Showing posts with label Muslims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslims. Show all posts

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard SLAMMED for Remarks About Muslims!

The Dillards have gone and done it again!

And by “it,” of course we mean make offensive, horrific statements like it’s totally normal and not at all a problem.

It’s like they’re making a career out of being awful, which is convenient, considering that Derick caused the family their sweet, sweet reality show gig with his bizarre habit of making bigoted remarks about a teenage girl.

In addition to Derick’s continued harassment of Jazz Jennings, he’s been making hateful comments about the transgender community in general.

He’s also still begging Duggar fans for money, and then there’s more general weirdness, like the way he tried to announce that he hadn’t been fired from Counting On a month after the news broke that he had in fact been fired.

It’s all bad. Very bad.

And with this new update he and Jill shared on their blog … well, they’re not making things better.

The blog was a little update on their family, just in time for Christmas.

They opened things up with “We have had the privilege over the last few months to have many interactions with international students and their families!”

If you’re familiar with these people, you can probably tell where this is going already.

They wrote that they helped their church organize a “Thanksgiving dinner in an American home” event where different families welcomed a student from the University of Arkansas into their homes — the students were from “mostly Muslim families.”

“One of the Ph.D students from an Arab country brought her husband and child,” they recounted. “Her husband seems very open to the gospel and even said if they were going to be in the area he would’ve loved to visit our church!’

“We are praying for him as Derick and others continue to befriend him that God will save his soul.”

But Derick isn’t the only one working on converting the Muslim masses — “Jill and the boys have been able to be part of a weekly Arab ladies English class, with Muslim ladies from several different countries.”

“Every week the ladies meet at a friend’s home where they learn to make an American dish, eat together, then read a Bible story and discuss the English language.”

Sounds super.

Their adventures aren’t over yet though — they also wrote that while shopping on Black Friday, they “saw a couple ladies wearing burkas, so Jill stopped to ask them where they were from and invited them to the Bible study.”

“They came that week, and one of the ladies brought some traditional tea and treats to share. When asked if they had ever read a story from the Bible, both ladies said they had not.”

“We are praying that they will return to more Bible studies.”

As always, Jill promoted the blog post on her Instagram, and judging by the comments, the post was not well received.

“Wonderful,” one person commented. “I’m sure you’ve welcomed your new Muslim friends to share the Quran with you.”

“That comment about the Muslim families seems like more of a ‘look we are accepting people please donate‘ comment than a comment about loving everyone and accepting people from different faiths,” another speculated.

“People don’t need to be saved,” a commenter explained, “they need their beliefs to be respected. Approaching people while they are living their daily lives to try to convert them is deeply wrong.”

“Respect is a two way thing, Jill, and asking someone who is wearing a burka about the Bible is not respect and showing understanding, it’s moral imperialism.”

Someone called it “disgusting” that they “can’t just do a nice thing for people,” they “have to use it as an opportunity to convert them,” and another person told them “No one needs to be ‘saved’ but you two.”

And those are all very, very valid points.

How about this: in 2018, why don’t we just promise to do a little better, OK, Dillards? Just a little bit?

It would be hard to do any worse, that’s for sure.


Friday, July 28, 2017

Woman Goes on INSANE Racist Rant Against Muslims, Promptly Gets Fired

Look, we all know the world can be an ugly, awful, miserable place, full of hate and anger and just so many bad things.

But when you see it spewing all over the place in a Walmart parking lot in North Dakota, it still kind of takes your breath away, you know?

There"s been a horrific little video making the rounds lately of a white woman named Amber Hensley going off on three Somali women, and it"s … well, it"s alarming, to say the least.

As we said, it takes place outside of a Walmart in Fargo, North Dakota, with the Somali women sitting in their car and the white woman standing outside.

The video begins in the middle of an argument — one of the women in the car tells good ol" Amber that she"s "a racist person," and Amber replies that she"s "an American."

