Showing posts with label Dresser. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dresser. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2-Year Old Plays Hero, Lifts Fallen Dresser Off Twin

Many two-year olds out there like to dress up as superheroes.

But Brock Shoff just took on the role of an actual superhero.

And he may have saved his twin brother’s life in the process.

In incredible nanny cam footage that has gone viral, we see Brock and his sibling, Bowdy. They’re playing on a dresser in their bedroom.

According Kayli Shoff, the boys’ mother, she and her husband didn"t hear any kind of sound from their baby monitor. They had no idea that tragedy nearly struck until they watched the video below for themselves.

“I usually hear everything. We didn’t hear a cry, we didn’t hear a big thud,” Kayli told an NBC affiliate in Utah.

“So we woke up, looked at the camera like, ‘What’s going on? Are they still sleeping?’ and we saw [the dresser] was all the way down."

But Kayli didn"t notice that Broce was actually trapped under the dresser.

Fortunately, Bowdy not only saw what had happened to his brother, but he managed to push the large piece of furniture right up and off of him.

Pretty incredible for a two-year old.

They do say that true love can give you moments of incredible, almost unexplainable strength.

“We are so grateful for the bond that these twin brothers share," wrote their dad on Facebook. "We know Bowdy was not alone in moving the dresser off of Brock. And feel blessed that he is ok."

Kayli then said that she hopes this harrowing incident and can serve as a lesson.

"Everybody needs to bolt down their dressers to the wall. I mean, we just didn’t think about it,” she said.

“Accidents are going to happen, but we want to spread awareness to this one accident that happened and hope that it doesn’t happen to any other family."


2 year old plays hero lifts fallen dresser off twin

Monday, August 8, 2016

Rob Kardashian: Producers Call Him Boring, Whiny, Horrible Dresser!!!

Anyone with eyes and ears could have told E! not to buy Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna’s six-episode reality show, Rob & Chyna​ for the simple fact that Kardashian isn’t someone appears comfortable on camera.

And while his whirlwind courtship with Chyna has made for wonderful tabloid fodder, it’s becoming painfully obvious that the show will be a bust.

Unsurprisingly, production source are telling OK! Magazine that Chyna is emerging as the series’ “real star,” while Kardashian is “totally boring and whiny.”  

The source added that the series is really “all about her.”

Kardashian’s discomfort at being back in the spotlight is apparent.  He allegedly doesn’t hide the fact that he’s not happy.

“He’s clueless. Chyna is TV gold and Rob is a dud,” the source pointed out.

What’s worse is that producers are asking Kardashian to clean up his overall image so that he can appeal to a wider audience.  They’ve reportedly asked him to “dress better and to stop talking in a phony street accent but he doesn’t get it.”

It’s true.  Kardashian’s attempts to acting thug 24/7 are doing him no favors, given that viewers know exactly where he grew up (hint: not Compton).

Now that the honeymoon phase for lovebirds seems to be over, it’s anyone’s guess as to whether or not this series will produce the kind of love story that E! had promised when the filming for the show was announced on June 1st.

“Very few love stories have created as much pop culture buzz as Rob and Chyna’s, and we are thrilled to see Rob in such a happy place,” a statement from the network’s EVP of Original Programming & Development, Jeff Olde read.

“We are excited to share the next chapter in their relationship.”

Just a few weeks ago, Kardashian deleted all of his Instagrams after fighting with Chyna while filming because he was feeling neglected.  

Earlier today, TMZ reported that Kardashian resents the cameras because he believes Keeping Up With The Kardashians “destroyed” his family, and he fears that this new reality show will do the same to his relationship with Chyna.