Monday, December 21, 2015

Miss Puerto Rico: Suspended for Tweeting Really Horrible Stuff About Muslims

Good news, Steve Harvey:

You are actually not responsible for the most embarrassing beauty pageant-related scandal of the past few weeks.

On Sunday night, Harvey actually announced the WRONG winner of Miss Universe, apologizing profusely after initially claiming Miss Colombia took home the crown when, in actuality, Miss Philippines came out on top.

That was quite the snafu.

But now consider the actions of Miss Puerto Rico 2015, Destiny Velez.

She has been suspended indefinitely by the Miss America Organization after she sent out numerous anti-Muslim comments on Twitter.

It all started as a response to Michael Moore’s protests in front of Trump Tower in New York City last week, during which the liberal movie director held up signs that read: “We are all Muslim.”

The beauty queen took to her Twitter page (which has since been deactivated) and spewed a slew of incendiary thoughts in reply.

To wit:

  • Muslims use our constitution to terrorize USA & plant gas stations.

  • All what Muslims have done is provided oil & terrorize this country & many others!!!!!! There’s NO comparison between Jews, Christians & Muslims. Jews nor Christians have terrorizing agendas in their sacred books.

  • Mexicans, Arabs, Jews & anything in between aren’t the same thing. All they do is build their mosques, feel offended by American values and terrorize innocent Americans and plant gas stations … and get guns and kills innocent ppl and destroy precious artifacts.

​Yeah. Really not cool.

The Miss Puerto Rico Organization then released a statement onia Facebook over the weekend about Velez’s remarks, saying it “will not tolerate any actions or behavior contrary to the Miss Puerto Rico Organization” and adding that it “apologizes for the distress that Miss Velez’s actions and conduct may have caused.”

Velez then issued her own Mea Culpa, writing:

I apologize to the people I have offended with my words. I am first and foremost an #UpStander and as such I stand up against bullying.

The last thing I wanted to do was to bully anyone. Again, I apologize to anyone who felt offended with my word.

We hear, however, that Donald Trump hired her to be his spokesperson.

Just kidding.