"What are you gonna do?" one of the ladies then asks her, and she gets up close to the window and says, with a crazy look in her eyes, "We"re going to kill you. We"re going to kill all of you f-cking Muslims."

Then, when they tell her they"re going to show the video with the threats to the police, she asks them "Do you think the police care?"

"Why are you in our country anyway?" she adds.

It"s just a really disgusting way for this woman to behave, and no matter what happened to cause the argument in the first place, her words are inexcusable.

But still, Amber is offering plenty of excuses.

In a statement she made to a local news station, this monster of a human said "I would first like to apologize for the horrible things I said to the two ladies at Walmart."

"It was not a Christian-like thing to do at all and wish I could take it back. I am terribly sorry."

But, she adds, if the entire conversation had been recorded, we would see that the altercation began because the women were parked too close to her car.

"When I asked her to move she refused," she claimed. "I asked her again and she swore at me calling me a fat bitch, to that I informed her I was a Christian and asked her if she knew who Jesus was."

The woman allegedly replied with "F-ck Jesus," and Amber said that "I lost it!"

"But," she admitted, "there are absolutely no excuses. I am in tears with regret and will take any form of punishment deemed fit."

And so far, she"s been punished by losing her job as a secretary for an accounting firm.

It"s just a depressing situation, because no matter what was said to Amber, nothing justifies the way she spoke to those women.

Watch the insane exchange in the video below:

Woman goes on insane racist rant against muslims promptly gets f

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Andy Cohen Thinks the World Is Crazy, Don"t Vilify Muslims (VIDEO)

Andy Cohen has a despairing view of our world … especially after the vandalism at a Jewish cemetery. Andy was at LAX Wednesday and expressed his disgust at the latest anti-Semitic act, but took solace in the fact a Muslim group stepped up to…


Jenna Jameson: Muslims are Evil Rapists, But the KKK is Fine!

It’s official: Jenna Jameson has lost it.

To be fair, we’re not all that convinced that she ever had it, but regardless, she’s looking especially unhinged right now.

Because right now, and for the past few days, Jenna has been ranting and raving about Muslims over on Twitter.

It sounds bad, right? And that’s because it really, really is.

It started, we think, with Jenna discussing “Muslim rape gangs,” which is apparently a thing she believes exists.

She went on a tangent about how Sweden is now “the rape capitol of the world” because “it opened its arms to these sharia loving psychos.”

She called Mark Ruffalo “just another virtue signaling half wit who knows nothing of the Jewish plight.”

When asked about Christian terrorists and why she insisted on reserving all her hate for Muslims, she argued that “I don’t see bands of Christian rape gangs.”

“Don’t shift the goal posts,” she wrote. “I am discussing the Muslim rape epidemic. But before you make the retarded Christian terrorist argument, fact check.”

It’s getting crazy, right? Like, bad crazy.

But hold on tight, friends, because we’ve barely gotten started yet.

Someone asked Jenna why she hates Muslims, and she responded with “I don’t ‘hate’ them … I disagree with absolutely everything they represent, and I am utterly unafraid to express my opinion.”

So at this point, Jenna’s on a roll, she’s probably thinking she’s killing it in that delusional mind of hers. She’s probably feeling so good about herself and her reasoning skills.

What better time to throw the actual KKK into the discussion?

Jenna asked “Do the ku klux klan follow a religion that orders the death of apostates? When was the last time we saw a klan member blow up infidels?”

That sounds an awful lot like a defense, right? And yes, the KKK might not “blow up infidels,” but they’ve always been pretty down with racism and violence and why do we even have to explain this?

She must have realized her mistake, because she added “Thank god they’ve been all but eradicated into obscurity … no thanks to the democrats who created them.”

Oh, Jenna.

We’re not going to touch the Democrats claim, but it’s interesting that she thanks they’ve been “all but eradicated” when they publicly marched the day Trump was elected.

But anyway, back to the Muslim bashing.

“I disagree with following an ideology that abuses women, kills gays, mutilates female children and murders apostates,” she wrote.

