Friday, October 6, 2017

Pink: Dr. Luke is a Scumbag and I"m Glad He"s Getting Sued!

Back in 2014, Kesha accused songwriter and producer Dr. Luke (real name Lucasz Gottwald) of years of sexual abuse. Kesha’s long legal battle to extricate her career from his clutches prevented her from doing new music until very recently.

But Dr. Luke hasn’t gone anywhere, and Kesha isn’t the only person he’s worked with who doesn’t think much of him.

Pink is speaking out about Dr. Luke based upon their past work together, and she is not mincing words.

Kesha has described years of torment, alleging sexual abuse, verbal and emotional abuse, and disturbing and controlling behavior on Dr. Luke’s part.

Though Kesha withdrew one of her suits against Dr. Luke, she has another still in the works.

Most importantly, for Kesha’s well-being, is that she’s finally able to produce her own music again.

(Two friends of mine were at a Kesha concert earlier this week — and got glitter thrown on them by Kesha herself. Glitter doesn’t come out easily and one of those friends is an accountant, but 

A large number of celebrities, from Adele to Taylor Swift to Lady Gaga, have come out in support of Kesha. 

Other celebrities, like Kelly Clarkson, spoke extremely negatively about Dr. Luke, describing him based upon their own alleged experiences.

And now Pink has joined that latter group.

In the New York Times profile on Pink that was published yesterday, Pink spoke about Dr. Luke and Kesha’s accusations against him.

“I don’t know what happened.”

Well, Pink wasn’t there.

Though she could always just listen to Kesha’s firsthand account.

“But I know that regardless of whether or not Dr. Luke did that, this is his karma and he earned it because he’s not a good person.”


We’ve heard “Dr. Luke is innocent” from a few people, and of course “Dr. Luke totally did it,” but this might be the first instance of “honestly even if this is a false accusation, Dr. Luke sucks and deserves this.” Pink does not like this guy.

The two of them have collaborated in the past, but that’s clearly not a part of history that’s going to repeat itself.

“I have told him that to his face and I do not work with him.”

Pink has zero chill, you guys.

“He doesn’t do good business, he’s not a kind person, he doesn’t do the right thing when given ample opportunities to do so, and I don’t really feel that bad for him.”

That’s quite the indictment of … basically every aspect of his character.

Can we be totally honest for a moment?

We get that some people might be leery of saying “I believe that these charges are true,” simply out of fear of being sued by a man who is clearly very litigious and doesn’t seem to care what the world thinks of him.

(Seriously, Kesha’s legal battle received vocal support from Adele and got financial support from Taylor Swift at the height of Taylor’s popularity — any man with sense would have bowed out)

Even if a lawsuit like that would be on shaky ground, nobody likes being sued, right?

But Pink could say “I support Kesha.”

Like: “I don’t know what happened but I totally support Kesha.” That’s gotta be safe to say, right?

You don’t even have to like her music (though, honestly, you have two ears and a heart, don’t you?).

But it’s still heartwarming to hear people blasting Dr. Luke.

Pink is a very straightforward person, so we imagine that she just felt uncomfortable at the idea of speaking about something that she didn’t personally experience.

Her description of Dr. Luke matches up almost exactly with Kelly Clarkson’s, who said that she and Dr. Luke “clashed” and basically that he’s an all-around scumbag.

Many wonder when the scales will finally tip and Dr. Luke will just give up his fights and disappear from public life.

And, frankly, considering what he’s accused of, merely fading into obscurity while remaining extremely wealthy (his net worth is estimated to be in the low 9-digits) might be getting off easy.
