Showing posts with label Horrible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horrible. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 20 Recap: You"re a Horrible Person!

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 20 saw Bethenny spill news about Tom that absolutely devastated Luann.

Absolutely devastated her.

Picking up where last week left off, The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 20 closed out the season with a bang.

Luann de Lesseps learned, via Bethenny Frankel, that her fiancé was making out with another woman, and man alive did s–t hit the fan.

First she was all like “I think I’m gonna vomit… I feel like somebody stabbed me in the chest. This is my worst nightmare.”

Then she was like “I’m not going to let a kiss ruin my life.”

In the span of like a week. Standard turnaround.

In Miami, Bethenny came clean and told Luann that she informed Ramona Singer and Carole Radziwill about those pictures of Tom.

Dorinda Medley and Jules Wainstein remained in the dark, however, at the start of The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 20.

The weirdest part, or maybe not given who we’re talking about, was that Luann seemed more concerned with how this made her look.

Rather than, you know, the actual betrayal.

Bethenny revealed she called the Regency, pretended to be the girl Tom was making out with, and did all she could to confirm the story.

Because that’s not weird at all.

At first, Luann appreciated this, but later, decided it was not Bethenny’s place to do the detective work, while Ramona made it all about her.

Totally shocking, we know.

Later, Tom and Luann returned to the Regency, the scene of the makeout crime, where he asked Dorinda to “take a bullet” for Luann.

We’ll have to watch The Real Housewives of New York City online during the three-part reunion to get a full explanation of that comment.

Eventually, they hashed everything out.

“We talked about a stupid kiss…I could clearly see he was devastated. Tom told me that this kiss meant nothing,” Luann said.

He said he ran into a woman he had not seen in a while and she was ready “willing and able to be there for him and Tom fell into her clutches.”

So that’s it then? Apparently yes.

“We truly love each other,” Luann said. “Of course I’m devastated and shocked by the situation; I’m not going to let a silly kiss ruin my life.”

“Who doesn’t make mistakes?”

The ladies assembled at a Skinnygirl party thrown by Bethenny, who sought to put the matter to bed (sort of) with an impassioned speech:

“We have had men die on us, cheat on us, steal from us and we’re still standing. Here’s to the empowerment of women. I love you all.”

And that’s all there is to it.

“These women force you to grow. There’s no doubt about it,” Dorinda said about the women who comprise the craziest cast on Bravo.

Amen to that.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Rob Kardashian: Producers Call Him Boring, Whiny, Horrible Dresser!!!

Anyone with eyes and ears could have told E! not to buy Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna’s six-episode reality show, Rob & Chyna​ for the simple fact that Kardashian isn’t someone appears comfortable on camera.

And while his whirlwind courtship with Chyna has made for wonderful tabloid fodder, it’s becoming painfully obvious that the show will be a bust.

Unsurprisingly, production source are telling OK! Magazine that Chyna is emerging as the series’ “real star,” while Kardashian is “totally boring and whiny.”  

The source added that the series is really “all about her.”

Kardashian’s discomfort at being back in the spotlight is apparent.  He allegedly doesn’t hide the fact that he’s not happy.

“He’s clueless. Chyna is TV gold and Rob is a dud,” the source pointed out.

What’s worse is that producers are asking Kardashian to clean up his overall image so that he can appeal to a wider audience.  They’ve reportedly asked him to “dress better and to stop talking in a phony street accent but he doesn’t get it.”

It’s true.  Kardashian’s attempts to acting thug 24/7 are doing him no favors, given that viewers know exactly where he grew up (hint: not Compton).

Now that the honeymoon phase for lovebirds seems to be over, it’s anyone’s guess as to whether or not this series will produce the kind of love story that E! had promised when the filming for the show was announced on June 1st.

“Very few love stories have created as much pop culture buzz as Rob and Chyna’s, and we are thrilled to see Rob in such a happy place,” a statement from the network’s EVP of Original Programming & Development, Jeff Olde read.

“We are excited to share the next chapter in their relationship.”

Just a few weeks ago, Kardashian deleted all of his Instagrams after fighting with Chyna while filming because he was feeling neglected.  

Earlier today, TMZ reported that Kardashian resents the cameras because he believes Keeping Up With The Kardashians “destroyed” his family, and he fears that this new reality show will do the same to his relationship with Chyna.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Justin Bieber Was a HORRIBLE Child, Says Former Neighbor

Why does this not surprise us?

As a young adult, Justin Bieber has displayed d-bag behavior on many occasions, but now a former neighbor is saying he’s just acting out his old childhood tendencies.

The neighbor, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of attack from Justin’s fans (we don’t blame her, those Beliebers are ruthless), called out many instances of how a young Justin made her life a nightmare back when he lived in a detached home in Ontario, Canada. 

“There’s nothing good I can say about him,” said the neighbor. “I’m just so glad he is gone.”

“He was always throwing pears into our pool,” she continued. He’d scare our cat. We used to phone other locals when he was out saying, ‘Be careful, Justin is outside."” 

But that’s not all the little hellion got into. The neighbor said the Biebs also loved to ding-dong ditch residents in a local apartment complex and trampled her plants while playing basketball and hockey on her lawn.

