Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Catelynn Lowell: Pregnant With Third Child ... Or Just Messing With Fans?

There was a time when Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra were the undisputed champs in the competition of Favorite Teen Mom Couple.

But fans’ feelings toward the Baltierras have cooled considerably over the past year, and Catelynn’s latest stunt (if, indeed, it is a stunt) is likely to leave a lot of Teen Mom: OG viewers feeling very put off.

It all started when Catelynn and Tyler began tweeting back and forth at one another over their desire to have a third child.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that Catelynn and Tyler made the difficult decision to give their first child up for adoption, but have remained active in young Carly’s life with the (sometimes reluctant) consent of her adoptive parents.

Last year, Catelynn and Tyler welcomed daughter Novalee, and despite some ups and downs, little Nova has clearly been a force for positive change in the lives of her parents.

So it’s not surprising that the couple might be feeling a strong desire to expand their family yet again.

But some fans weren’t enjoying the fashion in which they joked about the matter on Twitter.

“Wahhh I’m ready for another baby @TylerBaltierra,” Catelynn tweeted at one point.

“Me too babe,” Tyler tweeted back.

Shortly thereafter, Catelynn took the conversation over to Instagram.

And that’s where some fans got upset:

“Proud to announce a new baby Baltierra @tylerbaltierramtv,” Catelynn captioned the photo above.

So the pic makes it obvious that it’s a joke, right?

(We certainly hope none of Catelynn’s followers are dumb enough to believe that’s an actual ultrasound, but you never know.

Yes, but shortly thereafter Catelynn further confused the issue with the following meme:

Catelynn Lowell Meme

The Internet is powered by outrage, so naturally, some fans got upset by the joke/prank/abuse of a Futurama meme/whatever is going on here.

For the record, it seems that Catelynn is definitely not pregnant, but is considering trying for a third kid.

Some fans were pissed that she seems to enjoy briefly misleading fans.

Others felt that she was making light of those who have struggled with infertility.

We’ll leave the discussion over whether or not the move was offensive to the irate individuals on social media, but for now two things seem clear:

1. We can probably expect a Catelynn Lowell pregnancy announcement sometime in the next few months.

2. Those who are currently seething with rage will probably be over it by lunch.