“Even moderate muslims believe homosexuality is a criminal offense, polygamy is the norm, women are considered animals. Shall I go on?”

When someone pointed out that many other religions believe homosexuality is a criminal offense, she argued “But Christians don’t believe in putting their heads on pikes.”

Jenna, bless her heart, also wrote “You can accuse me of many things, but being dumb isn’t one of them.”

What a wild, awful ride, huh? Who knew Jenna Jameson was such a bigoted ol’ loon?


Monday, December 21, 2015

Miss Puerto Rico: Suspended for Tweeting Really Horrible Stuff About Muslims

Good news, Steve Harvey:

You are actually not responsible for the most embarrassing beauty pageant-related scandal of the past few weeks.

On Sunday night, Harvey actually announced the WRONG winner of Miss Universe, apologizing profusely after initially claiming Miss Colombia took home the crown when, in actuality, Miss Philippines came out on top.

That was quite the snafu.

But now consider the actions of Miss Puerto Rico 2015, Destiny Velez.

She has been suspended indefinitely by the Miss America Organization after she sent out numerous anti-Muslim comments on Twitter.

It all started as a response to Michael Moore’s protests in front of Trump Tower in New York City last week, during which the liberal movie director held up signs that read: “We are all Muslim.”

The beauty queen took to her Twitter page (which has since been deactivated) and spewed a slew of incendiary thoughts in reply.

To wit:

  • Muslims use our constitution to terrorize USA & plant gas stations.

  • All what Muslims have done is provided oil & terrorize this country & many others!!!!!! There’s NO comparison between Jews, Christians & Muslims. Jews nor Christians have terrorizing agendas in their sacred books.

  • Mexicans, Arabs, Jews & anything in between aren’t the same thing. All they do is build their mosques, feel offended by American values and terrorize innocent Americans and plant gas stations … and get guns and kills innocent ppl and destroy precious artifacts.

​Yeah. Really not cool.

The Miss Puerto Rico Organization then released a statement onia Facebook over the weekend about Velez’s remarks, saying it “will not tolerate any actions or behavior contrary to the Miss Puerto Rico Organization” and adding that it “apologizes for the distress that Miss Velez’s actions and conduct may have caused.”

Velez then issued her own Mea Culpa, writing:

I apologize to the people I have offended with my words. I am first and foremost an #UpStander and as such I stand up against bullying.

The last thing I wanted to do was to bully anyone. Again, I apologize to anyone who felt offended with my word.

We hear, however, that Donald Trump hired her to be his spokesperson.

Just kidding.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What Did Donald Trump Say Now About Muslims?!?

Are the presses even worth stopping at this point when Donald Trump says something offensive?

Probably not, but it"s still worth noting when the leading Republican nominee for President managed to insult both women (his specialty!) and Muslims (his other specialty… along with immigrants) all at once.

During an event in Atkinson, New Hampshire on Monday, October, 26, the real state mogul and former reality star spoke out in regard to unnamed Republican’s suggestion that we fight to free women from having to wear burqas.

He response started as rambling… and then became insulting.

“We want it where the women over there don’t have to wear [burqas]. And then I said, ‘Oh that makes sense.’ But then I saw women interviewed and they said, ‘We want to wear them. We’ve worn them for thousands of years. Why would anybody tell us not to?’” Trump said, addressing the crowd.

“They want to! What the hell are we getting involved for?”

Trump, who was recently endorsed by Mike Tyson, went on to say that Muslim females like to wear the religious garment because “it’s easy.”

How so?

“They don’t have to put on makeup,” he said. “Look how beautiful everyone looks. Wouldn’t it be easier? I’ll tell ya, if I was a woman [mimes putting on burqa with his hand] ‘I’m ready, darling, let’s go!’”

Do we even need to explain this is offensive? No? Okay, good.

Do we need to act like we"re surprised Trump said it? We really shouldn"t at this point, we suppose.

Donald trump makes offensive muslim comments dot dot dot again