Showing posts with label Susan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Susan. Show all posts

Friday, September 14, 2018

Debra Messing to Susan Sarandon: STFU About Trump Already!

So Debra Messing and Susan Sarandon are not friends.

Like, at all.

Who knows what their relationship was like before the 2016 presidential election, if they even had one, but when Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton official became the Republican and Democratic nominees, things got real bad, real fast.

Debra has always been a big supporter of Hillary, while Susan was (and still is) one of those people who was super, super into Bernie Sanders.

When Hillary won the primary, Susan was very displeased, and she refused to support her.

She also kind of began to support Trump in a roundabout way, making statements like “Some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately. If he gets in, then things will really explode.”

She said that Hillary was too “dangerous” to endorse, and right before the election, she began endorsing Jill Stein, because she felt that Hillary would easily win so it would be fine for people to “vote their conscience.”

Obviously, things did not work out like that.

Pretty much every single time Susan has made some dumb public statement on Trump, Debra has been there to call her out on it.

They’ve gotten into plenty of Twitter fights, Debra has called Susan “insane” and insisted that she be “held accountable” for her misguided political comments.

And now that Susan is running her mouth again, Debra is there to shut it down.

This week, Variety released a new interview with Susan, and in the interview, she talked more about that “revolution” idea she’s been so excited about.

She said that a good thing about Trump’s presidency so far is that he’s so bad, he’s inspiring young people to get more into politics, and that he’s also inspiring more women and people of color to run for office.

“This is a revolution,” she said. “Maybe things had to get so bad before real change actually could happen. We just have to stay awake.”

When Debra saw the interview … well, she went the f–k off.

“STFU SUSAN,” she began her Twiter tirade. “Oh yes, PLEASE let’s give Trump CREDIT.”

“I mean how else are you able to walk out on the street. Convince yourself that this CATASTROPHE of a president who you said was better that HRC IS NOT ripping children away from people seeking asylum, holding children INDEFINITELY in internment camps with their new policy …”

“DESTROYING all attemps to protect our environment (yes the water you properted to care about), endangered animals, taking away women’s ACCESS to health care and legal abortion, trying to block POC from voting with extreme judges who will support jerrymandering efforts, not to mention destroying ALL goodwill and allied relationships across the globe.”

“Oh,” she continued, “and lest you forget Syria, Crimea, and putting PRO-RUSSIA agenda BEFORE the United States best interests.”

“YES, do go on and LAUD the effect Trump has had out of DESPERATION & PANIC for the DESTRUCTION of the Soul of our country.”

We know, we know, it’s a lot, but she’s still not done!

“You don’t want to look at THAT part of the equation,” Debra wrote. “Because then you’d have to admit you were dead WRONG running around bellowing that HRC was more dangerous than Trump.”

“Only a self righteous narcissist would continue to spout off and not — in the face of Americans’ pain and agony — be contrite and apologize for your part in this catastrophe.”

She wrapped things up with “But you do you Susan.”

Susan responded briefly by telling Debra to actually watch her interview “before you get yourself all self-righteous,” but Debra said that she actually watched the interview twice.

So who’s right here?

Well, Debra, clearly. She uses a lot of caps in her argument, but it’s a solid argument.

Susan has received a lot of criticism since her interview began making the rounds, and she’s been quick to remind people that she’s not pro-Trump by any means.

As she’s been reminding everyone on her Twitter account, she got arrested earlier this summer at an anti-Trump protest, and she has been using her platform to urge everyone to vote.

But it’s hard to forget all those insane things she said in 2016, and it’s still weird how she’s romanticizing the idea of this big revolution when really everything just kind of sucks right now.

So please, just … be better, Susan.



Saturday, March 3, 2018

Susan Sarandon Says Parkland Students Have to Do What Trump Never Will

Susan Sarandon is beaming like a proud mama about the students behind the March for Our Lives rally … and says she’ll absolutely be there to support them. We got Susan Friday at LAX, and she told us the Parkland, FL kids now have a chance to…


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Susan Lucci Looks Baywatch-Ready for Valentine"s Beach Vacay

Susan Lucci’s still making daytime look hot … she’s just doing it on the beach in Barbados now, instead of TV. The “All My Children” legend was lounging in a red one-piece that proves she’s still ready to play soap opera sex kitten Erica Kane ……


Saturday, October 14, 2017

NBC Titan Dick Ebersol and Susan St. James Say Unlike Weinstein Their Hook-Up was Consensual

Dick Ebersol, the legendary co-creator of “SNL” who ran both NBC and NBC Sports, says his story of hooking up with an actress is WAY DIFFERENT from Harvey Weinstein’s, starting with the fact it was consensual. We got Dick, a long-standing show biz…


NBC Titan Dick Ebersol and Susan St. James Say Unlike Weinstein Their Hook-Up was Consensual

Dick Ebersol, the legendary co-creator of “SNL” who ran both NBC and NBC Sports, says his story of hooking up with an actress is WAY DIFFERENT from Harvey Weinstein’s, starting with the fact it was consensual. We got Dick, a long-standing show biz…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Susan Sarandon Hits Kaepernick Rally, "I Stand With Colin"

Hundreds of people rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick in NYC Wednesday — including Susan Sarandon — who said proudly, “I’m With Kaep.” The “United We Stand” rally went down in front of the NFL headquarters in New York — stars like Kurtis…


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Susan Olsen, Former Brady Bunch Star, Fired for Homophobic Remarks

Susan Olsen looked like this as a child:


She was as cute as cute can be, rising to fame as Cindy Brady, the youngest daughter on iconic series The Brady Bunch.

But that was then.

This is now.

And there’s nothing cute or precious or appealing about the reason why Olsen is made major headlines today.

The former actress was fired from her job as a Los Angeles radio show co-host after she went on a lengthy, dirty, homophobic rant via Facebook.

The 55-year-old spoke with openly gay actor Leon Acord-Whiting as she helmed the segment “Two Chicks Talkin’ Politics” on Wednesday – and, following the show, Acord-Whiting took to social media accuse Olsen of spreading “outrageous misinformation.”

This is what he wrote on his Facebook page:

“It is wildly irresponsible for LA Talk Radio to allow a Trump fanatic to co-host one of their programs, where she can spew her idiotic lies unchecked.

“(Being a liberal and a patriot are mutually exclusive? Hillary is causing the protests & hate crimes? The Koran is a political tract?).”

These were topics discussed on air.

“As much as I love [cohost] Sheena Metal, I think LA Talk Radio needs to give ‘Cindy Brady’ her walking papers,” Acord-Whiting added.

“I will not listen to or appear on any shows there from this point forward until she’s gone. This isn’t just disagreeing on, say, tax plans or foreign policy.

“Susan Olsen spreads outrageous misinformation & it is dangerous and unprofessional.”

Olsen did not take kindly to this attack.

“This is the little piece of human waste,” she replied on her own Facebook page. “He blocked himself from me before I could even get one hit in. If you can find him, please send him my love.”

Olsen also blasted Acord-Whiting, in horrifying manner, via a private message.

Which the actor went ahead and shared with the world, writing as a caption:

And by now, your homophobic private message to me is being shared all over Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. So I don’t have to say another word. The world is seeing your true colors.

cindy b

As you can see, Olsen wrote the following to her new enemy:

Hey there little p–sy, let me get my big boy pants on and Reallly take you on!!! What a snake in the grass you are you lying piece of s–t too cowardly to confront me in real life so you do it on Facebook.

You are the biggest f—-t ass in the world the biggest p–sy! My D–k is bigger than yours Which ain’t sayin much! What a true piece of s–t you are! Lying f—-t! I hope you meet your karma SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY.

Ummm… YIKES!

That was the response of LA Talk Radio, which fired Olsen after this rant went viral and then wrote via state that it “takes pride in its close and collaborative relationship with the LGBT community.”

It added:

We “will continue to provide a home for those who have hopeful and positive messages of togetherness and tolerance to share with our listeners.

“We will not tolerate hateful speech by anyone associated with our radio station and have severed our ties with a host that veered off the direction in which we are going.”

We will never be able to watch Brady Bunch reruns the same way again.

We’re just glad Florence Henderson died before she had to learn what her former TV daughter thinks and it williny to say.


Friday, November 18, 2016

Susan Sarandon vs. Debra Messing: The Feud That Just Won"t Quit

It’s been ten long, scary, disheartening days since Election Day, and we’d like to say that the news that Donald Trump would be our next president has gotten easier …

Nope. Still sucks.

One of the worst things about the Trump presidency — and to be clear, all the things about it are the worst things — is how hard it’s divided the country.

And we’re not just talking about how it’s separated racist, misogynistic bigots from people with actual sense.

As sad as it is, even people who stood against Trump are now turning against each other in these troubling times.

In this case, we’re talking about people like Susan Sarandon and Debra Messing.

To give a little background. Debra has always been a loud and proud supporter of Hillary Clinton, while Susan was all about Bernie Sanders.

When Hillary won the primary, well, that did just not sit well with Susan, and though Bernie urged his followers to stand with Hillary, Susan was just like “nah.”

In an interview in March, Susan even suggested that Trump would be a better president than Hillary.

“Well, you know, some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately,” she said in real life. “If he gets in, then things will really explode.”

Susan was right on that one: things sure are exploding. It doesn’t seem to be the charming revolution she had in mind though.

After Susan gave that quote, Debra tweeted that “the idea that Susan Sarandon wud say that NOT supporting HRC in a HRC/Trump race is a legitimate choice for Democrats, is insane.”

Susan maintained that, for Bernie supporters, a Clinton vs. Trump election would be “a dilemma,” and then on November 1st, she publicly endorsed Jill Stein.

This woman actually said “Now that Trump is self-destructing, I feel even those in swing states have the opportunity to vote their conscience.”

Where’s a good “bitch, please” gif when you need one?

So obviously things didn’t work out at all like Susan expected, and now she’s trying to hold on to the last little bit of hope that everything won’t go to hell in the next four years.

She responded to a tweet urging people to never forget how awful Trump is with “True but reach out in dialogue to those who voted for him.”

“We can’t afford a blanket judgement of them. We need allies in that camp. Possible.”

And that was a statement Debra did not feel good about.

“JESUS CHRIST,” she wrote in response. “NOW she wants to give racist, islamophobic, homophobic, sexist, mysogynists a chance! ‘Pure’ 4 Bernie. F-CK everyone else.”

Susan hit back with “No, never excuse hatred, but how do you move forward in a climate of hate when you only expect the worst of an entire group of people?”

Then Debra wrote of Susan “She encouraged ppl to vote for Trump over HRC on a news interview. Said she was more ‘dangerous.’ She needs to be held accountable.”

When someone suggested Debra was threatening Susan (LOL can you imagine?), Debra clarified “Dangerous!? Hell no!”

“I wud like her to say that she regrets not simply saying that she’s voting 3rd party vs. saying a revol with DJT cud be *thumbs up emoji*.”

Instead of admitting that though, Susan chose to ask Debra to tweet something about the Dakota Access pipeline protests, and Debra agreed, so all’s well that ends well?

We guess we’ll just have to see.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Susan Boyle Breaks Down at Airport, Gets Rushed to Hospital

Susan Boyle has seemingly suffered a nervous breakdown of some kind.

The former Britain’s Got Talent contestant and global singing sensation was taken away from London’s Heathrow Airport by ambulance on Monday after “losing it” on airline staffers.

That is how TMZ phrased the incident upon breaking the news.

According to anonymous insiders, police were called to the scene and removed Boyle from the premises (against her will) out of concern for her safety and well-being.

She was then taken to a local hospital for evaluation.

Witnesses told the celebrity gossip website that Boyle was throwing a major tantrum when cops showed up, though no one is certain why.

Boyle’s rep confirms that his client was NOT placed on a psychiatric hold, however.

In fact, she has already been released from the medical facility and was able to catch another flight, returning later in the day to her native Scotland.

The spokesperson has blamed the incident on the former reality star’s Asperger’s Syndrome.

Back in 2009, Boyle created a viral stir when she finished in second place on Britain’s Got Talent.

She went on to release multiple albums and appear on various talk shows, but she also experienced a few previous meltdowns.

It can be tough for someone to go a relative nobody to a worldwide phenomenon in a matter of days.

Most recently, Boyle’s sixth album, Hope, was released in 2014; and she performed for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

We hope she has a full recovery and avoids instances such as these in the future.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Susan Sarandon Defends Her Boobs Against Attack from Piers Morgan

Susan Sarandon and Piers Morgan are engaged in a Twitter war over the former’s boobs. 

susan vs. piers

It all started last Saturday night, when Sarandon took to the stage at the 2016 SAG Awards to pay tribute to all the stars who had passed away over the past year.

An in memoriam segment often takes place at ceremonies such as this.

But the person presenting it does not often wear the sort of revealing top that Sarandon chose to don:

Some viewers believed this was inappropriate attire for the actress to wear, considering the sad theme of her presentation.

And Piers Morgan was one of these viewers.

“Would Susan Sarandon wear this to a funeral? No. It was thus horribly inappropriate for an In Memoriam tribute,” Morgan Tweeted on February 3, along with a picture of Susan’s revealing ensemble.

It’s a pretty good point, but Sarandon clearly did not agree with it.

And she responded on Thursday in a hilarious manner.

“Today’s #TBT is dedicated to @piersmorgan,” Sarandon wrote as a caption to a throwback photo of herself in a white bra while starring in the 1975 cult movie The Rocky Horror Picture Show:

Not to be outdone, however, Morgan then shot back with the following (disturbing) image:

“Today’s #TBT is dedicated to @SusanSarandon,” he wrote alongside a Photoshopped image of himself shirtless and draped in velvet… while wearing a Burger King medallion.

This back-and-forth prompted numerous Twitter users to come to come to Sarandon’s defense by sharing online snapshots of their own cleavage.

In other words: this has become the greatest celebrity feud of all-time.

“Just for the record, @SusanSarandon, I think your cleavage is magnificent,” Morgan Tweeted later Thursday night. “I’d just keep it hidden for ‘In Memoriam’ tributes.”

We agree with both of those sentiments.