Friday, October 6, 2017

Cam Newton Issues Lame Apology For Sexist Remarks

If you"re a sports fan, then by now you"ve probably heard about the bizarre scene that played out during a Carolina Panthers press conference earlier this week.

Charlotte Observer beat reporter Jourdan Rodrigue asked quarterback Cam Newton about the routes run by Panthers wide receiver Devin Funchess.

"It"s funny to hear a female talk about routes like," Newton replied. "It"s funny.""

Suffice it to say, no one else thought Newton"s sexist remark was all that funny, a fact that Rodrigue pointed out on Twitter after video of the incident went viral.

"I don"t think it"s "funny" to be a female and talk about routes. I think it"s my job," she later wrote on Twitter.

Rodrigue says she approached Newton after the exchange and the controversial QB made an even more offensive comment.

"I spoke with him after and it was worse. I chose not to share, because I have an actual job to do today and one he will not keep me from."

The backlash against Newton was swift and severe.

He lost endorsement deals and was justly roasted all across the social media landscape.

Last night, Newton issued a video apology, as required by the unwritten rules of celebrity scandal.

Unfortunately, it was a half-assed affair that resulted in further derision for the 28-year-old.

"If you were a person who took offense to what I said, I sincerely apologize," Newton said, making it clear that the problem is with the people who were offended, not with him.

“The fact that during this whole process I’ve already lost sponsors and countless fans, I realize that the joke is really on me,” Newton concluded.

Well, he"s right about that, at least.

Check out Newton"s full apology below:

Cam newton issues lame apology for sexist remarks