Monday, December 21, 2015

Teresa Giudice: Maybe Prison Will Make Joe a Better Husband!

After almost a year behind bars, Teresa Giudice will be released from prison later this week. Of course, that won’t be the end of her family’s struggles.

Joe Giudice has been sentenced to 41 months in jail for his role in the same bankruptcy fraud scheme that brought Teresa down.

Joe will begin serving his sentence some time after Teresa finishes her time in a halfway house, and while we’re sure she’s not looking forward to raising four young girls on her own, Teresa isn’t as upset about life without Joe as you might think.

Several times in the past year, rumors about Joe cheating on Teresa have circulated online, and Teresa has reportedly ignored them each time, even as it became more and more apparent that her husband was being unfaithful.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Teresa will not divorce Joe when she gets out of prison, but she is hoping that the federal prison system will make him a better husband and father.

“She will never file for divorce,” an insider tells the website. “They’ll never get divorced.

“She knows that he is not perfect. She’s not perfect either — she says nobody is perfect — but her hope is that even though he is going away, there is a silver lining that he will have some time like she did to reflect on the mistakes they’ve made and to work on himself to become a better person.”

According to the insider, Teresa is hoping that Joe’s sentence “will really give him time to work on himself like she worked on herself, so that hopefully with the children and with her, going through all of that with them together as a family, it will make them stronger. She’s coming out with a new perspective on life and her hope is so will he.”

Yes, Teresa’s marriage has reached the point where prison time for her husband has become last, best hope. And you thought sleeping on the couch was bad!