Showing posts with label Messing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Messing. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Video of Post Malone Messing with World"s Most Haunted Object, Signs of a Curse

Post Malone oughta know — if ya dance with the devil, you’re gonna get cursed, and this super creepy video explains why his life feels like “Final Destination” lately.  Months before Post’s private jet nearly crashed, his…


Friday, September 14, 2018

Debra Messing to Susan Sarandon: STFU About Trump Already!

So Debra Messing and Susan Sarandon are not friends.

Like, at all.

Who knows what their relationship was like before the 2016 presidential election, if they even had one, but when Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton official became the Republican and Democratic nominees, things got real bad, real fast.

Debra has always been a big supporter of Hillary, while Susan was (and still is) one of those people who was super, super into Bernie Sanders.

When Hillary won the primary, Susan was very displeased, and she refused to support her.

She also kind of began to support Trump in a roundabout way, making statements like “Some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately. If he gets in, then things will really explode.”

She said that Hillary was too “dangerous” to endorse, and right before the election, she began endorsing Jill Stein, because she felt that Hillary would easily win so it would be fine for people to “vote their conscience.”

Obviously, things did not work out like that.

Pretty much every single time Susan has made some dumb public statement on Trump, Debra has been there to call her out on it.

They’ve gotten into plenty of Twitter fights, Debra has called Susan “insane” and insisted that she be “held accountable” for her misguided political comments.

And now that Susan is running her mouth again, Debra is there to shut it down.

This week, Variety released a new interview with Susan, and in the interview, she talked more about that “revolution” idea she’s been so excited about.

She said that a good thing about Trump’s presidency so far is that he’s so bad, he’s inspiring young people to get more into politics, and that he’s also inspiring more women and people of color to run for office.

“This is a revolution,” she said. “Maybe things had to get so bad before real change actually could happen. We just have to stay awake.”

When Debra saw the interview … well, she went the f–k off.

“STFU SUSAN,” she began her Twiter tirade. “Oh yes, PLEASE let’s give Trump CREDIT.”

“I mean how else are you able to walk out on the street. Convince yourself that this CATASTROPHE of a president who you said was better that HRC IS NOT ripping children away from people seeking asylum, holding children INDEFINITELY in internment camps with their new policy …”

“DESTROYING all attemps to protect our environment (yes the water you properted to care about), endangered animals, taking away women’s ACCESS to health care and legal abortion, trying to block POC from voting with extreme judges who will support jerrymandering efforts, not to mention destroying ALL goodwill and allied relationships across the globe.”

“Oh,” she continued, “and lest you forget Syria, Crimea, and putting PRO-RUSSIA agenda BEFORE the United States best interests.”

“YES, do go on and LAUD the effect Trump has had out of DESPERATION & PANIC for the DESTRUCTION of the Soul of our country.”

We know, we know, it’s a lot, but she’s still not done!

“You don’t want to look at THAT part of the equation,” Debra wrote. “Because then you’d have to admit you were dead WRONG running around bellowing that HRC was more dangerous than Trump.”

“Only a self righteous narcissist would continue to spout off and not — in the face of Americans’ pain and agony — be contrite and apologize for your part in this catastrophe.”

She wrapped things up with “But you do you Susan.”

Susan responded briefly by telling Debra to actually watch her interview “before you get yourself all self-righteous,” but Debra said that she actually watched the interview twice.

So who’s right here?

Well, Debra, clearly. She uses a lot of caps in her argument, but it’s a solid argument.

Susan has received a lot of criticism since her interview began making the rounds, and she’s been quick to remind people that she’s not pro-Trump by any means.

As she’s been reminding everyone on her Twitter account, she got arrested earlier this summer at an anti-Trump protest, and she has been using her platform to urge everyone to vote.

But it’s hard to forget all those insane things she said in 2016, and it’s still weird how she’s romanticizing the idea of this big revolution when really everything just kind of sucks right now.

So please, just … be better, Susan.



Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Selena Gomez: Justin and Hailey"s Engagement Is Messing With My Head!

Now that Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are engaged, many diehard Selenators are hoping that Selena Gomez can finally be free of him once and for all.

Unfortunately, a report says that Selena feels like she’s unable to move forward with a new relationship or delete old photos from her time with the Biebs.

It sounds like Justin’s engagement is messing with her head.

A source tells HollywoodLife that Selena is struggling to date in the face of Justin’s engagement.

“Selena feels like right now dating is not in the cards,” the insider reveals.

That’s interesting — there had been speculation that Justin was dating Hailey to get revenge on Selena for Selena’s own rebound.

Maybe the Caleb Stevens thing was never as big as some people believed.

“She thinks that it is hard to find someone because of her celebrity,” the source explains. “And its hard to meet people organically.”

There is, unfortunately, more to it.

“Plus she always thinks how it will be perceived to be with someone in the outside world,” the insider admits.

Dating someone is one thing. Publicly dating means inviting the scrutiny of millions.

The source explains: “She hates being defined by the people she doesn’t know on who she dates or doesn’t date.”

We can absolutely understand that.

Additionally, Selena apparently resents the amount of speculation that follows her every association.

“She can’t hang out with anyone without it turning into something,” the insider laments.

“And,” the source continues. “She knows it scares away the chance of love.”

That sounds so grim!

It’s a real obstacle, the insider explains, “because there are so many more layers to break through for any suitors that might want to be with her.”

Selena also worries that her fame and personal history drives away the sorts of men she would most like to be with.

“People don’t want to be with her,” the source fears. “Because it comes with so much more baggage.”

That is so unfair!

“She is trying to figure that out for herself,” the insider affirms. “And once she does she will be more prone to start dating and putting herself out there.”

That is great to hear.

“Its a process she wouldn’t like to deal with,” the source admits. “But she knows that it is her life and she has to manage it appropriately.”

Another insider tells HollywoodLife that Selena can’t delete her Bieber pics.

“Selena’s friends,” the source confesses. “Caught her looking at old selfies of her and Justin on her phone.”

As the Nick Joseph meme says, oh no baby what is you doing?

“Selena says she has tried to delete a lot of their pics,” the insider reveals.

“But,” the source continues. “She just can’t bring herself to get rid of all of them.”

“The pics are sweet memories,” the insider explains. “And Selena likes to look at them once in a while.”

That’s normal. And nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

The source says: “Seeing pics of Justin and her smiling, happy together, remind Selena of the good times she had with Justin.”

“She gets emotional when looking at them,” the insider spills. “And does not want to get rid of them.”

This apparently remains the case “even though he is preparing to marry someone else.”

Look, nobody has an easy time letting go of the good times in their past, even if they’ve become bittersweet.

But it is nothing short of tragic that one of the most talented, beautiful stars on the planet is being cock-blocked by her own history.

We hope that she is able to overcome this hurdle soon.

Selena deserves all of the happiness in the world.

And Justin has never let his dating history or fame hold him back. Not even a little.


Monday, July 30, 2018

Michelle Duggar"s Parenting Methods: Is She Messing Up Her Grandkids?

The Duggar children are nothing if not loyal.

Sure, Jinger decided to wear pants in violation of the family dress code, and some of her sisters have followed suit.

And yes, Josiah is rebelling against certain aspects of his father"s teachings, but at the end of the day, these are very minor acts of defiance.

For the most part, Michelle and Jim Bob"s offspring do as their told and dedicate themselves to preserving their family"s proudest traditions.

Unfortunately, as many have pointed out, by following in the footsteps of their elders, Jill, Jessa and company might be doing irreparable harm to their own children.

Here are some of the unsettling trends that fans have noticed in recent years:

1. Mama Michelle

Michelle duggar crazy eyes

For some, Michelle Duggar is a parenting role model. After all it’s not easy to not only raise 19 children, but to also over-parent them to the brink of insanity,

2. Stuck In Her Ways

Michelle duggar on 19 kids

Unfortunately, some of Michelle’s favorite techniques haven’t aged well. In fact, some have described them as downright abusive.

3. The Next Generation

Duggar girls

At this point, four of Michelle’s daughters are moms themselves, and they beam with pride when discussing how much they’ve learned about parenting from their mother.

4. Passing the Buck

Jana and michelle duggar

There’s an irony in this, as Michelle is famous for handing off her parenting responsibilities to her eldest children (most commonly poor, put-upon Jana), but we digress.

5. Mom of the Millennium

Josh and michelle duggar

Though they admit to resenting the amount of responsibility they were often burdened with during childhood, the Duggar kids concur that Michelle is the world’s greatest mom … Of course, that opinion doesn’t mean much coming from Josh.

6. Mixed Results

Michelle duggar and jim bob duggar

Now that they’re able to implement the tips and tricks they learned from Michelle, some of the Duggar kids are finding that their mom’s methods might belong in the past …

View Slideshow

Monday, June 4, 2018

Leah Messer: My Sister Is Messing Up Her Life Just Like I Did!

These days, Leah Messer’s life has settled down a bit, but there was a time when she presented Teen Mom 2 viewers with as much weekly drama as Jenelle Evans or Kailyn Lowry.

Leah’s been through so much that it can be tough to recall all of her ups and downs.

But those who recall her earliest years as a reality star and new mom will remember that she experienced more downs than ups.

Viewers have seen Leah struggle with addiction.

They’ve offered words of encouragement on social media, as she’s continued to cope with her daughter Ali’s health issues.

And they’ve rooted for Leah through her two marriages and subsequent divorces.

Through it all, Leah has received support from her loving sister Victoria.

But while Victoria had a front row seat for all of Leah’s troubles, it seems she didn’t learn many lessons about how to avoid a similar fate.

Back in 2015, Victoria welcomed her first child, a girl named Cami.

Just six months later, Victoria filed for divorce from her first husband, Brian Jones.

Clearly not one to waste time, Victoria revealed last week that she’s expecting a second child.

And if you thought the announcements would stop there, you don’t know Victoria:

The 22-year-old revealed on Facebook this week that she’s already remarried — to a man with the hilarious name of Domenick Crapello

We can only hope she decided to hyphenate and is now known as Victoria Messer-Crapello

“I have came along way in my life, filled with negativity and just right down nasty people,” Victoria wrote on Facebook.

“My life changed a little over a year ago when I decided to change my lifestyle and who I had became within myself due to situations I was in. God blessed me with Cami November 16 of 2016.. she was my safe haven, she saved me,” she added.

“I swore I would NOT allow negativity to continue or to continue being settled with my life especially when I knew in my heart my life needed changed for me and for her, for the better. I knew that we had a bright future ahead of us.”

Victoria concluded with a bombshell, writing:

“Little did we know on this day Feb 23 2018 I would be a wife and a momma to 2 beautiful baby girls with another on the way. I am blessed and i love my family more than anything or anyone else.”

Yes, apparently, Victoria has been married since February.

Why she decided to keep the news to herself until now is anyone’s guess.

Naturally, fans have been theorizing that she’s angling to replace Jenelle Evans, who many feel is soon to be fired by MTV.

It’s impossible to say for sure, but it’s not such an outlandish theory.

After all, Victoria has been appearing on TM2 for free for several years now.

And she’s got a lot of mouths to feed these days.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on the messy Messer sisters.


Friday, March 9, 2018

The Miz: Ronda Rousey"s "Messing with the Wrong People" in WWE

The Miz thinks Ronda Rousey’s been AWESOME in WWE so far … but says she’s making enemies with the “wrong people” — HER BOSSES. We got Miz and his beautiful wife, Maryse, leaving Il Pastio in L.A. the other night … and had to ask about…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Debra Messing: Praised for Calling Out E! Over Gender Pay Gap!

Like many of the women who came dressed in black to the Golden Globes, a wardrobe of solidarity was only the most superficial part of Debra Messing"s agenda for the evening.

She is now being hailed as one of the evening"s most satisfying highlights. Why?

As you"ll see in the video below, Debra Messing calls out E!"s alleged gender pay gap … while being interviewed by E!.

Debra messing smiles at the golden globes

Sunday night"s Golden Globes were huge.

Oprah delivered a powerful speech that everyone is still talking about.

Oprah, Aziz Ansari, and Sterling K. Brown all made history with their respective awards — some long, long overdue milestones.

In her role as a presenter, Natalie Portman dragged the "all-male nominees" for Best Director, highlighting the bizarre gender gap and the women who were robbed for recognition of their incredible work.

Debra Messing didn"t wait until the ceremony to grab people"s attention.

She made her stand on the red carpet.

Catt sadler

Speaking to Giuliana Rancic, Debra Messing had a lot to say about the #TimesUp movement (which grew out of #MeToo).

"…Its time is up. We want diversity. We want intersectional gender parity. We want equal pay."

Those are all wonderful things! It"s great that she"s one of countless people demanding change in Hollywood.

And speaking of that whole equal pay thing …

"I was shocked to hear that E! doesn’t believe in paying their female co-host the same as their male co-host."

Oh wow.

"I miss Catt Sadler, so we stand with her. And that’s something that can change tomorrow."

Debra messing at the globes

See, just last month, Catt Sadler quit working at E! over an alleged pay gap issue.

She apparently learned that, though she"d worked at E! for 12 years, her cohost Jason Kennedy was earning about twice her salary, and that he"d been making that much for years.

The pay gap happens in all kinds of industries, folks. It can happen in entertainment news and anywhere else.

Many people hope that E! will make a fair offer to Catt Sadler that will allow her to return to work with dignity.

No one doubts that Jason Kennedy is worth what he"s making; they just want for Catt Sadler to be paid what she deserves.

And, by extension, for all women to be paid what they deserve rather than what employers believe that they can get away with.

Catt sadler picture

For the record, Debra Messing was not the only star on E!"s red carpet speaking out about Catt Sadler.

Eva Longoria, gorgeous and pregnant, told Ryan Seacrest:

"We support gender equity and equal pay, and we hope that E! follows that lead with Catt as well. We stand with you, Catt."

The fact that so many actresses wore black in solidarity and spoke about such important issues is a real sign of progress.

Debra messing profile at the golden globes

That is not to say that the Golden Globes went off without a hitch, however.

One subject of continuing controversy is creepy James Franco winning a Golden Globe when his reputation is sketchy at best.

In fact, his win on that night of all nights was enough for one actress to hint at sexual misconduct. Others have chimed in, alleging things like an interest in underage teens.

So yes, Hollywood — like the rest of the world — has a long way to go before everything"s as it should be.

But progress can only be made when people speak out. Thank you, Debra Messing.

See her call out E! right to E!"s cameras here:

Debra messing praised for calling out e over gender pay gap

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Debra Messing Calls Out E! at Golden Globes for Catt Sadler "Pay Disparity"

Debra Messing was the first actress in the Time’s Up movement to take a swipe at E! on the red carpet for the Golden Globes … calling them out for their pay disparity. Debra was being interviewed Sunday by E! host Giuliana Rancic, at which point…


Debra Messing Calls Out E! at Golden Globes for Catt Sadler "Pay Disparity"

Debra Messing was the first actress in the Time’s Up movement to take a swipe at E! on the red carpet for the Golden Globes … calling them out for their pay disparity. Debra was being interviewed Sunday by E! host Giuliana Rancic, at which point…


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Josh Duggar: Messing Up at Work as Financial Problems Worsen

Back in May of 2015, when it was revealed that Josh Duggar had molested five young girls (four of whom were his sisters), many hoped the outwardly wholesome hypocrite would be locked up.

Unfortunately, Josh was saved by the same statute of limitation laws that have kept Bill Cosby a free man.

But to paraphrase our favorite Duggar-exposing Facebook page, Josh’s life hasn’t been all pickles and hairspray these past two years.

Recent reports indicate that Josh is depressed, frequently unkempt, and struggling desperately in his finances.

Insiders claim that Josh has been forced to move back in with his parents, and that mother Michelle and sister Jana Duggar are basically raising his kids as he and wife Anna work to repair their battered marriage.

And now, Josh has been forced to do something to do something that’s been virtually unheard of in the Duggar family for the past decade.

That’s right – Josh had to get a real job.

And we say “real job,” we don’t mean as a reality star, or a celebrity lobbyist, or any of the other BS titles Josh has held over the years.

No, Josh is selling cars these days, and according to Radar Online he’s not doing well in his new profession.

“He’s selling cars and he’s not doing very well with it,” an insider tells the site.

“He and Anna are struggling financially big time.”

Yes, it seems that despite his lobbying background, Josh isn’t much of a salesman.

If we had to guess, we’d say it might have something to do with all those pesky Josh Duggar sex scandals.

Anyway, sources say Josh is pretty much hanging on to his job by a thread these days following a colossal on-the-job error that led to local police getting involved.

According to Radar, Josh let a “customer” take a Toyota MR2 for a test drive – and the guy never came back.

“He lets this guy test drive one of his cars and forgot to take down the guy’s driver’s license,” says one insider.

“The guy drove away with the car and never returned! He just stole it!”

Pretty boneheaded move, but believe it or not – it gets worse.

Police looked into the matter and found out that before stealing the car, the thief sold a handgun to an employee who woks under Josh.

Not surprisingly, the gun was used in an aggravated assault earlier that day.

The guy also showed up on the lot in a Dodge Ram that had been reported stolen, which means Josh handed the keys over to a dude who was basically draped in red flags.

We’re guessing old Joshy is missing the cushy life of a reality star these days.

Watch Counting On online to see if you can spot the scenes the sexual predator has been edited out of.


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Catelynn Lowell: Pregnant With Third Child ... Or Just Messing With Fans?

There was a time when Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra were the undisputed champs in the competition of Favorite Teen Mom Couple.

But fans’ feelings toward the Baltierras have cooled considerably over the past year, and Catelynn’s latest stunt (if, indeed, it is a stunt) is likely to leave a lot of Teen Mom: OG viewers feeling very put off.

It all started when Catelynn and Tyler began tweeting back and forth at one another over their desire to have a third child.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that Catelynn and Tyler made the difficult decision to give their first child up for adoption, but have remained active in young Carly’s life with the (sometimes reluctant) consent of her adoptive parents.

Last year, Catelynn and Tyler welcomed daughter Novalee, and despite some ups and downs, little Nova has clearly been a force for positive change in the lives of her parents.

So it’s not surprising that the couple might be feeling a strong desire to expand their family yet again.

But some fans weren’t enjoying the fashion in which they joked about the matter on Twitter.

“Wahhh I’m ready for another baby @TylerBaltierra,” Catelynn tweeted at one point.

“Me too babe,” Tyler tweeted back.

Shortly thereafter, Catelynn took the conversation over to Instagram.

And that’s where some fans got upset:

“Proud to announce a new baby Baltierra @tylerbaltierramtv,” Catelynn captioned the photo above.

So the pic makes it obvious that it’s a joke, right?

(We certainly hope none of Catelynn’s followers are dumb enough to believe that’s an actual ultrasound, but you never know.

Yes, but shortly thereafter Catelynn further confused the issue with the following meme:

Catelynn Lowell Meme

The Internet is powered by outrage, so naturally, some fans got upset by the joke/prank/abuse of a Futurama meme/whatever is going on here.

For the record, it seems that Catelynn is definitely not pregnant, but is considering trying for a third kid.

Some fans were pissed that she seems to enjoy briefly misleading fans.

Others felt that she was making light of those who have struggled with infertility.

We’ll leave the discussion over whether or not the move was offensive to the irate individuals on social media, but for now two things seem clear:

1. We can probably expect a Catelynn Lowell pregnancy announcement sometime in the next few months.

2. Those who are currently seething with rage will probably be over it by lunch.


Friday, November 18, 2016

Susan Sarandon vs. Debra Messing: The Feud That Just Won"t Quit

It’s been ten long, scary, disheartening days since Election Day, and we’d like to say that the news that Donald Trump would be our next president has gotten easier …

Nope. Still sucks.

One of the worst things about the Trump presidency — and to be clear, all the things about it are the worst things — is how hard it’s divided the country.

And we’re not just talking about how it’s separated racist, misogynistic bigots from people with actual sense.

As sad as it is, even people who stood against Trump are now turning against each other in these troubling times.

In this case, we’re talking about people like Susan Sarandon and Debra Messing.

To give a little background. Debra has always been a loud and proud supporter of Hillary Clinton, while Susan was all about Bernie Sanders.

When Hillary won the primary, well, that did just not sit well with Susan, and though Bernie urged his followers to stand with Hillary, Susan was just like “nah.”

In an interview in March, Susan even suggested that Trump would be a better president than Hillary.

“Well, you know, some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately,” she said in real life. “If he gets in, then things will really explode.”

Susan was right on that one: things sure are exploding. It doesn’t seem to be the charming revolution she had in mind though.

After Susan gave that quote, Debra tweeted that “the idea that Susan Sarandon wud say that NOT supporting HRC in a HRC/Trump race is a legitimate choice for Democrats, is insane.”

Susan maintained that, for Bernie supporters, a Clinton vs. Trump election would be “a dilemma,” and then on November 1st, she publicly endorsed Jill Stein.

This woman actually said “Now that Trump is self-destructing, I feel even those in swing states have the opportunity to vote their conscience.”

Where’s a good “bitch, please” gif when you need one?

So obviously things didn’t work out at all like Susan expected, and now she’s trying to hold on to the last little bit of hope that everything won’t go to hell in the next four years.

She responded to a tweet urging people to never forget how awful Trump is with “True but reach out in dialogue to those who voted for him.”

“We can’t afford a blanket judgement of them. We need allies in that camp. Possible.”

And that was a statement Debra did not feel good about.

“JESUS CHRIST,” she wrote in response. “NOW she wants to give racist, islamophobic, homophobic, sexist, mysogynists a chance! ‘Pure’ 4 Bernie. F-CK everyone else.”

Susan hit back with “No, never excuse hatred, but how do you move forward in a climate of hate when you only expect the worst of an entire group of people?”

Then Debra wrote of Susan “She encouraged ppl to vote for Trump over HRC on a news interview. Said she was more ‘dangerous.’ She needs to be held accountable.”

When someone suggested Debra was threatening Susan (LOL can you imagine?), Debra clarified “Dangerous!? Hell no!”

“I wud like her to say that she regrets not simply saying that she’s voting 3rd party vs. saying a revol with DJT cud be *thumbs up emoji*.”

Instead of admitting that though, Susan chose to ask Debra to tweet something about the Dakota Access pipeline protests, and Debra agreed, so all’s well that ends well?

We guess we’ll just have to see.


Friday, July 29, 2016

Debra Messing SLAMS Blake Shelton Over Trump Quote, Quickly Apologizes

It’s often been said that celebrities should stay simply keep their political opinions to themselves.

Blake Shelton and Debra Messing recently learned the hard way that while it’s important for public figures to speak their minds on important issues, getting into specifics with regard to candidates can sometimes lead to some furious backpedaling.

It all started with an interview Shelton gave to Billboard magazine, in which he appeared to endorse Donald Trump’s presidential campaign:

“In country music, we’re so politically correct and so afraid to possibly upset someone,” Shelton said.

“I’m not going to have a political conversation with you about Trump, or about Hillary Clinton, but I will tell you this: Whether you love him or hate him, he says what he thinks, and he has proven that you don’t have to be so afraid.”

He added:

“A lot of people are pulling for him, no matter how much Hollywood fights it,” he continued. “I see people who don’t like him go and beat up people that do like him. You tell me: Who’s crazy here?”

Despite Shelton’s later claim that he wishes there were a “third option” in the election, that certainly sounds like an endorsement to us, and actress Debra Messing took it the same way:

“Omg. How? @gwenstefani please talk to your man to not vote for the person who will STRIP you of your rights,” Messig tweeted, in response to Shelton’s comments.

We wish we could say the two of them engaged in a lively political debate, because that would be a lot more entertaining than what actually happened.

Shelton clarified that he’s keeping it purely apolitical (no easy feat in 2016) and specifically does NOT endorse Trump for president:

“Thank you sis,” he tweeted to Messing. “I don’t endorse anybody. For this very reason!!”

“OK — I regret commenting,” Messing responded. “My passions got the better of me. Sorry. @gwenstefani @blakeshelton.”

And that was it.

We’re sure the first Trump-Clinton debate will be just as civil.

Just kidding, that’s gonna be a televised blood bath, so you’ll wanna send the kids to bed early that night.

What we’re really looking forward to at this point is putting this election behind us so that we can get back to reporting on rumors that Blake and Gwen are expecting twins.

(They’re not, but rumors are fun, right?)