first night of filming. “Like, we went for it.”

How did he and Olympios get to that point?

Did producers set them up? How well did they even know each other before their private parts started flying all around in a pool together?

“Our first real conversation was at the bar,” he says below, explaining:

“We were hanging out. We kind of were just complimenting each other on being villains. I was like, ‘Look, I’ve accepted this role.’ We were kind of just laughing, like, ‘Oh, we’re about to dominate Paradise!’

“Like homie stuff, like really, really like friends. And then, you know, we started having a little bit more fun…and had a few drinks.”

Olympios earned a reputation for promiscuity and shamelessness due to her often-topless behavior on The Bachelor this spring.

Jackson, meanwhile, was sent home by Rachel Lindsay after The Bachelorette learned he had a girlfriend while appearing on the show.

“From the bar scene, it got a little hot and heavy,” DeMario says of his interactions with Corinne. “She got in my arms, and we started making out at the bar.”

Did Olympios seem unaware of what was happening?

Was she in control of her decisions?

“She’s like, ‘Let’s go to the pool, let’s go hang out,"” he said, emphasizing that Olympios was the aggressor and adding:

“It’s crazy because when you’re a man – mostly African American man – no matter where you’re at, you always look for things that can help you out. And at that moment, I made sure the cameras followed us.

“It just seemed too perfect in a sense for me, and at the point, that’s when my spidey senses got up.”

Olympios continued from there to push the sexual envelope, according to Jackson.

“[We were] kissing, rubbing, touching. It’s nothing too sexual yet,” he says. “Things got wild because it was more her being the aggressor, which was sexy…

“When you have a very attractive girl telling you what she wants, it’s like a very, like, ‘Wow, OK! This is hot. This is very…I like it."”

Both reality stars were naked at this point, DeMario says.

And Corinne made it clear she wanted some oral sex from her partner at the time.

“I get out of the pool, and I have my legs in the pool, and I’m just hanging out,” he says, referring to his penis and continuing:

“This is when she gets up out of the pool and puts her lady parts right on my face.”

This is similar to the initial accounts of the encounter, as witnesses said soon afterward that Corinne put her vagina right up to Jackson’s mouth and made her desires clear.

Jackson says he saw Corinne the next day, the two hugged, went to breakfast and everything seemed fine.

“She wasn’t mad. We were hanging out. Actually, I offered her a shot, and she said that the production had cut her off from drinking for the day.”

And that’s when he sensed something was wrong.

Two days later, a producer tried to convince Jackson to leave, hinting that something “bad” would happen if he stuck around for the rest of Season 4.

Olympios is still threatening legal action and says her legal team will be conducting its own investigation.

To hear more from Jackson, tune in to E! tonight at 7 p.m. EST.
