Showing posts with label Fallen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fallen. Show all posts

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Andy Dick"s Wife Gets Restraining Order, Claims He"s Fallen Off the Wagon and Violent

Andy Dick is drinking heavily again and lashing out at his family … according to his wife, who’s now getting court-ordered protection from him. Lina Sved — the mother of 2 of his children — and she says 2 weeks ago she found him at home…


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

President Trump"s Mission to Honor Fallen Marine

President Trump bolted from the White House Wednesday afternoon aboard Marine One to make a trip that was unannounced, and shocked the Press Corps — but turns out it’s be a very somber occasion. The President was with Ivanka Trump when he…


Friday, January 13, 2017

Uma Thurman to the Rescue of Fallen Photographer (VIDEO)

Uma Thurman’s custody hearing with her ex-fiance got off to a rocky start … for the paparazzo trying to shoot her as she walked into court. The video’s pretty hilarious for everyone but the guy who went down … hard. To her credit, Uma didn’t…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2-Year Old Plays Hero, Lifts Fallen Dresser Off Twin

Many two-year olds out there like to dress up as superheroes.

But Brock Shoff just took on the role of an actual superhero.

And he may have saved his twin brother’s life in the process.

In incredible nanny cam footage that has gone viral, we see Brock and his sibling, Bowdy. They’re playing on a dresser in their bedroom.

According Kayli Shoff, the boys’ mother, she and her husband didn"t hear any kind of sound from their baby monitor. They had no idea that tragedy nearly struck until they watched the video below for themselves.

“I usually hear everything. We didn’t hear a cry, we didn’t hear a big thud,” Kayli told an NBC affiliate in Utah.

“So we woke up, looked at the camera like, ‘What’s going on? Are they still sleeping?’ and we saw [the dresser] was all the way down."

But Kayli didn"t notice that Broce was actually trapped under the dresser.

Fortunately, Bowdy not only saw what had happened to his brother, but he managed to push the large piece of furniture right up and off of him.

Pretty incredible for a two-year old.

They do say that true love can give you moments of incredible, almost unexplainable strength.

“We are so grateful for the bond that these twin brothers share," wrote their dad on Facebook. "We know Bowdy was not alone in moving the dresser off of Brock. And feel blessed that he is ok."

Kayli then said that she hopes this harrowing incident and can serve as a lesson.

"Everybody needs to bolt down their dressers to the wall. I mean, we just didn’t think about it,” she said.

“Accidents are going to happen, but we want to spread awareness to this one accident that happened and hope that it doesn’t happen to any other family."


2 year old plays hero lifts fallen dresser off twin

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Chapecoense Plane Crash -- Massive Stadium Tribute ... To Fallen Soccer Stars (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

Thousands of emotional fans packed the Arena Conda stadium in Chapeco, Brazil Wednesday night to pay tribute to the soccer players killed in the Colombia plane crash … with flags, drums and fireworks.  71 people were killed — including most…


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Sofia Richie Taunts Fallen Paparazzi

Upon turning 18 years old on Wednesday, Sofia Richie was given an unexpected birthday present:

The emotional pain of those who follow her around on a daily basis and snap her picture.

According to Entertainment Tonight, Richie was celebrating her milestone birthday with some friends at The Nice Guy in Los Angeles.

That’s a club that Justin Bieber has been know to frequent, although it doesn’t appear as if Richie’s famous new boyfriend was with her yesterday evening.

Many photographers were on the scene, however, and witnesses say a group of them tripped and toppled over while trying to get a snapshot of the teenage model.

Did Richie lend a hand and try to help them up?

Please. Of course not!

Donning a white crop top and ripped jeans, Richie shouted at the paparazzi members instead, laughing over their misfortune.

It’s pretty hard to blame her for having such a response, isn’t it?

These are people who make their living by essentially stalking celebrities, frequently invading their privacy.

It’s hard to garner much sympathy for them, especially when we’re just talking here about a little fall.

Richie, of course, has been thrust into the news over the past few weeks.

She just started dating Bieber last month it seems, but the relationship has grown very serious.

Both the singer and the model posted a number of photos from their recent trip to Tokyo together, drawing the ire of overly-passionate (and misguided) Beliebers in the process.

Many of these fans taunted and threatened Richie, prompting Bieber to tell them to shut the heck up… or he’d make his Instagram account private.

After Selena Gomez commented that Bieber should not blame his fans and should keep his private life to himself, Bieber went ahead and actually deleted his social media account.

It was a major blow to teenage women everywhere.

The backlash, meanwhile, has not slowed Bieber and Richie down. Not one bit.

They are still together and they still seem very happy as a couple.

The day before her birthday night out, Richie was spotted at RAWkin’ Juice with the Biebs.

“He was very engaging with her the whole time, he was very attentive. They were the cutest little couple, there with a bodyguard,” an eyewitness told ET.

“You could just tell they were a couple and he seemed to really care about her.”

Hear that, so-called Justin Bieber fans?

If you care about this singer, and you care about his happiness, this says it all.

He cares about Sofia Richie. So you should welcome her with open Internet arms.

We know it’s hard to see Bieber with someone else, but did you really think he would end up with you?

This may be a good time for a dose of reality if so. He’s found someone who makes him happy. We should all be that lucky, shouldn’t we?

So here’s to an 18-year old Sofia Richie.

We send her some hearty birthday wishes and, when it comes to fallen paparazzi members, we also add:


Monday, April 25, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1 Recap: Fallen Snow

Jon’s lifeless corpse in the bloodied snow and his direwolf, Ghost, howling desperately in a lonely cage. 

There’s no more potent way that Game of Thrones could’ve opened its sixth season, and no doubt fans were pleased to see that the creators would be following up on last season’s most hotly-debated scene right off the bat. 

And surely almost as many felt that their theories about Jon’s resurrection were confirmed the moment the otherworldly Melisandre arrived to grieve his passing.

More on that later.

Things are generally a mess at Castle Black, as Thorne attempts to justify Jon’s murder, while Ser Davos and his band of rogues guard his corpse.

We won’t believe he’s really gone for good until he’s six feet under.

From there, we switch to a death that was considerably less mourned by viewers, with Ramsay grieving Myranda, who was tossed from a tower by Reek in the Season 5 finale.

Roose Bolton then reminds us that Stannis is also dead, but there’s reason to believe otherwise, (In Westeros, no one is really dead until you see a corpse. Even then…)

The unlikely duo of Reek and Sansa ford an icy river (Hey, at least he doesn’t have to worry about his junk getting cold!) to escape Ramsay’s hounds, and for a moment, it looks as though their escape efforts will be short-lived.

With Bolton soldiers on their tail, Reek instructs Sansa to go find Jon at Castle Black, and one gets the feeling that all of the show’s storylines are beginning to intersect in a way that screams endgame.

That feeling is underscored moments later when Brienne and Pod come to Sansa’s rescue in the episode’s most rousing action scene.

In case you’d forgotten just how many characters didn’t survive Season 5, Jaimie returns from Dorne short one daughter.

Thankfully, we’re spared another distressingly rape-y post-death sex scene as he attempts to console Cersei.

The news of her daughter’s death prompts a heart-wrenching soliloquy from the defeated former queen that proves this show really can make any character sympathetic.

What might be even more impressive is that the writers have managed to make Dorne interesting with the assassinations of Doran and Trystane Martell. Fortunately, the action doesn’t linger in the sun-soaked south for long.

With the sort of jarring shift in tone and locale that defined this episode, we then head to Meereen, where Tyrion and Varys are still making their case for a spinoff buddy sitcom.

Meanwhile, Jorah and Daario were also bouncing insults off one another (It was all about odd couples last night!) as the hunt for the missing Khaleesi progressed with surprising speed.

No complaints on that score, as we don’t want to see these two doing their Holmes and Watson routine all season, do we?

From there, we get updates on Daenerys and Arya who are both doing about as well one would expect for a captured queen and a blind beggar.

More interesting is the episode-ending revelation about Melisandre.

Apparently, when she removes her color-changing mood choker, the sexy redhead transforms into the naked old lady from The Shining. Who knew?

Anyway, she never brought Jon back to life, but considering he’s still above ground, and Davos and company are rather heavy-handedly guarding his body, you can bet that’ll happen soon.

All-in-all, the episode had the feeling of an hourlong recap (Daenerys even reminded us how many nicknames she has!), which might have been unavoidable considering how much happened at the end of last season.

The show is at its best when it doesn’t feel the need to bring us up to speed on every character, but at least in “The Red Lady” it effectively reminded us of the ways in which their stories are intertwined, and inched however incrementally toward their inevitable conclusion.

It was a table-setting episode of GoT, but an occasionally thrilling one, nonetheless.

Watch Game of Thrones online to get caught up in time for next week.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer: How the Mighty Have Fallen!

We received a brief teaser glimpse of Game of Thrones Season 6 back in December but now the first full trailer is here to whet your appetite for the April 24 premiere, and it"s got us hungrier than Ramsay Bolton in front of a plateful of of pork sausage.

We are so, so sorry for that analogy.

Anyway, the clip opens on the image of Jon Snow…lying dead in the snow.

Maybe Kit Harington wasn"t lying when he said he"s definitely done with the show. (Just kidding, he"s totally full of it.)

From there we see Daenerys reduced to the level of a commoner amongst a tribe of wandering Dothraki after being captured at the end of last season.

The High Sparrow, sounding very much like the Bernie Sanders of Westeros, tells someone off-screen, :Everyone of us is poor, impoverished, yet we have the power to overthrow an empire."

Tyrion ominously warns of the dangers of playing "the great game," and a vengeful Cersei declares, "I choose violence," which after the way she was kicked around last season, should surprise absolutely no one.

The whole thing plays out over a stripped-down cover of Chris Isaak"s "Wicked Games," yet somehow isn"t incredibly corny corny.

Watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to remind yourself of everything that"s gone down in the Seven Kingdoms to bring us to this moment.

Game of thrones season 6 trailer how the mighty have fallen

Friday, October 2, 2015

13 Celebrity Friendships That Have Fallen Apart

Not all celebrity friendships are built to last.

Just like regular people, stars sometimes grow apart… and/or have a major blowup that ruins a once-tight relationship.

It happens to all of us. And it happened to the following pairs of very famous people:

1. Heidi Montag and Lauren Conrad

Heidi montag and lauren conrad

Was this best friendship ever real? Or was it as fake as the series on which they once starred, The Hills? We may never know. But we do know that when one half (Heidi) makes up a sex tape rumor about the other half (LC), the odds of a friendship lasting are not strong.

2. Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus

Demi lovato and miley cyrus

Lovato admitted in a 2014 interview with Entertainment Tonight that she and Miley are now “acquaintances” at best. How come? “People change,” she says, and it’s true: While Cyrus goes around smoking lots of pot, Lovato is committed to a drug-free lifestyle.

3. Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna

Gwyneth paltrow and madonna

When was the last time you saw Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna together? Exactly. One source blamed this split on Paltrow being “jealous and competitive,” while the entire world saw Madonna ignore the actress at the 2013 MET Gala.

4. Denise Richards and Heather Locklear

Denise richards and heather locklear

Denise Richards and Heather Locklear were very close. Until, that is, Richards started dating Locklear’s ex-husband, Richie Sambora. It so often comes down to a man, doesn’t it?

5. Katy Perry and Taylor Swift

Katy perry and taylor swift

At this point, it seems impossible to believe Katy Perry and Taylor Swift were once close. They have grown into bitter enemies, allegedly because Swift thinks Perry stole one of her backup dancers.

6. Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton

Kim kardashian and paris hilton

They haven’t just both released sex tapes. Kim used to be Paris’ best friend and personal assistant! But now Kardashian has shot past Hilton in terms of wealth and fame and they haven’t hung out in years.

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