Oh, and here’s a cute little antic that may sound familiar:

“My house was egged three times by that kid,” she alleged.

Guess the little white spheres of destruction are a fascination for Justin, who famously egged his neighbor’s house in Calabasas less than two years ago.

“His mom couldn’t really control him,” added the neighbor, who said there was never an apology. “She had the brain of a ten year old.”

“He’d make our life a misery,” she continued, adding, “I hope he never comes back.”

Monday, February 1, 2016

Farrah Abraham Fights With Yet Another Celeb, Remains Horrible

Back in September, Farrah Abraham was one of the contestants on Celebrity Big Brother.  

For those tuning in to this season of Teen Mom OG, Abraham keeps talking about her “business trip” overseas, making it sound like she heading out of state to broker deals.

Not so much. 

She actually took part in a cheesy reality show that pitted her against model Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace, and things came to a blow when the two women filmed Celebrity Big Brother Bit on the Side.

Abraham was answering a question about anger management when Horgan-Wallace interrupted her.

“Hag, be quiet” Abraham said to the model.  “Hag, be quite.”

A fuming Horgan-Wallace then threw her champagne glass at Abraham, and the cameras immediately stopped rolling.

Chairs were thrown, someone was sent to the hospital, and a case was opened to investigate the champagne glass that started it all.

Now, the Crown Prosecution Service has issued a verdict on the investigation, according to the Daily Mirror, stating that there was not enough evidence to prosecute Horgan-Wallace.

The model then took to Twitter to celebrate, while simultaneously slamming Abraham (who retaliated):

Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace Takes a Twitter Swing at Farrah Abraham

Farrah Abraham Fights With Fellow

Farrah Abraham Fights With Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace

Before the fight broke out, Horgan-wallace was asked if she would miss Abraham in the Big Brother House.


“She was just horrible. She never took accountability for anything she did. She’s a silly little girl, it’s just pathetic. She’s just nasty.

It’s one thing standing up for yourself and being a strong woman and it’s one thing being a nasty horrible bitch, “Horgan-Wallace said as she sat directly across from Abraham.

“You’ve got your cheque, you’ve had your cheque now get on the plane and f*** off.”

Monday, December 21, 2015

Miss Puerto Rico: Suspended for Tweeting Really Horrible Stuff About Muslims

Good news, Steve Harvey:

You are actually not responsible for the most embarrassing beauty pageant-related scandal of the past few weeks.

On Sunday night, Harvey actually announced the WRONG winner of Miss Universe, apologizing profusely after initially claiming Miss Colombia took home the crown when, in actuality, Miss Philippines came out on top.

That was quite the snafu.

But now consider the actions of Miss Puerto Rico 2015, Destiny Velez.

She has been suspended indefinitely by the Miss America Organization after she sent out numerous anti-Muslim comments on Twitter.

It all started as a response to Michael Moore’s protests in front of Trump Tower in New York City last week, during which the liberal movie director held up signs that read: “We are all Muslim.”

The beauty queen took to her Twitter page (which has since been deactivated) and spewed a slew of incendiary thoughts in reply.

To wit:

  • Muslims use our constitution to terrorize USA & plant gas stations.

  • All what Muslims have done is provided oil & terrorize this country & many others!!!!!! There’s NO comparison between Jews, Christians & Muslims. Jews nor Christians have terrorizing agendas in their sacred books.

  • Mexicans, Arabs, Jews & anything in between aren’t the same thing. All they do is build their mosques, feel offended by American values and terrorize innocent Americans and plant gas stations … and get guns and kills innocent ppl and destroy precious artifacts.

​Yeah. Really not cool.

The Miss Puerto Rico Organization then released a statement onia Facebook over the weekend about Velez’s remarks, saying it “will not tolerate any actions or behavior contrary to the Miss Puerto Rico Organization” and adding that it “apologizes for the distress that Miss Velez’s actions and conduct may have caused.”

Velez then issued her own Mea Culpa, writing:

I apologize to the people I have offended with my words. I am first and foremost an #UpStander and as such I stand up against bullying.

The last thing I wanted to do was to bully anyone. Again, I apologize to anyone who felt offended with my word.

We hear, however, that Donald Trump hired her to be his spokesperson.

Just kidding.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Kylie Jenner Waist Trains, Sets Horrible Example

Kylie Jenner has managed to keep her clothes on for a new Instagram photo.

And yet is still may be the most inappropriate Kylie Jenner picture we’ve seen on that social media account yet.

Just like her half-sisters before her, Kylie has gone ahead and joined the waist training craze, shilling online for an utterly ridiculous product that has no benefits whatsoever.

“around my house before I go out wearing none other than @premadonna87 @waistgangsociety,” Jenner wrote as a caption to this image, adding:

“I love how easy these are. If you are looking to get a snatched waist or a little help with your posture go to”

And this is where we feel the need to interject and explain that a waist trainer does absolutely nothing.

You will not lose any weight with it. You will simply lose money out of your bank account by paying for a useless apparatus.

Considering all the different ways in which members of this family can (and do!) rake in the dough, it remains baffling and disappointing that they continue to set such a poor example by advertising for this corset.

Here’s a look at Kim Kardashian and kompany posing for photos while waist training like the total sell-outs they are: