Thursday, August 25, 2016

Sofia Richie Taunts Fallen Paparazzi

Upon turning 18 years old on Wednesday, Sofia Richie was given an unexpected birthday present:

The emotional pain of those who follow her around on a daily basis and snap her picture.

According to Entertainment Tonight, Richie was celebrating her milestone birthday with some friends at The Nice Guy in Los Angeles.

That’s a club that Justin Bieber has been know to frequent, although it doesn’t appear as if Richie’s famous new boyfriend was with her yesterday evening.

Many photographers were on the scene, however, and witnesses say a group of them tripped and toppled over while trying to get a snapshot of the teenage model.

Did Richie lend a hand and try to help them up?

Please. Of course not!

Donning a white crop top and ripped jeans, Richie shouted at the paparazzi members instead, laughing over their misfortune.

It’s pretty hard to blame her for having such a response, isn’t it?

These are people who make their living by essentially stalking celebrities, frequently invading their privacy.

It’s hard to garner much sympathy for them, especially when we’re just talking here about a little fall.

Richie, of course, has been thrust into the news over the past few weeks.

She just started dating Bieber last month it seems, but the relationship has grown very serious.

Both the singer and the model posted a number of photos from their recent trip to Tokyo together, drawing the ire of overly-passionate (and misguided) Beliebers in the process.

Many of these fans taunted and threatened Richie, prompting Bieber to tell them to shut the heck up… or he’d make his Instagram account private.

After Selena Gomez commented that Bieber should not blame his fans and should keep his private life to himself, Bieber went ahead and actually deleted his social media account.

It was a major blow to teenage women everywhere.

The backlash, meanwhile, has not slowed Bieber and Richie down. Not one bit.

They are still together and they still seem very happy as a couple.

The day before her birthday night out, Richie was spotted at RAWkin’ Juice with the Biebs.

“He was very engaging with her the whole time, he was very attentive. They were the cutest little couple, there with a bodyguard,” an eyewitness told ET.

“You could just tell they were a couple and he seemed to really care about her.”

Hear that, so-called Justin Bieber fans?

If you care about this singer, and you care about his happiness, this says it all.

He cares about Sofia Richie. So you should welcome her with open Internet arms.

We know it’s hard to see Bieber with someone else, but did you really think he would end up with you?

This may be a good time for a dose of reality if so. He’s found someone who makes him happy. We should all be that lucky, shouldn’t we?

So here’s to an 18-year old Sofia Richie.

We send her some hearty birthday wishes and, when it comes to fallen paparazzi members, we also add: