Showing posts with label Remarks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Remarks. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Derick Dillard: SLAMMED By Duggar Relative For Homophobic Remarks!

If you’re a fan of the Duggar family, then you’re no doubt familiar with the controversy surrounding Derick Dillard.

If you somehow missed the uproar or simply forgot how awful Derick is, here’s a brief refresher:

Back in August of 2017, Derick launched a transphobic tirade against fellow TLC reality star Jazz Jennings.

When fans and pointed out to Derick that he was needlessly bullying a teenage girl, he doubled down with more bigoted remarks.

And when his bosses demanded an apology, Dllard refused.

As a result, Derick was fired from Counting On, which was a devastating blow to his family’s finances in itself.

The situation was made exponentially worse by the fact that Jill Duggar quit the show as a gesture of solidarity.

Derick’s views are pretty much consistent with the far-right ideology espoused by his in-laws, but now it looks as though his own inner circle is turning against him.

In the past week, even Jill Duggar has made comments that have been widely interpreted as critical of Derick’s remarks.

Now, another member of the extended Duggar clan has come forward to more explicitly state his contempt for Dillard’s anti-gay views.

John Andrew Studdard is a cousin of Jill’s who was in attendance at her wedding to Derick in 2014.

Studdard is an LGBTQ activist who expressed his distaste for Derick’s remarks in an interview published today by Radar Online.

“We aren’t close,” Studdard told the outlet. “But I’m sick of hearing his homophobic cries for publicity.”

Studdard added:

“Derick needs to keep his mouth shut.” 

Asked how he feels Derick should address matters of inequality going forward, Studdard replied that he should speak with compassion, or not at all:

“We don’t have to agree with someone’s life, but don’t speak out publicly when you know you’re already disliked by half of America,” he told Radar.

“As a public figure, he should stop being so harsh.”

While we agree with Studdard that Derick should shut his trap, the reason why he should do so isn’t that he’s a public figure, but rather that his views and arguments are so consistently idiotic.

Derick has yet to respond to Studdard’s remarks and it’s unlikely that he ever will.

He generally only enters debates with people who are much younger and much more vulnerable.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Sunday, December 24, 2017

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard SLAMMED for Remarks About Muslims!

The Dillards have gone and done it again!

And by “it,” of course we mean make offensive, horrific statements like it’s totally normal and not at all a problem.

It’s like they’re making a career out of being awful, which is convenient, considering that Derick caused the family their sweet, sweet reality show gig with his bizarre habit of making bigoted remarks about a teenage girl.

In addition to Derick’s continued harassment of Jazz Jennings, he’s been making hateful comments about the transgender community in general.

He’s also still begging Duggar fans for money, and then there’s more general weirdness, like the way he tried to announce that he hadn’t been fired from Counting On a month after the news broke that he had in fact been fired.

It’s all bad. Very bad.

And with this new update he and Jill shared on their blog … well, they’re not making things better.

The blog was a little update on their family, just in time for Christmas.

They opened things up with “We have had the privilege over the last few months to have many interactions with international students and their families!”

If you’re familiar with these people, you can probably tell where this is going already.

They wrote that they helped their church organize a “Thanksgiving dinner in an American home” event where different families welcomed a student from the University of Arkansas into their homes — the students were from “mostly Muslim families.”

“One of the Ph.D students from an Arab country brought her husband and child,” they recounted. “Her husband seems very open to the gospel and even said if they were going to be in the area he would’ve loved to visit our church!’

“We are praying for him as Derick and others continue to befriend him that God will save his soul.”

But Derick isn’t the only one working on converting the Muslim masses — “Jill and the boys have been able to be part of a weekly Arab ladies English class, with Muslim ladies from several different countries.”

“Every week the ladies meet at a friend’s home where they learn to make an American dish, eat together, then read a Bible story and discuss the English language.”

Sounds super.

Their adventures aren’t over yet though — they also wrote that while shopping on Black Friday, they “saw a couple ladies wearing burkas, so Jill stopped to ask them where they were from and invited them to the Bible study.”

“They came that week, and one of the ladies brought some traditional tea and treats to share. When asked if they had ever read a story from the Bible, both ladies said they had not.”

“We are praying that they will return to more Bible studies.”

As always, Jill promoted the blog post on her Instagram, and judging by the comments, the post was not well received.

“Wonderful,” one person commented. “I’m sure you’ve welcomed your new Muslim friends to share the Quran with you.”

“That comment about the Muslim families seems like more of a ‘look we are accepting people please donate‘ comment than a comment about loving everyone and accepting people from different faiths,” another speculated.

“People don’t need to be saved,” a commenter explained, “they need their beliefs to be respected. Approaching people while they are living their daily lives to try to convert them is deeply wrong.”

“Respect is a two way thing, Jill, and asking someone who is wearing a burka about the Bible is not respect and showing understanding, it’s moral imperialism.”

Someone called it “disgusting” that they “can’t just do a nice thing for people,” they “have to use it as an opportunity to convert them,” and another person told them “No one needs to be ‘saved’ but you two.”

And those are all very, very valid points.

How about this: in 2018, why don’t we just promise to do a little better, OK, Dillards? Just a little bit?

It would be hard to do any worse, that’s for sure.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Mayim Bialik Tries (Fails?) to Clarify Controversial Rape Remarks

Mayim Bialik, star of The Big Bang Theory, finds herself in big trouble this week.

That’s what happens after you pen an op-ed for The New York Times in which you essentially blame the victims of sexual assault for getting assaulted.

Over the weekend, Bialik really did write a guest article for the aforementioned publication in response to the heinous allegations surrounding Harvey Weinstein.

With dozens of women having come out and accused the film producer of sexual misconduct, Bialik took the pompous stance that women need to think about how they look and act if they wish to avoid… rape.

“As a proud feminist with little desire to diet, get plastic surgery or hire a personal trainer, I have almost no personal experience with men asking me to meetings in their hotel rooms,” Bialik wrote early in her piece, earning immediate scorn.

Just… WHAT?!?

Who says any of these abused women got plastic surgery? Or were obsessed with dieting?

And, even if they did or they were, how does one then claim – in any tiny way, shape or form – that these interests mean a woman deserves to get assaulted or harassed?!?

“If you are beautiful and sexy, terrific,” the actress continued, adding:

“But having others celebrate your physical beauty is not the way to lead a meaningful life.

“And if – like me – you’re not a perfect 10, know that there are people out there who will find you stunning, irresistible and worthy of attention, respect and love.

“The best part is you don’t have to go to a hotel room or a casting couch to find them.”

There’s no way to interpret this stance in any way aside from Bialik saying women are somewhat to blame for getting raped.

Just act uglier and you’ll be ignored, she’s saying.

After getting dragged over the Internet coals for her opinion, Bialik lashed out at the “vicious” critics and said she would address the topic further in a Facebook Live chat on Monday.

mayim tweet

In this chat, Bialik made an important distinction.

“There is no way to avoid being a victim of assault by what you wear or the way you behave,” she said, explaining that her comments were only in reference to the “culture of Hollywood” that she’s experienced over the years.

“I was not speaking about assault and rape in general,” she added.

She went on to blame Hollywood instead of the actresses who were assaulted themselves, saying the industry encourages women to “present” themselves in a certain way.

“I feel protected in my industry more when I keep parts of myself private,” she said.

“It gives a feeling of comfort and a layer of protection, but it does not make you immune to assault.”

Bialik also apologized and said she was “deeply, deeply hurt” if any person that is actually has been a victim of assault thought she was blaming them in any way.

Many did. 

Stars such as Patricia Arquette and Gabrielle Union Tweeted in protest of Bialik, sharing their deeply personal stories of rape and assault in order to prove clothing played no role in what happened to them.

So at least the actress has tried here to clarify her comments.

And, look, perhaps there is some kind of column to write about Hollywood’s standards of beauty and how they place stressful burdens on young female stars.

But that issue wasn’t at play in the case of Harvey Weinstein being a grotesque monster.

And it’s certainly not what Mayim Bialik  wrote about in her op-ed.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wendy Williams Cries Lame Tears, Apologizes for Rape Remarks

God, Wendy Williams sucks.

Earlier this week, the talk show host stuck her irritating nose in the business of Nelly, commenting on a serious allegation leveled against the artist:

A woman has claimed Nelly raped her this month after she met up with him inside a tour bus following a concert in Washington.

Despite the seriousness of this allegation, and her complete lack of information regarding what transpired, Williams felt a need to offer an opinon this past Monday.

And it was a very controversial one.

"If she did not put herself in that situation, this wouldn’t have happened,” Williams actually said, blaming the alleged victim and then dressing her down as follows:

"Young lady, you’ve got to stay out of tour buses."

Because Williams said if she did not put herself in that situation, this wouldn’t have happened, stunned critics called Williams out for saying it"s a woman"s fault if she gets sexually assaulted.

So Williams took to the air today and clarified her position.

“Sometimes, I might say something that you don’t understand," Williams explained, now blaming the audience for misunderstanding her words.

But, I am the girl to cop to it,” she added, randomly going on to say it can be “tough” to anchor her talk show without a co-host.

“During the story, I was telling you that there was a young woman who went on the tour bus,” she continued of how she addressed the rape allegations made against Nelly.

“Maybe cavalierly you caught my comments saying, ‘Well you gotta watch where you go.’ I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Yes, maybe we, the viewers, caught her comments cavalierly. This is our fault.

Williams proceeded to tell the story of how she was scared to walk around alone as a young woman and often feared that she could have been sexually assaulted.

Even though she never was.

Going all third person on us, Williams said the following:

“There was a girl named Wendy and she was only 13-years-old, but looked like a woman."

This 13-year old would often run errands and encounter "disgusting" men and it really freaked her out.

At this point, Williams started crying, playing the victim of a crime that was never committed.

"All I’m saying regarding young women is, I apologize if my message was met with callousness,” she concluded.

“What I meant to say is, young ladies, we should be able to go wherever we want to go, but, we always have to know where the exits are…

"We always have to be aware, that’s all I was saying."

Watch the embarrassing non-mea culpa below:

Wendy williams cries lame tears apologizes for rape remarks

Friday, October 6, 2017

Cam Newton Issues Lame Apology For Sexist Remarks

If you"re a sports fan, then by now you"ve probably heard about the bizarre scene that played out during a Carolina Panthers press conference earlier this week.

Charlotte Observer beat reporter Jourdan Rodrigue asked quarterback Cam Newton about the routes run by Panthers wide receiver Devin Funchess.

"It"s funny to hear a female talk about routes like," Newton replied. "It"s funny.""

Suffice it to say, no one else thought Newton"s sexist remark was all that funny, a fact that Rodrigue pointed out on Twitter after video of the incident went viral.

"I don"t think it"s "funny" to be a female and talk about routes. I think it"s my job," she later wrote on Twitter.

Rodrigue says she approached Newton after the exchange and the controversial QB made an even more offensive comment.

"I spoke with him after and it was worse. I chose not to share, because I have an actual job to do today and one he will not keep me from."

The backlash against Newton was swift and severe.

He lost endorsement deals and was justly roasted all across the social media landscape.

Last night, Newton issued a video apology, as required by the unwritten rules of celebrity scandal.

Unfortunately, it was a half-assed affair that resulted in further derision for the 28-year-old.

"If you were a person who took offense to what I said, I sincerely apologize," Newton said, making it clear that the problem is with the people who were offended, not with him.

“The fact that during this whole process I’ve already lost sponsors and countless fans, I realize that the joke is really on me,” Newton concluded.

Well, he"s right about that, at least.

Check out Newton"s full apology below:

Cam newton issues lame apology for sexist remarks

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Melissa Joan Hart SLAMMED for Insensitive Hurricane Remarks!

Melissa Joan Hart has people riled up again, and this time, it’s for more than just complaining about the Kardashians on 9/11.

You know how the Atlantic is spawning huge, deadly hurricanes in rapid succession? Melissa Joan Hart posted about one of them in a way that many of her followers found to be painfully insensitive.

It was bad enough that she deleted it. … That was the right call.

Back in the ’90s, Melissa Joan Hart was one of the most famous faces out there.

Even before she was starring in movies, she dealt out life lessons on Clarissa Explains It All.

She was and remains best known for her starring role on Sabrina The Teenage Witch.

It was the keystone of ABC Family’s “TGIF” lineup, a couple of decades before the network became Freeform.

(By the way, they’re doing a new Sabrina show — as a spinoff of Riverdale. They just announced it today and I’m super excited)

I fondly remember watching Sabrina as one of the rare times when my parents would let us eat in front of the television like real people instead of enduring family conversations.

Since then, most of the cast have faded into relative obscurity (or voice acting).

The woman who played Aunt Zelda now shows up as the bad guy on various crime shows (NCIS, The Closer, Castle, etc).

As for Melissa Joan Hart? She shows up on camera sometimes, but these days she’s mostly just a mom. And she’s not usually controversial.

But this time, she absolutely was.

In a now-deleted Instagram post, Melissa Joan Hart posted a photo of a weather report that read:

“Maria has officially made landfall on the Caribbean island of Dominica as a Category 5 hurricane.”

A lot of us have been following the news of yet another massive, powerful storm developing in the Atlantic during such a short time.

In Melissa Joan Hart’s case, she had a personal motive for keeping her eye on the weather.

What brought on the backlash was her caption:

“And just like that, our family vacation is canceled. Such a bummer but we plan to hit the @nickresortpuntacana resort another time this year.”

That is, admittedly, an insensitive response to the news of such a devastating storm.

Comments were, as you can imagine, mixed.

Among them were supporters, detractors, and people with more nuanced views.

“I think you should be more concerned with the people that live there instead of your meaningless vacation.”

See, that one has such a hostile tone. They could have said that one without “meaningless,” you know?


That one’s honest. (My first thought when I read her caption was “whoa”)

“Better safe than sorry. We do not want anything to happen to you or your family.”

That one’s a gentle way of reminding her that Category 5 storms routinely kill people.

And then she had her defenders.

“Calm down people, she can be a caring person and disappointed at the same time. It’s called being human.”

People can care about lots of things at once. Feeling frustrated that my dinner hasn’t arrived yet doesn’t mean that you don’t care about, like, world hunger or whatever.

Melissa Joan Hart definitely did the right thing by deleting the post, though.

To be fair, Melissa Joan Hart has stirred up controversy before.

She leans conservative — she even costarred with Sadie Robertson of Duck Dynasty in the film, God’s Not Dead 2.

She also backed Gary Johnson in 2016, which … was arguably the least favorable year to be one of the celebrities endorsing a third-party candidate, considering the consequences.

But none of that is, like, dire stuff. She’s a far cry from James Woods or worse.

And again, her usual response to news of disasters is to link to charitable options and to offer up her prayers for the victims.

This was, we think, just a mildly insensitive post to update people on her life.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Rick Ross Apologizes for Misogynist Remarks About Not Hiring Female Artists

Rick Ross admits he made a mistake when he said he hadn’t signed female artists to his label because he’d “end up f***ing” them. Renzel issued an apology Wednesday, backpedaling from his comments on the ‘Breakfast Club’ this week. If you missed…


Rick Ross Apologizes for Misogynist Remarks About Not Hiring Female Artists

Rick Ross admits he made a mistake when he said he hadn’t signed female artists to his label because he’d “end up f***ing” them. Renzel issued an apology Wednesday, backpedaling from his comments on the ‘Breakfast Club’ this week. If you missed…


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Katy Perry Blasted for New Single with Migos Over Homophobic Remarks

Katy Perry’s getting slammed for her new single before anyone’s even heard it, because people aren’t cool with her co-stars on the track — Migos. Perry’s new song, “Bon Appetit,” will be released Friday, but the backlash has already begun when the…


Monday, January 30, 2017

Ashton Kutcher"s SAG Award Opening Remarks About "Muslim Ban"

Ashton Kutcher just set the tone for The SAG Awards … opening the show with a strong message about President Trump’s “Muslim ban.” Kutcher took the stage first at Sunday’s show by welcoming those in the audience, at home and “everyone in airports…


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Taylor Swift Under Fire for Women"s March Remarks!

Taylor Swift, more than any other popular celebrity, was extremely quiet during the 2016 presidential election.

Aside from one social media post on Election Day expressing the importance of voting, she didn’t say a word — and a lot of people have been upset with her for it.

Taylor is obviously one of the most influential celebrities today, and if she’d have been a little more outspoken about her political beliefs, some argue, it would have meant a lot to her fans.

Of course, that’s assuming she supported Hillary Clinton. If she supported Trump, speaking out about it would have essentially been career suicide.

But no matter who was Taylor’s pick for president, she obviously had no obligation to announce it.

And remember, it was years and years into Taylor’s career before she felt comfortable enough to call herself a feminist, and even then, she only did it when feminism became something of a trend.

All that is to say that Taylor’s never been one to loudly broadcast her political beliefs, especially if they’re even the slightest bit controversial.

And boy, is she paying for it now.

Yesterday, while hundreds of thousands of people all around the world were participating in the Women’s March — many of them celebrities — Taylor tweeted this:

“So much love, pride, and respect for those who marched. I’m proud to be a woman today, and every day.”

And immediately after she sent the tweet, people took issue with it.

“This is gross opportunism,” one person told her. “Be better.”

“As a fan of yours,” another person wrote, “this is some bullsh-t. You do not get to pick and choose when feminism benefits you.”

The same person added “If you were really for feminism you would have spoken up against Donald Trump instead of just saying to vote on Election Day.”

“You got a bad leg or something?” a follower hilariously pondered. “Why didn’t you March?”

One person pulled out all the stops and told Taylor to “Stop using feminism as a prop to fuel your fake girl power narrative/meticulously crafted PR persona.”

And that’s the issue: if Taylor truly was a feminist, these people believe that she should have been more vocal during the election, when it mattered the most.

It’s so easy to take ten seconds and send a tweet, but why wasn’t she spotted at any marches yesterday?

Rihanna and Katy Perry, two pop stars on Taylor’s level, managed to go out and support the cause they believe in, and there were no issues, no one caused a scene over seeing someone famous and stopped marching.

Did she tweet about the Women’s March because she sincerely had feelings about it, or for the likes?

It’s hard to say. But the point is that if Taylor really does feel so strongly about all this, there are a million things she could have done in the past several months to prove it.


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Susan Olsen, Former Brady Bunch Star, Fired for Homophobic Remarks

Susan Olsen looked like this as a child:


She was as cute as cute can be, rising to fame as Cindy Brady, the youngest daughter on iconic series The Brady Bunch.

But that was then.

This is now.

And there’s nothing cute or precious or appealing about the reason why Olsen is made major headlines today.

The former actress was fired from her job as a Los Angeles radio show co-host after she went on a lengthy, dirty, homophobic rant via Facebook.

The 55-year-old spoke with openly gay actor Leon Acord-Whiting as she helmed the segment “Two Chicks Talkin’ Politics” on Wednesday – and, following the show, Acord-Whiting took to social media accuse Olsen of spreading “outrageous misinformation.”

This is what he wrote on his Facebook page:

“It is wildly irresponsible for LA Talk Radio to allow a Trump fanatic to co-host one of their programs, where she can spew her idiotic lies unchecked.

“(Being a liberal and a patriot are mutually exclusive? Hillary is causing the protests & hate crimes? The Koran is a political tract?).”

These were topics discussed on air.

“As much as I love [cohost] Sheena Metal, I think LA Talk Radio needs to give ‘Cindy Brady’ her walking papers,” Acord-Whiting added.

“I will not listen to or appear on any shows there from this point forward until she’s gone. This isn’t just disagreeing on, say, tax plans or foreign policy.

“Susan Olsen spreads outrageous misinformation & it is dangerous and unprofessional.”

Olsen did not take kindly to this attack.

“This is the little piece of human waste,” she replied on her own Facebook page. “He blocked himself from me before I could even get one hit in. If you can find him, please send him my love.”

Olsen also blasted Acord-Whiting, in horrifying manner, via a private message.

Which the actor went ahead and shared with the world, writing as a caption:

And by now, your homophobic private message to me is being shared all over Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. So I don’t have to say another word. The world is seeing your true colors.

cindy b

As you can see, Olsen wrote the following to her new enemy:

Hey there little p–sy, let me get my big boy pants on and Reallly take you on!!! What a snake in the grass you are you lying piece of s–t too cowardly to confront me in real life so you do it on Facebook.

You are the biggest f—-t ass in the world the biggest p–sy! My D–k is bigger than yours Which ain’t sayin much! What a true piece of s–t you are! Lying f—-t! I hope you meet your karma SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY.

Ummm… YIKES!

That was the response of LA Talk Radio, which fired Olsen after this rant went viral and then wrote via state that it “takes pride in its close and collaborative relationship with the LGBT community.”

It added:

We “will continue to provide a home for those who have hopeful and positive messages of togetherness and tolerance to share with our listeners.

“We will not tolerate hateful speech by anyone associated with our radio station and have severed our ties with a host that veered off the direction in which we are going.”

We will never be able to watch Brady Bunch reruns the same way again.

We’re just glad Florence Henderson died before she had to learn what her former TV daughter thinks and it williny to say.
